Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021

i am like sattar beheshti melchior race and ahmadinejad gang says in solidarity with austro fascism and israel jews: you are old jews, you are alon race, there was no zarathustra, jeroboams was also jews

For years the mother of sattar beheshti has been complaining: why did you kill my son sattar ?, dear Mrs. eheshti, your elami vmat2 son was a financial project in the torture chamber, we are confronted with animals in america, israel and europe، fucking austria, which turn torture into financial projects . That's it

what use was the Aryan being of vienna and the amiri family for the world? especially azadeh amiri? unless there is a race like the 18th century and you can get rich by doing stasi work

this is the mayan calendar, there are only a few humans left. The Austrian state secretly switches cameras on innocent humans , and a hundred million watch and remain silent, also because of fake material and the campaigns of lies

vienna supports azadeh amiri because of millions of stasi money, as far as the miraculous things concern my work, vienna wants to steal everything, this is an old story

Viennese nazi judges live above the standard with expensive illegal houses, it says: we are europe and aryan and we have to live like a master race for that we kill jews again, NS repetition europe, not just austria. fuck europe's nazis

The hostility of the Nazi doctors to my mother and sister is because of vmat2,

austria is iran's most radical enemy because of elam vmat2, today vienna wants to destroy iran through good relations and friendship, as an enemy vienna would never have a chance, only as a friend

the tragic thing in this tragedy is: only i understand assassin's tango, and the ancient ahrimanic demons hidden behind it. they say to ali and azadeh: enjoy everything, victory is fantastic. he will dance long tango

scheiß richter du arisch du mit rahim

This trade license is a craft. carpet restoration, a rare profession in austria, and handicrafts have been important in vienna since the 13th century. Habsburg. This trade license and mine is one of the basic pillars of the economic law, craft, rare profession

international everyone should know: Viennese are rubbish, Viennese are rubbish, that's why the police, government secret services, hizbullah ayatullah's jews and everyone else allow themselves everything. viennese are in all classes of society garbage, garbage, nothing but garbage

come on asshole demon in uno city, what the hell is this doing again? unbelievable, unbelievably unbelievable.

das eigentliche problem: whistleblower

mechanism, something that moves, exciting new, in business culture politics and science are my 38 projects and 24 systems. 20 years ago austria europe and america israel started: the middle east, iran, north africa latin america is taboo. Like cancer drugs from cuba

after 20 years of existence theft with a secret camera the police want to plunder and steal, it will have a bloody end like in ghassemloo case, not for ghassemloo for you. with house fire

روانپریش خارکوسده نوبتی میخوان گیر بدن و غیر عادی برخورد کنند برینن به ما. ما از کون نوبتی همه روکردیم، حالا مارکسیست و لنینیست و مائویست روانپریش بفرستید جلو، کیر تو دهنتون با اخلاقیات غیرعادی میکنیم. از این روانپریش به تو روانپریش سیرابی مادر جنده کوسکش، کونی مادر قحبه ها

bought today.. positive productive psychopathy gets up at 7 and walks 6 hours, just for one thing :, vmat2 elam is mechanism, culture mechanism. bastard children and bastard parents satanists and fascists capitalists want to destroy mechanism, envy and bastard origin. elami stone 7000 B. C.? angelic 6 and 7

Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021

ایرانی وین یعنی عن، زن یعنی عن، زن ایرانی وین یعنی عن، زن نیست، عنه، مادرجنده ها

after 20 years of stasi and terrorism, every day uno city bastard nazi reads, during daily sensations he sits on his ass the fascist and tries with the catchphrase: unbelievable, unbelievable to control everyone, i hear his demon, unbelievably unbelievable. fuck your mother bastard demon in uno city, fucking european bastard

inflammation, tennis ball vaulting on the right thigh next to the testicles is gone, the black tongue is white again, with 3 pomegranates, 3 cups of bio green tea, and one kohlrabi a day, one week

خارکوسده های وین ازسال 96 شما ها عن بودید، هنوز هم عن هستید، بکش بالا خودت رو عن، با آدم فروشی و قتل، ایرانی عن وین، عن

2018, impf intrige

wien ist ein scheiß abschaum stadt, zionismus, linke und grüne: wir müßen unschuldige opfern, vmat2 töten um das geld zu behalten und noch mehr geld verdienen

österreich ist grüne republik, mit diebe scharlatane, looter und bastarde, grüne partei, anti vmat2, anti rasse und abschaum herkunft bastard., billige hurenweiber abschaum herkunft

i have been receiving nine hundred euros since 2017, the money is only for expensive food and organic food, i suffer from diabetes and do not need to inject insulin, with 900 euros no capital investment is possible, i get an additional 200 euros for spices from my sister., i only have a bed and everything else is owned by rana farahani, and the money is from rana farhani, in the event of theft or state dictatorship: i cut viennese heads off with their children, while i shit satanism in their mouths and piss on viennese satanism's head

is that a drop of blood from elisabeth brunal !?


today i hear sylvia pantoja again, and it reminds me: sylvia's tits and legs are no arousal for me, her songs are emotional jerking off. no need for tits. the opposite is: everyone thinks of earning money with my work, with copying, what concerns vmat2 murder global everyone is motionless, also because of mother and daughter

dragon and space sheep, prehistory!? perses, perseus? andromeda?

cia and nsa including mossad are so psychopathic that snowden and russian mafia are prophet and emamen by comparison. after killing my aunt after completing her double degree, you haven't left me and my sister in peace since 1998, austrofascism hizbullah and the jews, the ayatullahs are the cash collectors

mother fucker this is a feng shui plate, and not a salad plate, how to use it? how do you want to describe the plate in chatrooms for international blockade and black propaganda

my shop was photographed every day and the goods were made unsaleable, animals, viennese satanist animals still do that, with ranas showcases and decorations.