Samstag, 25. Dezember 2021

shorti goes into american private economy: 15million money laundering from stasi stalking economy

2002 and my shop, vmat2 shop

internationally my existence and that of my sister were ruined and plundered because austria prove something: vmat2 is not above us, we are the master race

strassburg and hague: you are old races, vmat2 in europe is not humane, no human rights, what have you learned from 600 years of colonialism and the church / vatican? you are nothing

two stones and 376 combination

two stone set... rotten meat, 15,000 network vienna and my sister

my cock, multi race, great persia

many aryan iranians: 80% of science is imported, we have to learn from the west, even as far as logistics are concerned, from today on take my cock in your mouth and suffocate. Socrates, Plato and others only exist for this reason: Persian libraries have been "burned" 18 times in the last 7000 years, which means: poems have been burned and technology and culture stolen

two stone set, jezebel and native people, falcon guardian

International court of justice, the public prosecutor and judge listen to the viennese women lodges, the freemasonry speaks in a dimension where it wishes to be beheaded, with kuran verse, the spirist laugh even while, because the spirit can only be killed with emam ali sword quality the mixed lodges want to be fucked with it. sadists scum

two stone set, mathematics and concept. djinn and pari stasi show and system finance project with vmat types

stone set, IQ 170, wonder, science, physics with bad german and english

luristan elam, ahwaz and abadan in vienna, falcon nerv tract, prophetic seyyed line before neanderthals

this statement: zionism drives up prices, we sell iranian dna jews for financing, same old race. the proof is in the laboratory reports that we have a lot of jews luristan ahwaz abadan and kurdistan. iranian gypsy fascism, romani fascism with ahmadinejad

anoush mohseni is the brother of khashayar mohseni, ali dayi the soccer gang, ahmadinejads and alihamenei gypsy gang with ali dayi with fpö and övp fascism and anti-semitism

hc strache is closely related to anti-semitic ahmadinejad gang in vienna, with holocaust deniers and murderers, and he talks about foreigners in this action as far as my family is concerned. 60 different nations live in vienna as foreigners, the austrian state gives millions of euros to turks and arabs and kurds, and bastard meat talks about foreigners

Freitag, 24. Dezember 2021

this old fascism dictatorship will come to an end when the police and judge secret service agents are all fired. vienna says no we want racial trafficking, zionists keep real estate prices high and we have no money, that's what the judges say about luxury houses too


i'm just listening to gnarls barkley and have a cinema in my head, it occurred to me: one of brecht's poems was dedicated to daphne, i found the page in my head and read it again

Aryan race must have brains for condominium, if not, your mother's cunt bastard, brainless monkey

the stasi and terror earns moneythrough my mother and sister,is the evidence of 40 years of Iran plundering Austria with ayatullahs, existence plundering and murder

a world with ego gene and without god genes, with leftists and greens

Burn two trade licenses for aryan prosperity and luxury is old fascism, this time with leftksts and green party, social democracy. because of vmat2 genocide and a new world order, a world with ego genes without god genes

what viennese whores did against my sister and do with old fascist tradition is a 300 million euro human rights violation

no tiles have been placed on others in the war ruins of khuzistan for 90 years, the government is jewish and gypsy in iran against genes race and dna

no comment, elam rock art, 3000 B. C.

without the mazdakian red dragon formation iran will be destroyed, iran is race, and without race it has no meaning, it will only remain jews and gypsies, europeans

photo today

in the last 200 years dozens of hundreds of jews have become shiites, ayatullahs, qun is full of armed forces jews, it looks for a reason to kill vmat2, as in vienna today is an example with viennese jews

wiener und österreicher habe nichts in sich, nichts menschliches, tiere: terrorismus sagt ich bin mörder, wiener sagt nach terror und finanzprojekt wir sind auch mörder

austria: with the help of the ayatollahs and international help we earn money through old iranian, races

every family and society that earns money like a murderer must die, everyone. hide evidence for murder and luxury living

only 0.2 percent can recognize ingeborg lundin without a mark or brand, and 60 percent see themselves privileged and in position with race and trade licenses destroying. so to feed themself and children like animals. inferior parasite scum

austrian state has burned two traditional trade licenses for prosperity, for aryan prosperity, this policy in europe means right of resistance you public prosecutor, against you