Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2021

illuminati anti vmat2 sign: we are international teamwork

in mouth aryan nazi race in tehran vienna berlin london washington , suck my elami cock, bastard origin, viennese police, judges politicians, viennese high society leftists and green party

you dirty bloody fucking america, son of the bitches american, supporters of fascism in iran, bastard animal Americans

sister whore, mother whore, daughter whore, wife whore ayatullah, ajnabi, is aryan national socialism written in quran, or in emam ali's legacy?

fucking american terrorists, supporter of mass murder in iran europe middle east and asia, evidence will be pulled out of your citizens' guts, vmat2 genocide plan, also the viennese show evidence

Depression among Iranians is statistically very high, mainly because of poverty, this depression dependent on fascism is a dagger.

my ancestors are in the basement at a depth of 5 meters, and this scrap of origin claims: I am Austrian, this is my country and soil, the shop is my shop for installing secret cameras

on these faces you have to piss and shit, on scum origin, judges, doctors, upper class ... CIA NSA, these are animals that even in the 21st century claim: we have to research race, isolate and torture them. scum of neanderthal origin., fuck cia animals

freedom for archeology in austria, vienna burgenland, fuck the nazis. vmat2 origin and technology is in austria. my ethnic origin and religion is vienna. 6 million died for it: creation and ape evolution

Samstag, 25. Dezember 2021

because of ari gene and melchior vmat2 origin: tara was killed in america after double studies , zara was destroyed in vienna with 2 shops, the incineration plants are now judge / police chatrooms with fascist networks europe america tehran

my tablet is hacked and the texts changed, that's why i make display recorders for youtube

vienna judges have destroyed our citizenship because of race, burned two trade licenses and represent an opinion with judge networks europe america turkey tehran: we have the right to sell vmat2 for luxury living

kennen sie avesta? der kuss und das gesetzt? oder faust richtig gelesen? Goethes faust

Democracy and human dignity, human rights, civil rights should be held with an iron hand, an atom with other atoms say no, we are the right

rana und ich und rahim und azadeh austria spirits, anunnakis, ein atom mit milliarden daten

deshalb sage ich, gestrige haustiere und heute "mensch" ist nicht die tiefe, unsere tiefe. die affen mit geheimkameras, unformierte und andere arschlöcher, seid ihr mehr mensch? mit geheimkameras bis heute?

this, is absolute anti-Semitism and fascism by michael häupl police, secret services and political parties: we prove with vinnese against vmat2 mother and daughter son strength. no crime since 1986, but vmat2 is a crime against humanity.


schizopherenia. i spent a long time looking at shoes at auctions, i found one and wrote an email: i buy. she wrote ok. suddenly i heard the parliament in my ear again: the fanatic and the idiot buy arafat's shoes, i listened to prime minister: arafat's shoes are weaknesses of the enemy, our soldier is not an idiot. i thought for a long time and understood: no austrian can resist powder, black powder or white powder. Attractive secret service agents have an easy job. the palament paused. do i buy!?

the stone says be creative and let others imitate, self-knowledge on both sides is necessary

abdolrahim amiri has american support for establishing genocide. the 1800 euro salary and for years 850 euro pension has been shouting into iranian networks and tehran babol: i have money i have money i am multimillionaire, i have sold poor breed, with judges police and state

home and guardian

americans are old vmat2 terrorists with hizbullah, apparently there should be no evidence of ali gharib, and vienna iranians. i fuck you america i fuck you you genocide and hunter

Aryan is a culture and not a race, our blood brothers from Scandinavia are also Aryan culture and not a race, few tribes

wir sind ari gene, melchior gene mit dutzende andere DNA UND GENEN. überall verteilt. du scheiß mörder und massenmörder drecksau österreich mit juden, anti vmat2 wehrmachtsjuden. 6 millionen waren net gnua du bastardfleisch du abschaum kurz rasse

Iranian intelligence and ayatollahs want to buy statistics from 2002 to 2015, terrorism should be erased with American bastards, with American bastards, as in the Ghassemloo case

todesurteil und dreckige abschaum wien, abschaum wien

This article concerns my person as an activist and organizer, where I am accused of being a hardliner without giving my name.
i have all the evidence since 2002 regarding my rooms and actions in vienna, i didn't scold jonahs, i just said armed fight against racial madness and genocide

we have 8000 austrians in iran, enemies of iran.there are 2400 ayatullahs that have moved from judaism to shiitism for the last 200 years, with families there are 8000 austrians in iran

naja ethnisierung, du und elam ist eine lange geschichte

how do you earn money in the 21st century, you Kern in israel, and Kurz in america? what is the aryan breed !? you have a head for economy !? true? American private economy ... LOL

Paläolithikum polymorphen Humaniod Kopf w/Mikrolithische alte Kunst!?