Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2021

this Turkish target was surprised: your private life clips are international in every street, you are famous differently. murder with stasi suicide systems

iran achieves nothing with killing gypsies, opponents of the regime should theoretically start with america europe isral. gypsy is 1,800 euros rahim or kebab ali, unimportant. american european israeli animals are important

What this ceramic plate shows is firmly manifested in history: Viennese judges and the police secret service upper class politicians are aggressive evolutionary animals. nest and hosts for ahrimanic spirits: we don't stop until we end the ritual: total poverty and murder

holocaust iran needs 5000 special guerrilla units against vienna, our race is attacked from vienna with cia, with biological attacks, chemical and radioactive attacks. radio waves parasites and medicines. Ayatullahs are just lackeys

i bought this today and realized: many potters are immersed in mythology and are arrogant philosophers, ahrimanic phoenix, djinn and attack on ahura mazdan falcon

cia is psychopathic cosmopolitan. 1990 was the murder of my aunt, since 1998 non-stop stalking because of my person and my sister

آقا الان داشتم نوشابه میخوردم، یه نگاه کردم، دیدم نوشته، یک و یک و صفرصفر، یه مزه کردم، دیدم بد نیست واسه 35 سنت، بد نیست، خدا وکیلی مثل زمان شاهه، حقوق 950 یورو،، یک لیتر و نیم نوشابه 35 سنت، ما هم حالا میخوایم انقلاب کنیم، مادرقحبه ها

holocaust iran needs 5000 special guerrilla units against vienna, our race is attacked from vienna with cia, with biological attacks, chemical and radioactive attacks. radio waves parasites and medicines. Ayatullahs are just lackeys

راستی: سال2000

سال سقوط سال فرار سال گریز و انتظار
فصل شکفتن فلز سال سیاه دوهزار
سال سقوط عاطفه تا بینهایت زیر صفر
نهایت معراج ذهن اندیشه تفسیر صفر

ننت رو دخترت رو زنت رو میگام ایرانی خارکوسده کولی وین

holocaust iran needs 5000 special guerrilla units against vienna, our race is attacked from vienna with cia, with biological attacks, chemical and radioactive attacks. radio waves parasites and medicines. Ayatullahs are just lackeys

österreich ist spazialisiert auf persische rassenhandel und folter show vermarktung, als beste freund der ayatullahs, er war auch in wien, fereydoon farokhzad

We have race trafficking, Zionism controls everything internationally for us, it doesn't matter what, we did and did, that says Vienna and Tehran. there will be blood money in your neck. ghassemlo war auch iranische jude!? du scheißdreck abschaum österreicher

it is organized with lies campaign anti persian race actions, like not without my daughter, or 300 movie, besides archeology is banned and history is manipulated, a Machiavellian taboo politics. fuck your mothers there is a million pieces of evidence indestructible

ich glaube eher jeroboam war soleyman und soleyman war jerboam, genauso ziege war isaak und isaak war demolierte ziege, weil "wir haben nichts gemacht" hört man immer noch noch in wien

This is the proof from Vienna: Soleyman spoke the language of animals and sent the animals on missions, ahrimanic capital system like today, like today with hizbullah police secret service and satanism sects and iranian gypsy families

es ist heute wie gestern: wiener richter und polizei tötet nie ohne beistand und hilfe der juden, zuerst propaganda aktion und hass kampagne der juden, wehrmachtsjuden, wiener und deutsche juden

Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021

rassimus, vmat2 faschismus ist israeli, wehrmacht israeli. das ist der wurzel von austrofaschismus: zionismus und zion nazi faschismus wegen prehistory elam und 12 muliti rasse geschichte

bought yesterday..... nameless star, time of manufacture? coffee table

nameless art between 1880 and 1932 was a Jew and not a Jew vmat2, either without a name or the names were scratched and painted over, it should mean: ingenuity is Austrian, Viennese werkstätten are Viennese. traces were deleted in mauthausen.

herr und frau richter, melchior rasse kann 16 berufe und hat 38 projekte, lutsch mein beidl, diamanten beidl du faschsit und massenmörder du tier herkunft, abschaum killer herkunft, du darwins abschaum, ich bin der supermensch, herrenrasse mit 15 zenitmeter. du untermensch du evolution

logic america israel, ayatollahs austrian state: if nobody talks then innocent murder is a privilege, we are authorized to kill race for the common good and prosperity

Viennese judges are attempted murder with concentration camp murder intent and with hide evidence, international judges watch and only observe, including human rights watch

on their side, grinding is different: peeling with stasi mussels and grinding until nothing is left, concentration camp psychopathy is a different grinding psychopathy, grinding on soul and spirit

why do 500 Viennese judges believe that nobody knows them? austrian brain

i call it "grinding psychopathy", has existed for thousands of years, i have it too, someone said: grind diamonds and minerals, you deserve money with this psychopathy

Nothing has changed in the tradition and culture of the austrians since 1932, mauthasen until today, except gene laboratories and UNO city and Amnesty international support: you are not allowed to buy or sell anything on our soil, it is no longer your soil, it is our soil, and archeology because of your existence 300 years ago is taboo

hallal mother milk, bought today too. fucking blond nazis

Iranian embassy viennese police after 20 years of stasi show business against bloodline: carpet dealer, antique dealer, musician, political activist with 16 professions and 38 projects provided us with the video material so that we can earn 100 million euros. The victims are the main culprit. fucking kurt waldheim UNO and AMNESTY Nazis

خلاصه خرید و سامانه امروز

ای نرگس تو فتنه و در فتنه خوابها

زلف تو حلقه حلقه و در حلقه تابها


دو فتنه به یک قرینه برخاست

پیداست که آخرالزمانست

ich erlebe in wien juden boykott, das ist michael häupels antisemitismus unterstützt von SPÖ FPÖ GRÜNE ZOMBIES und övp satanismus, stalinistische rotfaschismus