Sonntag, 2. Januar 2022

حاج آقا بفرما پاپ کورن، سینما نه ه ه ه ه، از طیاره افتاده هاااااااا

Hundreds of thousands of pornographies from the 20s to the 70s make no penis stiff, no more urges, that's why the european wanker needs current secret camera stalking actions, the same is with strong kz psychopathy. european network animals, tens of thousands of kz pictures no longer satisfy, current stories are adrenaline and dopamine. secret animal fascism europe america iran

shit alexander what is fascism and jew, the story of elam race gene and dna is old. stone old

viennese lawyers were half the city in 2008, in solidarity in all networks: does the jew kill our agent? inferior kamyabi for concentration camp show? the theft by the viennese police ayatollahs and judges was therefore

wiener richter, polizei, familie amiri. diebstahl mit iranische mafia terror banden, bis heute. eine große plünderer familie bis heute. rahim ist ein dieb, und sein standard fake und gestohlen. durch plünderung und diebstahl mit wiener richter. 280.000 euro diebstahl

viennese judges started with rahim and azadeh 24 years ago to block and prevent my universal task with international action, today everyone is attempting murder and wants to kill me

evidence: viennese judges european collectives are alien bastard race on judge chairs, with ahriman natural laws, darwinism and materialism. as a result, kambysess II peeled off the skin of dozens of judges

Samstag, 1. Januar 2022

why this animal action against my person:Most of the Iranian activists are theorists. I was action, reaction, revolution, attack with evidence and arguments, facts. i am a victim of passive theorists. envy, because of 6 testicles

paltalk's rooms had a capacity of 200 users, from 2002 on i had 200 every day as admin and organizer. for the remaining 10,000 my voice was broadcast live on other portals. jazz_man_ on microphone

police radio, is this schizophrenia? or bip bip antenna

I have a police radio in my head and keep hearing anunnaki and demon officials talking, the tragic thing is that the police believe: we have second national socialism with the UN.
And they want to do something all the time, even in the case of mortal danger.
Der Theologe und Archäologe Ernst Sellin stellte Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts die These auf, Mose sei als „Märtyrer“ von den Israeliten getötet worden. Im späteren 20. Jahrhundert hat die These eines kollektiven Mordes an Mose vereinzelt bei Autoren wie Sigmund Freud (vgl. unten: Mose und der Ursprung der Religion bei Sigmund Freud) und René Girard[19] ein Echo gefunden. Von einem durch Josua und Kaleb vollbrachten Mord an Mose war auch J. W. Goethe in einer frühen Schrift ausgegangen.[20]

moses was already a target at the age of 3 because the pharaoh had "clairvoyants"

business, shalala business sharuma ham ham, vmat2 business, shadala bam bam sharara child business, schatz schatz shalala schatz schatz shalalal, dam bam ram dam shubi bam, business vmat child business rarara halashaba sham

wenn man bedenkt dass ein michael niavarani auch in wien lebt, dann kann es keine juden boykott sein oder faschismus, sondern nur etwas ungewöhnliches in wien

das ist österreich: juden boykott gibt es noch immer, eigentlich seit 80 jahren, das einzige ist: israeli juden akzeptieren niemand als jude durch laborberrichte, intressant sind nur finanz berichte

shit happens

instead of registering human rights violations, international animals are currently discussing: how can he kill 500 from our side !? per minute 10? or does he act secondary, what did it do in a millisecond? scum animals

the police can forget illegal apartment house storming with hizbollah and americans, i'm not ghassemloo i'm preparing: to steal valuables or destroy it, injure, panic, violence, it will the country cost 500 deaths. when the police storme illgal the apartment, i say when

everything has been copied from us, and used against god genes and us. hitler killed gypsies and jews, but he had hindi azad and jews soldiers in the wehrmacht

you understand, jews and romani race triggered fascism against elam god gene again, back then in rome against jesus tribe, in 1920 and today. elami rock art, 5,000 B.C.


I looked at this set for 5 hours from yesterday until today, until I took a picture with a tablet camera


گنج پردازی همی تا رنج برداری ز خلق

رنج برداری همی تا عالم آبادان کنی

آن سرکشی تو که از رخها بشویی زنگ غم

وان پزشکی تو که درد آز را درمان کنی

تا جهان باقی بود بادت بقا تا علم را

پایه بفزائی و کار ملکرا سامان کنی

اورمزد و عید فرخ باد تا بر بدسگال

روز او نیران کنی و دلش را بریان کنی

گوسفند و گاو و اشتر مردمان قربان کنند

باز تو آز و نیاز و جهل را قربانی کنی

onsori balkhi leser du, onsori balkhi leser, LOL

fucking austrians discovered our artifacts centuries ago in vienna what they did: we take the place of persians and hide everything. we are universal right, we are existence right. a copy and air balloon felt with shit air

inferrior animal origin evolution bastard; viennese police sects with the support of cia bastard, with interpol and europol observation: it is our arian tribal right to earn money with Jewish slavery and then to kill vmat2 families, it is our universal and elementary right, our right in europe and america is based on international treaties and agreements with others states and iran

80 years after national socialism, europe, america and israel should actually say: death sentence for austria for racial trafficking, vienna is proud to have financed thousands of properties through race. you have to say actually death sentence for adolf's children 3rd generation

fuck ali and mojtaba khamenei and marg bar america, marg bar america, marg bar israel and fuck ali khamenei, death to america and israel, we are great persian race and not jewish, you animal american and israel bastards, europe. animal darwins bastards

green parties and leftists, stalinists and socialists, communists are dirtier than fascists and right-wing scum, because of money. global vmat2 massacre with cia and leftists, green parties

madarjendeh österreicher sagt zu perser jude, madarjendeh österreicher neben die ayatuahs, laborberichte aus österreich,