Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2022

this is my photo with our decoration accessories why should i sign the photo

Eine dieser Thesen besagt, dass die Intelligenz zwischen 40 % und 80 % genetisch bedingt sei, aber auch, dass unterschiedliche Ethnien unterschiedliche Intelligenzlevel haben bzw. qualitative Unterschiede der kognitiven Fähigkeiten auszumachen seien.

fragments from this book explain this breed und arch

i only have a tablet camera, but you can see the arch, it has to be edited. goose and monkey genetics and physics

hospital nazis are dirtier than judges when it comes to iranian genes and dna, with the smallest uterus complications they say: it has to be operated on and removed., Besides nerve poisons (80 years of Heinrich Gross poison research) there is also poison for the uterus

actually, statistically, from a million 16000 miraculous children should arise, and be educated. 40 years of holocaust and psychosis, with austrian european american animals. you see the behavior towards my sister

i am a genetic child prodigy, produced in the time of shah when 80% of iranian women had god's uterus, 80% because of healthy eating. my smoke you fucking austrian judges

syrian artifact, tribes. the green and leftists one is nice

salad bowl dragon and rana

the vaccination is the whore babylon, and the vatican should be ashamed that "priests" advertise vaccinations in vienna

yes, yes a head of seven-headed dragon (tribes) is vegetarian

if you peel off the skin of the black dragon, then vegan and vegetarian dragon become more aggressive than the black one, an eternal tribal problem, eternal tribal problem

جنده لاشی دختر ایرانی وین، پیف پیف بوگندو برای همین میگن، برو بشین کنار فاشیسم بعد بگو بابام پولداره، پول میفرسته، من روزی 100 یورو خرج دارم با کون گوهی

das ist die grüne drachen formation: jedentag salatschüssel 20 euro, 50 euro am tag restaurant, bei 2400 euro gehalt!? dafür soll ich und meine schwester sterben

naia die restaurants in 6.7.8. und 9. bezirk sind voll mit wohlhabende grüne und linke und menschenrechts aktivisten, gescheite leute mit viel "potential" neben azadeh amiri, nicht wahr häuperle, schatzerle in multikulti gesellschaft

so the three kings brought myrrh and incense, ahrimanism offered something different for hate campaigns and murder

i like it, stasi dragon system with jezebel because of fire and water

many paintings and ceramics are not signed, because of ancestral and lineage research and further generations., adolf hilter has stored hundreds of thousands in bunkers

i like unsigned paintings because of the number of angle calculations, fata morgana and illusions

bought for 4 euros today, send your children in, uterus nazi

see what veronika farahani douda Weiss is doing with my sister and mother, a nazi with sick uterus, and with 5 children that married nasser farahani because of vmat2 family murder

55 percent of western women are mentally ill because of their uterus !? the love for the children is even sicker, acting love. Austria has the highest level of pedophilia in Europe, 10,000 child abuse cases per year

It's the Viennese, schizophrenic left hand ahura mazdaner, still today: I had damascus experience at 18 and since then I haven't been a Nazi. michael häupl

Because of the international hate campaign, anti-Semitism, racism, attempted murder and vmat2, politicians, judges, secret services and police distribute medals of honor to foreigners, house capital and careers