Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2022

Fascism should not exist in this world in the 21st century, if it is allowed in networks with millions of users, then there is terror, 9/11 and ranting, what the hell do blonde fascists not understand !?

For 20 years parasites have been feeding on torture, and they loot our livelihood,, with the help of bastard america, the monkeys are offended today and say: Pay us back everything, where the international hate campaign is evidence

LOL impfung II, oder nicht impfung II

the problem is our ethnicities have human background in austria, the austrian evolution and unnatural origin, mass murderer gender

a tactical strategic intrigue to feed children and others politically, for resistance and execution.

österreicher sind seit 1820 hurenkinder mit iranische zigeuenr antisemitismus und faschismus, hurenkinder, wegen ethnischer hintergrund österreich

tawabs (traitors) like rahim amiri were the main culprits for 38,000 murders in the 80s, some of these people were themselves in prison for a month to 2 years, a tactical strategic intrigue to feed children and others politically, for resistance and execution. today 950 tawabs in vienna are networked with europe america canada australia.networked with western police and secret services, it should be repeated, the 80s, political and apolitical Iranian semites are supposed to be murdered by western anti-Semitism

What should happen to heads that in the 21st century claim: Exist plundering is a right, including racial stasi hostage-taking?It is our property and breed should serve for our prosperity, what should happen to these animal heads

I have to go to the dentist otherwise i will lose all my teeth, i only live in a city with attempted murder, silent attempted murder because of racial trafficking and mass crimes with an income of hundreds of millions

vienna has the strongest support from uno city elite and employees, when it comes to charlatanism:racial doctrine doctor lenz, charlatans lenz, fischer, heinrich gross and other animals rome. uno works with all cities genetically with networks to all hospitals and laboratories

in las palmas i was photographed by someone who said: your head, my head.your head was raised with capital and crime, mine is genetically high. she is of austrian tribe relatives,

i am khanzadeh, elam and luri aristocratic bloodline, what i prove is america europe and gypsies intrigue in iran, holocaust and psychosis for other tribe members, poor kahnzadeh's and kings/queens

خلاصه بیسواد

kirmoz, prehistory austria, the ass

آره خلاصه صاحب کادیلاک کیرمیز، کیرش رو هم میذاره رو میز، والا، صاحبکار همیشه ایطو و آنطور بوده، مردم له له میزنن واسه کیر رو میز، باید گفت بیا اینم کیر 9 سانت و بعدش، 15 و 16 سانت، دهنت رو شیرین کن، بینم ایتالیا یکی رو تو گاراژ انبار نکردم، اگر هنوز هست یه عکس بندازم

isis gate, and holy water

این کتاب یکی از دو کتاب خوب در مورد پدیده جادو در رم عصر باستان می‌باشد. علاوه بر این کتاب یعنی کتاب تناسخ Metamorphosis که بیشتر با نام کره الاغ طلایی Golden Ass شناخته می‌شود، کتاب دیگر Apologia de Res Magia می‌باشد که هر دوی این کتاب‌ها در مورد جادوهای آن عصر در رم باستان حاوی اطلاعات خوبی می‌باشند.

a persian saying: woman's money is like a golden donkey cock on your forehead. i show the origin and roots of azadeh's black capital and that of vienna

I'm sitting in rome that is dirtier than old rome:human rights activism UN Amnesty human rights watch zara and everyone else behave genetically and racially, towards mother and daughter in a democracy

حاج آقا، میگن دست خر طلایی رو پیشونی

hey alex das ist elami ari left hand, du bastard alex du, scharlatan und psychopath du wiener alex du

Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2022

this is my photo with our decoration accessories why should i sign the photo

Eine dieser Thesen besagt, dass die Intelligenz zwischen 40 % und 80 % genetisch bedingt sei, aber auch, dass unterschiedliche Ethnien unterschiedliche Intelligenzlevel haben bzw. qualitative Unterschiede der kognitiven Fähigkeiten auszumachen seien.

fragments from this book explain this breed und arch

i only have a tablet camera, but you can see the arch, it has to be edited. goose and monkey genetics and physics

hospital nazis are dirtier than judges when it comes to iranian genes and dna, with the smallest uterus complications they say: it has to be operated on and removed., Besides nerve poisons (80 years of Heinrich Gross poison research) there is also poison for the uterus

actually, statistically, from a million 16000 miraculous children should arise, and be educated. 40 years of holocaust and psychosis, with austrian european american animals. you see the behavior towards my sister

i am a genetic child prodigy, produced in the time of shah when 80% of iranian women had god's uterus, 80% because of healthy eating. my smoke you fucking austrian judges

syrian artifact, tribes. the green and leftists one is nice

salad bowl dragon and rana

the vaccination is the whore babylon, and the vatican should be ashamed that "priests" advertise vaccinations in vienna

yes, yes a head of seven-headed dragon (tribes) is vegetarian