Montag, 10. Januar 2022

das ist alles möglich mit UNO offiziere und österreichische millitär offiziere

hurenkind wien ruiniete mein geschäft und sagt ich bin mensch, hurenkind wien und seine tiere, wir sind mensch wir zerstören

i have been living with my family in vienna since 1986, until today without police files, criminal record or convictions, viennese are animals, nazi animals, scum existence, scum vienna

 vienna is rubbish, viennese people watched for 12 years how amiris and gharibs collect money and what standards they achieve through racial trade. spö övp fpö, lectists and greens educated vienna to be genocides, today the viennese are the old 80 percent anti-Semitism 1938, attempted murder and theft pillage. michaels häupls work, 24 years mayor of vienna

آقا این ادبیات نوشتن مارو هرروز علامت میدن مردم که ما میخونیم، اگر فرهنگ و ادبیات دیگری مینوشتیم علامت نمیدادن روانی های مادر جنده، سنگین وزن هم هستیم ها، ولی کیر تو مخ همتون کوس مخ های جاکش

نو ایرانی عن

نو ایرانی و یا نو کیسه ایرانی وین یعنی عن، یعنی مادر جنده یعنی احنبی، یعنی زن جنده،یعنی دختر جنده. میدونی چرا؟ اینها میان خود رقابت دارند، حسادت و چشم و هم چشمی دارند، ولی به چه معنا!؟ آقای حسنی 2 تا خونه دارد ما چکار کنیم!؟ چجور به این معنای زندگی برسیم، یک خانه برای زمستان سرد و یک خانه برای تابستان گرم، چکار کنیم پولدار و با شخصیت مانند حسنی شویم!؟ ولی مادر جنده به قبیله ما که میرسه: آقا جاکش چرا هنوز زنده است، چرا این نمیمیره، ده آخه یک کاری کنید، این گآییده مارو، یعنی ما آدم نیستیم؟ ما بدبخت بیچاره هستیم، این باید از ما بالاتر باشه

this baal wants to convince the world with the financial business with my family: kills everyone and remains silent

centuryBritish scholar Noel Malcom in his book "A short history of Bosnia" printed in Britain offers valuable research about the racial relationship between Iranians and some ethnicities of the former Yugoslavia

For thousands of years we have had the problem with semit baal: hey persians what do you want from me? i always stand in the corner and watch, what do you want from me are you sick, or a psychopath? go to latko go to latko i just stand around the corner and look, i watch, shame on you persian

balkan war and baal genocide

The fact that baal is employed in the UN is the reason why the UN shows me once a frog, then a man and again a cat. fucking demons in blue and bastards in uno city

Today's Viennese Jews, like the Hartmann family and the israeli cult community, are the third generation of Jews that besides muslims destroyed vmat2, besides turks arabs and bosnians. see vienna today:, collaboration with vienna police nazis, judge nazis, and nazi parties and fascist sects


jeroboam said: jesus also said: we are creation and God's children, our tribes. we have special skills and gifts, are you a jew? can you do that too

salomon's capital was for human annihilation, old race and vmat2, salamo's soldiers proved it in 1932 with vienna and half-jew adolf. half animals and Viennese whores full of animals killed babies. today the israeli and mossad are also active with a treasure chest against one family and then globally for all vmat2 families

Sonntag, 9. Januar 2022

anunnakis always lower their heads in front of us, but whoever supports animals and pulls them up has mass murder before, for 5000 years

my father had a fur coat shop, we have 4 properties, but we are starving and need more, azadeh is an angel

anunnakis always lower their heads in front of us, but whoever supports animals and pulls them up has mass murder before, for 5000 years

Mossad terrorists earn money like animals like animals, with vmat2, like 1938 to 1945. Wehrmacht Jews against persian race and middle east tribes. 345 photos, 2000 editings

we don't work, we don't answer, we don't know anything, it's just because of race genes and dna. amnesty and the U. N and dozens of other organizations are involved in global genocide plan

the hatred against us is melchior gene dna and vmat2, the origin


hey richter: lailahaellallah, alte rasse wallah wallah, alles natur ishallah

stone ufo, like prophet muhammed stone

the aryan brotherhood and sisters have competition with evidence and facts: 500,000 years of elam in europe

wiener richter sind psychopatische rassenmörder mit rahim und seine freunde, mit rahim und seine freunde sind wiener richter psychopathische rassenmörder

scheißdreck, du bastard arschloch, das geschäft war ein juden geschäft, nicht wahr!? weil nazi ärzte sagten: armensich judisch ist er, armenisch jüdisch, wie die Äthiopier, er soll in armut leben., armut

was sagten die österreicher 1998? neger mit armenisch jüdisches blut, oida!? , a hauf'n a hauf'n, gott gene hot er a no, und so wos kummt zu uns, a neger jude

natural stone, luri elami kurd and azeri deylami gilaki children. mix race, 12 tribes emamzaman and ahura mazda

my grandfather bagher hated ayatollahs. what concerns hormoz island bandar abbas and abadan is: the american mind control progam technology in great persian gulf, non stop anunnaki ahrimanic rays

police want to commit theft, with spö övp, fpö and green approval and wien wants to say we don't see anything, like 280.000 euros 2008

wien hat wieder vernichtungslager errichtet, für rasse und vmat2, 80% tiere und 20% müll

michael häupl and his nazi friends wanted to achieve something with secret cameras: in 1945 austria was occupied because we killed races, we convince you with secret cameras: don't criticize us anymore for race killing, especially when it comes to iran

what, vienna is, is 80% anti-Semitism, 20% what? stolen genes but garbage, what ali gharib is currently doing with azadeh: today: we have to kill the family. those who want their lives back