Dienstag, 11. Januar 2022

in a kgb stasi system there is no political culture diplomacy or rational behavior, Or open dialogue, but only animalistic urges and ecstasy for the perpetrator, go and fuck your mother in the ass, you animal! is the answer

besides Messing he was 3 steps below me but apparently he was also a lumpenproletariat, like me, with a bald head, insulin victim !?

beck, bist sho mayor? fick dich du arschloch, scheiß heimatschutz, nazi schweine

wissen sie was österreich mit häupl und wehrmachtsjuden ist: wegen des oarschloch wolf messing hamma stalingerad verloren und sand flach gelegen, du oarschloch elami messing mit barbad fakaharani saghahani, du oarschloch bagher kind

für carla wäre ein betriebschluss und konkurs besser als die hurerei mit impfpass, die hure für vmat2 faschismus, rassenhass und diktatur. impftoten statistik verheimlichung sollte genug sein für ambition und protest

21.07.2020 on facbook, fuck your mother austria vienna, fuck your mother, strich burli und hurli, stasi sklaven agenten bastarde für kleingeld

baal, are you this frog mit ali and azadeh, come on baal

sensation, tablet camera, holy g. g. g. oalashavalametri

we heal with our holy geometri healing stones, your stones are fata morgana

for Viennese leftists, greens and police boys and girls who claw themselves up with a ladder from my cock to earn money, this is also a fata morgana

es gab gestern und heute nie, nie juden boykott, es gab und es gibt nur vmat2 boykott, spö övp, fpö, linke und grüne beweisen es heute, auch mit corona impfung

tablet photo raw unedited. silver blend and blend of herbs, blend of spices

chi hau chi chichi chi huaaaaa huuuu chichichi

here in the 5th district of vienna where i am standing there are electro-magnetic vibrations and rays, i suspect 4 underground pyramids with a gate to the other side

photo ten minutes ago, believe me i live a djinn alien city

die zigeuner amiris sind in wien zu gesetzliche diebe durch wiener richter geworden, gesetzliche diebe weil wir anscheinend juden sind und amiris arisch

groovy, soul on fire

bought today, i love it

onsori balkhi

چنان باشد بر او عاشق جمالا

که خوبی را ازو گیرد مثالا

اگر خالی شد از شخصش کنارم

خیالش کرد شخصم را خیالا

بدی را از که رنج آید که خوبان

بیارامند در ظلّ ظلالا

من از بس حیلت چشمش ، بدانم

که نرگس را چه در دست احتیالا

دل من دایره گشت ای شگفتی

مر او را نقطه آن دلبند خالا

دلا گشت از فراق سر و سیمین

تن سروت شد از ناله چو نالا

اگر چه من ز عشقش رنجه گشتم

خوشا رنجا که نفزاید ملالا

خیانت را ز زلفش اعوجاجست

today i went to carla in 5th district and was surprised: the church is in vmat2 boycotte like vatican in 1932. there is only rat line for friends. so i went to an antique shop and bought these two pieces for 12 euros

شاشیدم به کوس ننه ایرانی اجنبی وین، مادر جنده های گدا گشنه، کوسده مادر های شاف کون

wien und europa ziehen die iranische zigeuner familie hoch, damit vmat2 genozide etabliert wird, 1800 euro gehalt rahim mit 800 euro pension wurde millionär durch alte iranische rasse und vmat2 stasi folter

vmat2 mord folter, pündrung staat österreich

this illegal government and the last 5 have tortured my mother and sister with illegal international hate propaganda and fake clips. this austria also caused vmt2 murders in yugoslavia, the old native iranian race in bosnia and croatia, today this austria wants to kill us and everyone with a forced vaccination policy. or manipulate gene and dna

Montag, 10. Januar 2022


fuck austrian bastards and iranian regime, europe and america. antisemites and racial killer, mass murderer

since the 16th century, europe and austria have referred to pakistani and indian gypsies, burglars and looters, thieves like rahim and ali: valuable persians

جالب است بدانیم که کشورهای اروپایی، کولی ها را از کشورشان بیرون میکنند و در جنگ جهانی دوم، میلیونها نفر کولی را نسل کشی کردند ولی در ایران و ترکیه بمنظور ایجاد اغتشاش و آنارشیسم، برای کولی ها، تاریخ و تمدن جعلی و باشکوه می سازند!!


apparently great persia culture was Aryan, gypsy romano Aryan. austrian military UN and viennese secret service want to establish racial murder with financial support, like in the balkan war, special genes and people, certain ethnicities bring you prosperity and wealth, see rahim and his family and other gypsies iranians

viennese police attamped stasi and racial murder with iranian, stasi and regime agents family amiri and gharib

i have been living with my family in vienna since 1986, until today without police files, criminal record or convictions, viennese are animals, nazi animals, scum existence, scum vienna

hass schüren für rassenmord ist baal, du hurenkind rasse