Samstag, 15. Januar 2022

minderwertige affen djinns Washington, 2 wochen nach mord und meine mutter, amiris und gharibs, shams stämme, cia und nsa agenten, auch mörder in iran

the rich class with a fake standard in vienna says: we will defend 20 years of jewish gold and race trade with weapons, with NSA AND CIA bases in vienna. americans killed tara, rana and zari is our business

iran or golden eagle gate in vienna

the americans had killed my aunt because of genes, race and dna, i had no criminal activity from 1986 to 2006. secret cams for ruining three businesses: do you know anything about us! we are worse than himmler as far as persian race is concerned

americans killed my aunt because of race so everyone can do anything with hide evidence guarantee

we emigrated from austria as ingenious contemporaries, but why this part became first world and we third world is a shame

I'm doing the right thing, don't look angry at me. for editing. nice energy!?

yesterday i found out that the huawei camera click also works with voice, with cheese

austria can say a thousand times to iranians: you have the race, burn them all and earn money like ali dayi and asghar farhadi, an officer burns himself with petrol on the streets of tehran and doesn't do it, a persian, no gypsies friends of yours for 40 years

when we came to vienna in 1986 i was 11 years old and my sister 4, asks america, europe ayatullahs and the state of austria: what is that supposed to be since 1998!?, genes, race dna from iran!?

آقا همدان مجتمع ده هزار نفری در غار سراب یعنی پرورش بچه خدا، به جان خودم، هیپی جانی از آب در بیاد نابغه، بچه تو وان حموم اذیت میشه، آب حرکت نداره، حالا هی بگو 13 بمانی

today a retired military officer burned himself in tehran, because of the economic situation and hunger, what vienna and viennese iranian say: we are poor, nobody can afford real estate. we have to order more breeds from iran, rahim and his family have 15, we only have one

das wird gesagt: weihwasser ist kein gerechtigkeit und gleichheit!!! sagte ich etwas darüber zwischen 1998 bis 2019? scheiß nazi alien richter?

the deep state is the parallel alien government and doesn't accept laws and human rights because of race and vmat2

herr richter, heas frau richterin i woar mit 20 auf maspalomas und in Lanzarote aaaa, und und und da wuar i A ausgraubt und... und... und da hobn's a gesogt du bist opfer du opfer geh ins häfn ane depperter, do is area 38 du oarsch, du oarschloch, du sieahst oills auf dem berg und stelltst di deppert, du du scheiß hirn du

unterirdische wiener gates area 54 sind dreckiger als iran gate und area 51, scheiß alien richter politiker und geheimdienstler

mein schwanz in mund von wiener richter nazi gemeinschaft, rassenmörder huankinder. wien ist mein boden blut und ehre, scheiß nazi,

For 20 years, the Viennese judges filmed me non-stop and involved the Iranian secret service: say to the relatives: if we kill this jew from bagher each gets 250,000 euros, how many relatives does he have? 250,000 are billions of tumans


مادر جنده ها مارو قیچی کرد، نصف کردن، مملکت خارکوسده حالا میگه: چرا میدونی نصفت زیر زمین سرزمین ماست، ها؟ چرا میدونی

ouuuuuu, houuuuu, houhouhou you american, my facebook is blocked again

if a federal chancellor, an angela merkel went crazy because of siblings, then you understand the psychosis with corona vaccination. 1932 psychosis global because of race and vmat2. water stone and chest psychopathy

Today someone in Vienna asked me: do you have 6 of them? I looked down and said to myself: one is enough, we are loners, lonely deer

what some viennese women and girls experienced and never thought they could earn money like this:we can earn the monthly rent with iranian fascism and anti-semitism. both governments close their eyes. we just have to be organized and keep silent

our great persian race and this, austrian race... look at the judges, are you human or animals?

what the viennese judges are trying to do is worse than 1980s revolutionary courts and judges in iran: political activism against ayatullahs is relevant but because of genes and race dna and metaphysics, you are sentenced to death! where is the evidence of international action

the smallest deviation from the austrian constitution and civil rights is alien fascism

iranian gestapo formation was anti alien, anti fake jews and anti ahriman, austrian and german aliens copied everything against vmat2, but also anti vmat2 jews

gestapo hatte im iran eine andere bedeutung, sepah und basij, hizbullah ist eine billige kopie

Mr judge stealing from me and my family so that iranian gypsies can live with millions of euros without potential, you racist and fascist Mr and Mrs judges

😂Dies ist ein Stück der Identitätsstation eines Mannes namens Hesekiel, der sich von diesem Körper abgespalten hat und irgendwo in den monadischen Zeitlinien existiert. Die Bücher Hesekiels enthielten grausame Berichte über den Krieg zwischen Gog und Magog . Dies bezieht sich auf die Armageddon-Software , die in der Mehrheit der Bevölkerung in der Region stark implantiert ist. [3]😂