Dienstag, 18. Januar 2022

bastard americans bastard europeans networks and bastard iranians, UNO city staff talk about chemicals and poison for quiet comfortable life. 1938 proposal by american animals

wiener richter profitieren auch aus organhandel? weil privatlebenhandel ohne entzündete mandeln riecht übel. sehr übel in europa

in the faculty of law there are up to 10,000 books, the animal says we don't answer we don't work. then people wonder why iranians moved to spain next to arabs and organized a butchery

letzendlich sagte prophet muhammed: tiere ohne verstand, und aggressive attentäter zu europa

ultimately said prophet mohammed, ethic morality, roman law, plato socrates and all the others has no sense. today the animals prove it

mother fucker why are these inferior animals allowed to live at our expense, ahrimanic merciless animals. in the near east and with our race in europe and america

organs trade privatlife trade race trade is american terrorism global, with international database manipulation dictatorship. fuck america and american next to austrian and ayatullahs and israel

wiener tiere und schakale, abschaum fleisch und blut. 5 minuten sind 2 jahre strafe, ein stück leber, schmerz bis lebens ende

israelische privatleben händler ist auch schwarzmarkt organ händler mit wiener tiere

israelische organhändlerin gib das geld asse mit fascho kapitalisten, wiener tiere du organhändlerin

naja, aufjedenfall lebt die rana mit 3000 gesammelten steine wieder alt, wie in elam, mit freie energie

wien ist ein drecksau tier stadt, das hat nur bis jetzt niemand bemerkt, ein drecksau tier stadt

fucking blonde american and european monkey evolution children you have fake standard with human, race and organ trade, fucking animals

fucking american stasi game, asshole american terrorists

richter rana ist alt, die alte rasse, die mutter künstlerin, fick dich mit fake standard oberschicht arschloch österreicher

i have edited bruce onobrakpeya's work over the years (2005) since my sister loved his work. bussi, austrian politics and secret service with cia

germany sentenced RAF to 30 years for scum kidnapping, scum is today NS repeat and europe says this is our elementary and human right to earn money through race, the rich kids

iran Irak business

himmler talked about race, israel about jewish bodies as experiment victims, jewish bodies were tested with chemicals. islamic government started with chemical bombs (vmat2 bodies), and to this day chemical attacks does not end with environmental poisoning, food poisoning and drug poisoning, we are iranian bodies, not jewish bodies

es gibt in wien millionen steine mit rauchzeichen, wer hat es nicht gewusst? adolf oder himmler? michael häupl oder vranitzky? mengele? heinrich gross? die Krankenschwester?

we elamis had friends in scandinavia, batman and robin, take my daughter and save the world through the child., natural stone and formation

Montag, 17. Januar 2022

alev korun, mina ahadi, hiwa bahrami and many gypsy kurds vienna with israeli friends

in "big kurdistan" there are sects and gypsy mafia, mostly political and linked to social democrats europe and parliament: we have god genes to enslave, from elam and ari ethiopians

fist in my fist, not yours, in mine, ahura mazdan mythology

anyone who criminally installs secret state cameras wants to simulate nationalism 1932 again and give the people the feeling of a master race: this race doesn't deserve democracy human rights and a life with dignity, fucking viennese subhuman

subhuman: because we don't have these bones, dna genes and metaphysics of life, we get horny with concentration camp cameras, and take away all chances and destroy universal tasks

diese 3 beherbergen sachen bei sich zuhause basiert auf 20 jahre forschung, wissenschaft und erfahrung, sie bastard affe, abschaum mit herrenrasse illusion, drecksau untermensch

old roman wall, existence looting. azadeh

hou dacebook is unblocked

in a democracy and constitutional state, judges and european networks: we don't allow your old life and destroy charisma


آقا الان داشتم گوگوش آهنگ طلاق رو گوش میکردم، بعد یکی داد زد تو گوشم: نوآوری  و تولید اندیشه چه شد!؟ دیدم باز خودشه مجلس دوم رو دم در گوش ما میخواد تشکیل بده امشب. گفتم ببینم این طعنه که یعنی سارکاسموس در موسیقی نوستالژی و تاریخ معاصر هم شما بودید؟ در گوش کدوم خری خوندی بنویسه و آواز بخونه مارو بیچاره کردی. هرچی خوندن و نوشتن طعنه بود، با انقلاب هم گائیدن مارو. حالا هی میگه واسه انقلاب بعدی بنویس

scheiß huankind fake standard du affe du huankind, fake standard du drecksau untermensch