Freitag, 21. Januar 2022

here on this branch, because of this branch, omer turk and yazid arab works together with zionism, israel and wehrmachtsjuden., showbie

anti showbie, yezid und omer, anti, anti showbie fick dich koon tagahr omer

jews (VMAT2) insulted judges animals in stasi gethos after looting, robbery and torture, judges were bastard scum animals, dirtiest nazis in societies

a stain is des wos i main, a almdudler bring i a dohoam, jodeln tu i net, ober a stain hob i doham

به کیرم که زندگی تو یکی هیچ است

زندگي همچون کلافي پيچ در پيچ است که اولش پيچ است وآخرش هيچ است


i took a picture of myself yesterday at noon, i thought: you are sealed in a vacuum, the face timelessly petrified, art is timeless


چه کسی کشت مرا!؟

همه با آینه گفتم، آری
همه با آینه گفتم،

که خموشانه مرا می پائید
گفتم ای آینه با من تو بگو
چه کسی بال خیالم را چید؟
چه کسی صندوق جادویی اندیشه من غارت کرد؟
چه کسی خرمن رؤیایی گل های مرا داد به باد؟

سر انگشت بر آینه نهادم پرسان
چه کسی، آخر چه کسی کشت مرا؟
که نه دستی به مدد از سوی یاری برخاست
نه کسی را خبری شد، نه هیاهویی در شهر افتاد!

آینه ،اشک بر دیده به تاریکی آغاز غروب
بی صدا بر دلم انگشت نهاد.


"سیاوش کسرایی"

the theme of prehistory stones deal with god genes and aliens, djinns and anunakis. in the 21st century in a democracy and a legal state is the same topic, unjust state and illegal behavior towards vmat2, with djinn spö häupl and antichrist övp kurz

Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2022

حاج آقا خوار مادر اجنبی تو کیسه، گائیدن مارو سر اشعار دولبه تیز ما

in vienna and other cities in europe, america, canada, australia, we have autonomous anti vmat2 mafia, these are officials, police, judges, politicians, leftists, public prosecutors, secret services and many others. murderers, civil servants are murderers with sects and upper class


سنگ - سیاوش کسرایی

به یادت هست آن شب را که تنها
به بزمی ساده مهمان تو بودم؟
تو می‌خواندی که: دل دریا کن ای دوست
من اما غرق چشمان تو بودم؟
تو می‌گفتی که: پروا کن صد افسوس
مرا پروای نام و ننگ رفته است
من آن ساحل‌نشین سنگم چه دانی
چه‌ها بر سینه این سنگ رفته است
مکش دریا به خون خواندی و خاموش
تمناگر کنار من نشستی
چو ساحل‌ها گشودم بازوان را
تو چون امواج در ساحل شکستی

when my uncle davood died, my mother dreamed of davood, she told me: he stood in a strange light chain in a strange place, and looked at me, cried very lovingly and left. i think he is cursing ayatullahs ali khamenei and mojtaba right now. I hear his prayers

Scotty beam me up is yours, we vmat2 call it: ya emam zaman tradition. ya hou ya emam zaman, say hello, say, say yes, say hello say yes ya houuuu.. with thumb tip

I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia and psychosis, I get this confirmation for my statement from websites, history and prehistory, dark force stasi financial murder system against vmat2, also with corona vaccination, corona vaccination is deadly for vmat2 and some ethnic groups, compulsory vaccination is murder

the bastards eat like animals from darkforce stasi system with hizbullah, sepah and ayatullahs and police judges are not terrorists?

in parapsychology, americans are deeper and in research at the top, this paranormality that vienna police with CIA here systematically causes, ahrimanic darkforce paranormality, should be locked up in guantanamo as terrorist, 500 police officers and 100 judges

i was just taking a shower and thought: the degree of purity is perfect, i don't get a stiff penis even with erotic daydreams. houm....

take it away in a second aryan psychopathy

aryan psychopathy, indo romano race psychopathy

Aryan plunder psychopathy, occult stalking, manipulation techniques, persecution and espionage is therefore: you have metaphysics in life, we don't. we will be present everywhere non-stop to snatch everything away in a second, step by step we will follow you to take away success, job, life, capital and existence

نفرت افکنی برای قتل است، سرمایه از این تحرک، مکانیسم و ترفند برای انجام قتل

kettenmorde in iran sind made in austria, mit zigeuner familien: amiri, shams, nasri, naderi und andere, wien beweist es mit seine tiere, richter polizei politiker und geheimdienste

dreckige österreicher abschaum tier will nur geld fressen mit iranische zigeuner durch weitere kettenmorde in europa kanada und amerika, dreckige abschaum österreicher

austrian CIA and ali khamenei

The victims included more than 80 writers, translators, poets, political activists, and ordinary citizens,[6][7] and were killed by a variety of means such as car crashes, stabbings, shootings in staged robberies, and injections with potassium to simulate heart attack.[8] The pattern of murders did not come to light until late 1998 when Dariush Forouhar, his wife Parvaneh Eskandari Forouhar, and three dissident writers were murdered over a span of two months.[9]

After the murders were publicized, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei denied the government was responsible, and blamed "Iran's enemies".[10] In mid-1999, after great public outcry and journalistic investigation in Iran and publicity abroad,[1

dreckige österreicher abschaum tier will nur geld fressen mit iranische zigeuner und weitere kettenmorde, dreckige abschaum österreicher

because of chain murders in iran and the forouhar case, the islamic regime says we have no idea, and america and isral austria says: because of this innocent family, we don't know any perpetrators

خلاصه، 200 میلیون از جیب مجتبی داده؟ ارتش خارکوسده های قریب؟

i need 70.000 euro camera lenses, for 500.000 euro project. 1 project out of 38. fucking nazis blocked my business. 70.000, were one rug from 17th century. dirty bastard police nazis with häupl

UNO city elite have given assassination orders to ali and hussein gharib and rahim amiri and his children, they should kill rana farahani so that the contracts with mojtaba khamenei remain secret

we have to correct history in order to destroy racial madness, mass murder, anti-Semitism and psychopathy forever, shut up Austrian monkey, you racial madness monkey