Montag, 24. Januar 2022

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it's not immoral, politicians buy between 6 and 20,000 euros a month black magic, protective shield, energy, power and remote healing, look at 20 years vienna where the money comes from

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Viennese are sick individuals, useless for the world, a pity about the money, Vienna is sick because of origin and race, anti-Semitism, racial fanaticism, mass murder is useless and sick

That is the opinion of the Viennese judges, fascists and SPÖ nazis: native persians and ethnic groups are jews, we have to pull ourselves up through genocide and torture and live in prosperity. gypsy zargari government of iran is helping us

wiener sind kranke Individuen, nutzlos für die welt, schade um das geld, wien ist krank, wegen herkunft und rasse, antisemitismus, rassenwahn, massenmord ist nutzlos und krank

the truth today is: we are not humans because of capital, i don't have any. that is today's truth: without capital you are no human being, without race trade and crime, no human being

terror political murder, stasi system psychological warfare, attempted murder, is said to be attributed to nasser, his family and relatives from 2001, imprisonment for one year. Hizbullah, ayatullah's police, secret service, politicians and 500 million euros of bloodline torture should be erased with it? 500 will come to vienna and europe

You need 6 testicles to commit suicide. anunnakis and djinns have 4 in the freezer, they don't jump

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the truth today is: we are not humans because of capital, i don't have any. that is today's truth: without capital you are no human being, without race trade and crime, no human being

photo today. 24.01.2022

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do you understand what history delusion is? old race annihilated many caves of man as far as siberia, with chemicals. 1938 was revenge, america was revenge, middle east is revenge. alien revenge

آقا میمون آن زمان اسید نداشت، بی بی ولی داشت

بی بی گل دنیا دو روزه مهربونی تو میخوام
کجا پیدات بکنم بگو نشونی تو میخوام
دیگه تو از عاشقت رازت رو پنهون نکنی
هر کسی دل به تو بست خونشو ویرون نکنی
بی بی گل تو که منو کشتی بی بی گل
واسه چی منو دوست نداشتی بی بی گل
تو واسم زندگی نزاشتی بی بی گل
واسه چی منو دوست نداشتی بی بی گل
بی بی گل فدات بشم دیگه بی تو خستم بی بی گل
یکی از همین روزا میبینی شکستم بی بی گل
بی بی گل فدات بشم دل شده رسوای غمت
آخ دلم تنگه بیا بیا روی چشمام قدمت

viennese atheism.... Eventually Europe found out: Moses, Khidr and Elias had killed many children in caves. not enough, the result is girls without empathy in vienna

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Sonntag, 23. Januar 2022

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Ein Reiseführer aus dem späten 19. Jahrhundert liefert die einzige historische Erwähnung des „Zargari-Stammes“, in dem seine Neigung zur Straßenpiraterie beschrieben wird .

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NS wiederholung kann mit delikatessen aus dem gesetzbuch nicht verherrlicht werden. faschismus ist faschismus. man sagt zu iranische ethnien und Ureinwohner jude, jude, jude, SPÖ, ÖVP FPÖ, GRÜNE UND SPÖ. 2003, mein business. ich war 27 mit eine million euro knowhow und potenzial

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