Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2022

onsoro balkhi gedicht, seite? for editing

wir sind die höhere rasse, mit 500.000 euro ausrüstung können wir andere dimensionen erreichen. wir sind syrus rasse menschenrechtrasse, und keine walddheim uno

gypsy iranians are trained here for cyber terror and genocide in network internet terrorism, makes money and kills victims

Hizbullah and ayatollahs kill race in Iran, and earn money with the state of Austria through the Stasi show against race, with my family

austria is with spö and övp an ahrimanic lucifer state, in 1998 my sister was 16, the dirty stasi camera show, worse than in iran, insofar as vienna is the supporter of the child murders in iran as a former mass child murderer

spiritual fight

Many tribes were trained before the revolution and many after the revolution and some only today: these are humans and you have other origins. envy and anger kills, europe's fascism awakens animal instincts with science and gene research

that is kurt waldheim in UNO vienna and EU since 1981 in iran until today. race war. vmat2 and ancient race annihilation., because of prehistorey in europe and ethnic origin

international judges UNO, amnesty, human rights charter EU, with vienna: your sister and mother and you are as inferior as the killed race in iran, EU has no human rights violations, who sees human? are you human? this is europe america israel and this vienna

ja, aufjedenfall: lumpen gesamt um 50 euro, wegen stasi marie mit neuro, "Corpus callosum" balken schaden bringen mehr konsum, der tod ist der pot und geschlossen weil für den sarg ist noch niemand angeschossen

die richter sind absolute faschismus weil linke und grüne 100% hinter kapital kanibalismus stehen, das ist kanibalismus. das fleisch und blut, das gehirn von vmat2 wird gejagt gefoltert und getötet

bobo drinks tea from this tea set, why is that so important for bobo and the proletariat laughs at bobo. bobo is crazy, bobo is superstition

من بودم، حاجی نصرت، رضا پونصد، علی فرصت، آره و اینا خیلی بودیم - نقطه سر خط ...

iran needs help and i need 500, not 300 but 500. through iranian the rich elite in europa america and iran, ayatullahs, hizbullah earned up to 500 million euros illegally with torture apps, and torture stasi business

hes nazi doktor wüllst mit spritzen ins oarsch ane oder ins aug!? paranoia psychose schizophrenie, deppression, panikattaken sind 5 bomben zu expoldieren, LOL

bin ich es oder linke und grüne, i verdiente mein geld selber, du drecksau linke und grüne

زره پوش

چند روز قبل از اعدام سعید تو فکر این بود، چرا کسی نیست مارو ازدست اینها نجات بده، چرا هیچکس نیست، چرا کسی نمیاد، بعدش رفت پا جوخه اعدام، سرش هم انداخت پائین، یک نگاه انداخت به بدبخت بیچاره های اسلحه بدست، گفت بله، یک عمری نمیدونستید چجور باید زندگی کرد، و یا زندگی چیست، حالا شدید همه کاره. یک لحظه فکر کرد، بعد فهمید، بچه ها درگیر پیدا کردن زره پوش هستن. کجا زره پوش را پیدا کنند..... زره پوش هم یک لمپن خورده بورژواست که میگه کوسکش تکون بده کونت رو مادرقحبه، این پول رو بگیر برو فلان و بهمان بخر نکبت، عمله، جاکش سعید رو دارن میکشن، یالا

why are they stealing from us and thieves are supported by america uno and europe and israel!? and i have to talk to emam zaman every day, you black magic mafia and darkforce

the austrian americans europe have been killing our people with rahim amiri, ali gharib and hussein gharib for 40 years, and today they say: tara was killed here in washnington1990, why not rana the niece and zari the sister in your country, you are incapable

diese pechvogel ist schwarze magie, staatlich und mit superkleber garantie. es klebt an dir und lässst dich nichts finden und will dich verfaulen lassen, luzieferstaat mit darkforce armeen

98%, percent of western politicians are freemasons, 98%, you can't have any hope for the 2 percent, all are anti-iranians, anti-semit and race, and the people only raise gypsy criminals, including vienna with ali and hussein

was that america and cia!? saeed you want kids, really? children? forget the fuck


آقا علی دایی اینهارو میبینه، اوووووووه انگاری ابرقدرتهای غول پیکر میبینه، دوست داره با این ها خوار ایران رو بگاد، فقط اگر 2 دقیقه پیشش وایسن. بعد میگه: بدبخت بیکاره بیچاره بمیری بهتره، تو به اینها میگی میمون و حرف از ماقبل از تاریخ میزنی عقب افتاده

"heutige wiener juden sind opfer von zweite weltkrieg"

vienna police community: if he has evidence of terror and stasi financial project in hand we will kill barbad farahani and his family

There are many iranian girls who made innocent sacrifice a source of money, we sacrifice persian girls, vienna and austrian authorities allow it, we can kill and sacrifice who pays money!? in 5,000 to 15,000 psychopath rooms

vienna police community: if he has evidence of terror and stasi financial project in hand we will kill barbad farahani and his family