Samstag, 29. Januar 2022

dragon formation international and appearance of prophets and imams

freimaurerei, qum, jerusalem vatikan und die impf geschichte

we are the religious race with satellite on our heads and they want to kill us all in the name of belief in god, including the vatican and jerusalem. 6 million was not enough apart from hundreds of millions on all continents

All 3 religions are infiltrated by fascists racists antisemites and vmat2 enemies.

du sollst nicht töten ist eine lüge, insofern, sie unterstützen satanisten und faschisten. diese scheiß aussage ist wegen täterschutz, killer und mörderschutz

is good, collected stones and tablet photo

verstehen sie? vindobona, the mystery painting

archeology is taboo in vienna because romans, bavarians and jewish tribes destroyed native race austrians en masse and took their place. for monitoring the treasures under the ground and prehistory., michael häupls spö vienna is rom on vmat2 hunting, and for potential race, for vmat2

i came to vienna in 1986, pedophiles and children's porn ring mafia have data protection, i'm still being hunted and spied on, by vienna's secret services and police with secret cameras, without police files, criminal records or convictions

anti racial and mass murder comedian, like in KZ

austrian government parliament, politicians and leftists are sick, deep psychologically sick crap, sick antipathy as far as iranians are concerned, that take action against mass murder and genocide, against ayatullahs. the activists are labeled as "jews", persecuted, targeted and humiliated, and secretly killed

austria germany europe, protect with iron fist privacy from the pedophile and abolish privacy for vmat2


خرید امروز و علامت شگفت انگیز از اونور: تو چرا اینطوری شدی!؟ آدم با جوونی فحش میده یا با پیری!؟

und das soll in wien kein vmat2 und rassenvernichtung sein

ich gehe mit diese Visage asse, nach 36 jahren aufenhalt in wien, und a jeder wiener schaut mi oan wie a drecksau: warum wast dass wie a göld hob'n durch eich. depperte arschlöcher, diebe und scharlatane

i have a pebble somewhere with chinese aristocracy and king, viennese tribe, i can't find it, i need 7 days to find it, how will a thief find it

chinese opera didn't start in tang dynasty, it's much earlier. a spiritual tradition and art to prevent women from oppression and scorn

the austrian state has internationally destroyed my sex life, also in china, to prevent family formation and work with forced sterilization, secret cameras., messiah delusion next to iran israel and america

do you know the true story?

da gibts auf eine chinesische Operette und tragödie zu kaufen, wer wollen haben? chiiiiiii haaauuuu, nii, tachiiiii, chaha chaha chiiiiii

good morning colonel ortega, today 29.1.2022. what the hell is going on with this world? are you still an atheist? I do not believe

Freitag, 28. Januar 2022

3 shops is property, image rights is property, privacy is property, freedom of movement is property, apart from decoration and goods


why i know what the judges do collectively in this city is onsori balkhi, old aryan rituals, my sister's property and that of my family is not kosher. That was also the case with the  Wehrmachtjuden in 1932


with what courage i say that is because we are still 20 million in iran and are still being killed

euthanasie, stasi rassenfolter 2021, austria, america EU, israel, ayatullahs

black hate propaganda in international hidden evil networks: some are human some evolution, we all have hospitals and laboratories as allies for hunting. the result: nazi upper class, secret service sects, police and judges sects politicians, government: this is our country we are allowed to kill with heinrich's euthanasia

this dude is my dude, the problem with whores since prehistory, when they were still at the barbecue with saffron sauce

black hate propaganda in international hidden evil networks: some are human some evolution, we all have hospitals and laboratories as allies for hunting. the result: nazi upper class, secret service sects, police and judges sects politicians, government: this is our country we are allowed to kill with heinrich's euthanasia

That's what I call productive white psychopathy: 9 hours of bossa nova for two characters, 2 screenshots for one idea

the difference between iranian djinns and israeli djinns: israeli Djin is 0 tolerance and 0 empathy, it kills all of your relatives, friends and family, it doesn't charge a cent, 0 cents. iranian djinn distribute more money than possible to all relatives and families and distant relatives, that's why they have been in our country for 2500 years and have survived