Montag, 31. Januar 2022

anti semitism and racism was never an issue among us, it started with indo germanic race and immigration. my grandmother was from hamedan and malayer and white, and my grandfather bagher black from elam

we are different our culture and tradition is different we are cohan, when did a persian nationalist said: sell native persians as slaves, except gypsies

mazdak gestapo and nationalist formation could not watch that in iran. emam ali was the final solution. shit safavie with vampires and divs dragon formation

blood money and: Susan shams has never had a salary over 1000 euros in the last 30 years, 300,000 euros buying a house in tehran is ruining 3 businesses with azadeh amiri, and i have the problem because of 10,000 euros for teeth, as an antiques dealer and another 16 professions

the alliance leftists, greens, right wing, right wing parties because of vmat2 annihilation, generated tens of thousands of mindless bastard users in dozens of thousands of chat rooms and networks, murderer army for anti vmat2 program

ancient race vienna, the idea: magic cup

I need certain mushrooms in the forest, frog blessing and water

at some point i'll make a tea out of the wood, i'm only missing three things for the mixture

family shams and amiri will eat blood money like animals, blood money like animals., susan shams and soroor shams, blood money

phenomenon, a gift 2 years ago in the forest. a piece of wood, natural formation, and evidence of viennese black magic against me

my sister bought the true

myron was human, you are monkey origin, probably elam semit gene and dna. elami and luris are old semites from europe

new world order and fascism: for vmat2 jews, black or white there is evidence only with kalashinkov, die or kill like myron may in america

Sonntag, 30. Januar 2022

NS REPEAT had consumers and parts of the millions were sent to iran for ahrimanic lies rituall, holocaust conference . with the participation of rich families nazi networks global

fuck you, race and vmat2 until today

In Italy, the Third Position was developed by Roberto Fiore, along with Gabriele Adinolfi and Peppe Dimitri, in the tradition of Italian neo-fascism. Third Position's ideology is characterized by a militarist formulation, a palingenetic ultranationalism looking favourably to national liberation movements, support for racial separatism and the adherence to a soldier lifestyle. In order to construct a cultural background for the ideology, Fiore looked to the ruralism of Julius Evola and sought to combine it with the desire for a cultural-spiritual revolution. He adopted some of the positions of the contemporary far-right, notably the ethnopluralism of Alain de Benoist and the Europe-wide appeal associated with such views as the Europe a Nation campaign of Oswald Mosley (amongst others). Fiore was one of the founders of the Terza Posizione movement in 1978. Third Position ideas are now represented in Italy by Forza Nuova, led by Fiore; and by the movement CasaPound, a network of far-right social centres.

wien: wir sind alle zusammen! solidarisch. rechte und linke, grüne, vmat2 folter und impfzwang., 1920-1932


this global event was paid for by destroying 3 shops. genes and dna jew persian shops, by austria. million euros to Hizbullah, ayatullahs and ahmadinejad. for lynching.

ich bin nicht sicher, ist das gott gene!? mit darkforce überwachung, black matter energiekette

when my mother was asleep he came with a swan to fly her on her wings to a kingdom, no murano swan, farahaninininin nanini swan

smoke gate

This radical inhumane anti-Semitic behavior for 20 years shows: pandemic is an excuse to genetically modify people with chemicals and switch off vmat2 like 1938 to 1945.with vmat2 gene resistance the human dies. smoke gate

do you see this shop? state of austria says our gypsy agents with key theft are our honorable citizens, kebab seller ali and english teacher azadeh. with a gift of millions of euros, black Stasi money

آقا الان داشتم از بانو هیلا صدیقی میخوندم، بعد شام امشبم رونگاه کردم، مانند شام آخر، سیرداغ با جعفری، ساردل شور با ماکارانی سیاه. گفتم شاید تو آخرین شام من باشی و بعد من در غبار کاروان های ستم دیده از صحنه دنیا پاک شوم. خلاصه پارمزان چربه حیف

i have had legal projects and economic system since 2002, everything was blocked internationally so that isaac can earn money illegally together with fascism, also in iran

Apparently, Viennese trees should be watered with our blood for Viennese excess of wealth and beauty

herr rabi, khakham, hat gott zu abraham gesagt töte den goat oder ist es eher eine kopie und übernahme von diese steine und phänomene!? na echt jetzt du mit simone und isaac

the viennese judges are so influenced by jews and ayatullahs with millions of euros that they say: nazi iranians and fascists are allowed to get rich illegally and corruptly through race trade, but vmat2 iranians are also not allowed to earn any money legally., vienna judges are psychopathic fascists and murderers, supported by the hague and strasbourg nazis

stone, polished, ritual, the blood of goat makes the country paradise and prosperous, but who gets rich? vmat2 ritual,

"die blume des lebens und heilige geometrie pyramiden stein" dein gold göld und existenz gehört mir.

million euros were distributed so that a sebastian kurz and michael häupl says: we are all together, austrian youth and all of iran. innocent genocide is in. we are proud to stand next to iranian antisemitism and fascism and to trade with iranian race