Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2022

das war wegen vmat2, heute in europa auch mit mir meine familie auch. fuck zionistisch ahrimanische journalismus

first bastard son of michael häupl, before that i'll get the evidence., everything that was destroyed in rana's life because of race ethnicity vmat2 back, or first the bastard child of michael häupl, because of the vmat2 destruction program

داشتم یک روز فیلم گوزنهارو دوباره نگاه میکردم بعد از ترانه داریوش قیصر، گفتم الکترومغناطیسی رو عشق ن. ه. ه. ه. ه. ه. حاج آقا دست چپ ایرانی صلواتیه به مولا ن. ه. ه. ه. ه. ه

a party that ran a mess against rana and her mom. and invited iran, turkey, europe and america to do so, says today: all those who have not been vaccinated will be punished without mercy. a party that hid evidence against heinrich gross for 80 years, glorified the murders of 800 children and today wants to commit lynching with ayatullahs in vienna

Die drei Stufen zum Olymp, ohne impfung

as a world art dealer, 500,000 euros for equipment is no problem, in a stasi system against vmat2, i say fuck your mother with 9 euros of equipment

water treatment, in aluminum grail with silver ball, and crystal ball, falcon and schizophreny friend

that was and is evolution dictatorship and fascism, israel is not ashamed, it never had anything to do with jews and israel

diese morde sind mit wiener beteiligung, kindermorde in iran, wien beweist es seit 18 jahren mit ranafarahani., rassenwahn und hass und morderdversuch

london and viennese police want to kill me and my sister, not just for money but to establish gypsy fascism, a new course after 40 years of dictatorship with iranian gypsies abroad

بدبختی اینجاست: از محسن سوال میکنی: متافوری یعنی چی؟ محسن فوری زنگ میزنه به داداش متی، میگه متی این به ما میگه متافوری، زنگ بزن به پروانه بگو به مامان گفته متی فوری. یعنی زود از کون افتاده با حزب اللهی فری

آقا یک سری جنده پتیاره لاشی عن ننه سنده با کوسکش هاشون هستن، اینطوری: من عن تو شکمم جمع شده برینم به اینها، شکمم باد داره از عن. جریان قدیمیه

the 32 years also included 32 years of jinn and pari intrigue in iran and domestic politics, for treason. there was no other way

hate speech and hate propaganda vmat2. until 1932 the collaborators

alexander's parents, jewish tribes and attack on great empire persia. 32 year strategy plan

Home and castle invasion attack is old, that is the reason: great empire of Persia with its deer smelled it and attacked with large armies the Ahrimanic before the dragon formations amassed. 300!?

secret camera action and stasi murder attempt with lynching, is the new holocaust with denial, a city is supposed to kill because of millions of euros in torture apps., kurt waldheim UNO CITY is responsible for hide evidence and destroy evidence and denial

luris and elamis have been fighting for clean water for 15 years, the crime is tribal relatives vienna iran. roman gypsy race and racial torture

i only have austrian citizenship, rana too, austrian state says: ayatullahs have the right to enrich themselves by race vmat2 and to kill them like in iran, there is no evidence for victims, like 40 years islamic regime and 12 million mass murders in iran. like 1918

himmler war ehrlich und nicht scheu

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2022

anti-democratic strategy and evolution fascism networks vienna, berlin, europe turkey and iran: we lead vmat2 and old race with psychological warfare to psychosis and isolation to suicide, stasi million pot is enough for everyone. torture apps are oil fields, there is always money.

test phenomenon. what goes up there is experience, spirituality and feeling, connection with the past. no material ecstasy or joy

there is evolutionary fascism everywhere and no jews or israel hatred, evolutionary fascism

freedom for archaeology, you or me? pull out monkey evolution and ancient civilization. in Vienna! you or me? Saying 'I' has a deep meaning. you killer genes, mass murderers

photo 2002: fick dich scheißdreck affe huankind nazi drecksau herkunft du untermensch, du bastard evolution nazi du scheißdreck. 16 berufe 38 projekte und 24 systemarbeiten, du huankind evolution du affe du nazi du scheiße

qiwi and welcome culture

when we arrived in vienna in 1986, police officers kept us at vienna airport for 2 weeks, the imitation potato stamp from the austrian ambassador was a notch too small, and the hard-working officer noticed immediately: this is not even russian work. in any case, another family from tehran was also detained next to us, with a daughter and son from the established middle class. one day the girl bought qiwi, the father passed by and said: qiwi shares have fallen with khomeini, there are no more qiwi, what a pity.
the girl got angry and went to a nearby policeman and asked: how do you eat this? the policeman said with a peel, like an apple.
The girl ate the qiwi with peel, and waved her hand towards the police officers with smiles . and she smiled at me. we are from the third world you asshole

i was and am a political activist and the police says: the stasi system will always remain and the image right is state property, private life is also state property like it was in 1938

you should shoot a government and its judges in the head, a government that doesn't want to take responsibility for dozens of human rights violations and doesn't want to answer, race annihilation programdespite evidence and files. monkeys fascism is worth nothing, the lives of these people are worth nothing

I therefore say ya emam zaman, messiah reincarnation

actually it's not a mirror but a candlestick for 2 euros, ya emam zaman