Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2022

academics should suck my dick, so that i only show 1 project with 500.000 euro equipment. there are as many titles as there are dog shits on the street

Iranian fascism, looting and theft in the 21st century is even inferior than fascism in Vienna in 1932. insofar as no education and intellect is available. only fake academic gift titles, for appearances: noble thief

don't tear it from my neck and steal it, that's smoky quartz and not sapphire my device is damaged too

wiener ahurai landschaft, königsberg. Ana von uns oida

I walk the streets of Vienna every day and hang a bell on my deer neck. zombies look at me angrily and say with their eyes: what's inside for us black curse? no it's Poseidon and his treasures

mainstay of ahrimanism, presumably steiner and others also collected stones:vmat2 stasi financial economy, with stasi whores and bastards venus and romeo

vienna and berlin only killed vmat2, jews were in military service wehrmacht

vienna cheated everyone, vienna fooled and laughed at everyone. Vienna rewarded Wehrmacht Jews and killed vmat2 Jews. idiot italian. this attitude and ideology was from excavations and artefacts prehistory, according to steiner and others

viennese police say with viennese israelis: you are vmat2 jew, vmat2 jew, stasi system and attempted murder always remains, without human rights

Today I am exactly 70 kilos

With 115 kilos, insulin poisoned, I was with a Stasi whore in Kefalonia, with extreme fatty liver, Jimbo was the doctor in my dreams. do you know jimbo? he is hacker from interstellar

israeli is ahrimanic capital fascism, and that with millions others in europe and america australia. because 6 million vmat2 was destroyed, and killed, and others are sitting on their place

ahrimanic israeli with organ and vmat2 stasi handel is not a jew, but canibal capitalism, and therefore there can be no talk of anti-semitism or racist attack. these are common israeli fascists with vienna, fascism against vmat2 and race

is this proven today? with vmat2 trading globally? with vienna like 1932 to 1946

صبح مورنینگ حاج آقا، دست چپ نه. ه. ه. ه. ه

vienna cheated everyone, vienna fooled and laughed at everyone. Vienna rewarded Wehrmacht Jews and killed vmat2 Jews. idiot italian. this attitude and ideology was from excavations and artefacts prehistory, according to steiner and others

Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2022

das war wegen vmat2, heute in europa auch mit mir meine familie auch. fuck zionistisch ahrimanische journalismus

first bastard son of michael häupl, before that i'll get the evidence., everything that was destroyed in rana's life because of race ethnicity vmat2 back, or first the bastard child of michael häupl, because of the vmat2 destruction program

داشتم یک روز فیلم گوزنهارو دوباره نگاه میکردم بعد از ترانه داریوش قیصر، گفتم الکترومغناطیسی رو عشق ن. ه. ه. ه. ه. ه. حاج آقا دست چپ ایرانی صلواتیه به مولا ن. ه. ه. ه. ه. ه

a party that ran a mess against rana and her mom. and invited iran, turkey, europe and america to do so, says today: all those who have not been vaccinated will be punished without mercy. a party that hid evidence against heinrich gross for 80 years, glorified the murders of 800 children and today wants to commit lynching with ayatullahs in vienna

Die drei Stufen zum Olymp, ohne impfung

as a world art dealer, 500,000 euros for equipment is no problem, in a stasi system against vmat2, i say fuck your mother with 9 euros of equipment

water treatment, in aluminum grail with silver ball, and crystal ball, falcon and schizophreny friend

that was and is evolution dictatorship and fascism, israel is not ashamed, it never had anything to do with jews and israel

diese morde sind mit wiener beteiligung, kindermorde in iran, wien beweist es seit 18 jahren mit ranafarahani., rassenwahn und hass und morderdversuch

london and viennese police want to kill me and my sister, not just for money but to establish gypsy fascism, a new course after 40 years of dictatorship with iranian gypsies abroad

بدبختی اینجاست: از محسن سوال میکنی: متافوری یعنی چی؟ محسن فوری زنگ میزنه به داداش متی، میگه متی این به ما میگه متافوری، زنگ بزن به پروانه بگو به مامان گفته متی فوری. یعنی زود از کون افتاده با حزب اللهی فری

آقا یک سری جنده پتیاره لاشی عن ننه سنده با کوسکش هاشون هستن، اینطوری: من عن تو شکمم جمع شده برینم به اینها، شکمم باد داره از عن. جریان قدیمیه

the 32 years also included 32 years of jinn and pari intrigue in iran and domestic politics, for treason. there was no other way

hate speech and hate propaganda vmat2. until 1932 the collaborators

alexander's parents, jewish tribes and attack on great empire persia. 32 year strategy plan