Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2022

CIA/NSA: wir haben in wien mit hizbullah und dutzende ayatullahs sonderrechte und terror und mord rechte, wir haben auch in iran sonderrechte mit elami luri vmat2 rasse., rassen folter finanzwirtschaft und projekte ist amerikanisches recht, international, sogar in china

charisma hunter, in collective, austrian women /iranian gypsy women genetic origin. elam artifact, 2000 B.C.

کیرم تو کوس ننه فعالین حقوق بشر ایرانی و احزاب سیاسی

es ist 2022 und wiener fressen noch immer scheiße mit ali und azadeh, ich schreibe seit 5 jahren strib du bastard wien stirb du minderwertige drecksau antisemit, mit iranische nazi zigeuner, scheißdreck evolution nazi

was ist scheiß wiener antisemit, scheiß kiwara, politiker und geheimdienstler, was ist scheißdreck grüne und linke huankinder, spö bastarde

the vultures are looking for this persian hand for existence ruin, ritual and occult stalking. because it can operate ancient technology and unknown physics, everything is underground., with gene manipulation the vultures want to kill or eliminate everyone, it only works with god genes

behrooz vosooghi

fuck your mother cia nsa america israel and ayatullahs with austria fuck your dirty mother. evolution bastards

against vienna london ayatollahs genocides in iran the only hope for free iran is armed struggle and to piss on america europe israel. iran is not syria or lybia and iraq

مادرجنده های خارج از کشور

آقا طرف میگه من هیچ راه‌حلی برای جلو گیری از قتل دست جمعی ندارم، اپوزیسیون میگه من هویج بعد از 40 سال، خوب تو به کوس ننه جندت خندیدی بیای تو سیاست خارکوسده، بچاپی و بخوری و بخوابی با ریخت و پاش و خونه خریدن، کوسکش. هدفمندانه هم میگی با دولت اتریش و آخوند باید ایرانی فروخت، نژاد ما زیاد داریم پول کم داریم. مادر کونی کوسده سیاسی

ahmad haschemi und gorji marzban und dutzende iranische ahmadinejad neonazis sind grüne partei mitglieder. antisemitisch und anti gott gene fanatiker, ich war der einzige neben veranstallter., ApA bericht ohne barbad farahanis name zu nennen

scheiß wiener fake linke und tiere:..... bohème bourgeoisie war und ist vmat2 und sozialismus, fick dich mit marx hegel und engels. massenmörder

i will pull every cent out of vmat2 world trade from green party. occult ahrimanic vmat2 race trade

after 20 years of the stasi system, anyone who comes too close to my sister with panic attacks and me with psychosis, paranoia and schitzpherenia will experience a sensation and wonder, come to us with an injection. vienna will be destroyed with nazi experiments and rituals against vmat2

bohème bourgeoisie war und ist vmat2 und sozialismus, fick dich europa mit marx hegel und engels. massenmörder

academics should suck my dick, so that i only show 1 project with 500.000 euro equipment. there are as many titles as there are dog shits on the street

Iranian fascism, looting and theft in the 21st century is even inferior than fascism in Vienna in 1932. insofar as no education and intellect is available. only fake academic gift titles, for appearances: noble thief

don't tear it from my neck and steal it, that's smoky quartz and not sapphire my device is damaged too

wiener ahurai landschaft, königsberg. Ana von uns oida

I walk the streets of Vienna every day and hang a bell on my deer neck. zombies look at me angrily and say with their eyes: what's inside for us black curse? no it's Poseidon and his treasures

mainstay of ahrimanism, presumably steiner and others also collected stones:vmat2 stasi financial economy, with stasi whores and bastards venus and romeo

vienna and berlin only killed vmat2, jews were in military service wehrmacht

vienna cheated everyone, vienna fooled and laughed at everyone. Vienna rewarded Wehrmacht Jews and killed vmat2 Jews. idiot italian. this attitude and ideology was from excavations and artefacts prehistory, according to steiner and others

viennese police say with viennese israelis: you are vmat2 jew, vmat2 jew, stasi system and attempted murder always remains, without human rights

Today I am exactly 70 kilos

With 115 kilos, insulin poisoned, I was with a Stasi whore in Kefalonia, with extreme fatty liver, Jimbo was the doctor in my dreams. do you know jimbo? he is hacker from interstellar

israeli is ahrimanic capital fascism, and that with millions others in europe and america australia. because 6 million vmat2 was destroyed, and killed, and others are sitting on their place

ahrimanic israeli with organ and vmat2 stasi handel is not a jew, but canibal capitalism, and therefore there can be no talk of anti-semitism or racist attack. these are common israeli fascists with vienna, fascism against vmat2 and race

is this proven today? with vmat2 trading globally? with vienna like 1932 to 1946

صبح مورنینگ حاج آقا، دست چپ نه. ه. ه. ه. ه

vienna cheated everyone, vienna fooled and laughed at everyone. Vienna rewarded Wehrmacht Jews and killed vmat2 Jews. idiot italian. this attitude and ideology was from excavations and artefacts prehistory, according to steiner and others