Freitag, 4. Februar 2022

at some point i come out on the streets naked with extreme psychosis and dance naked: zimbala, zambala, zumbala, zack zack zack hablala zmabala. assholes

Persian artifacts like that from the Sassanid period have deep political historical and philosophical significance

verstehen sie: das skandieren: marx ist muß und brecht du dumme nuss, war deshalb: er sagte zu linke bastard hunde, hunde., er kannte sein volk, besser als jeder andere

wien ist nach boykott und stasi finanzen mordversuch mit die einzigartige wiener tiere

Brecht was no Nostradamus, he only knew: this is a pattern that has been repeated for 5000 years with different models

ich scheiß auf 2G, impfung für a restaurantbesuch, geh scheiß'n oida, ahrimanische evolution diktatur

1998 und 666

قطار گلوبالیسم و سفر ایتالیا

آقا سال 2001 سه تا چمدون فرش کهنه بار کردم ببرم ایتالیا بفروشم، رفتم بلیت قطار خریدم فیرست کلاس برای امنیت جانی و اقتصادی، خلاصه کارمند قطار اومد و کمک هم کرد چمدون ها رو گذاشت واسم تو اتاقک. کمی گذشت و شب شد، داشتم کتاب مخفی میخوندم و دیدم نوشته قطار گلوبالیسم و فلان. گفتم آی خوار مادر شما با این فیرست کلاس، برداشتم یک نخ دراز از فرش کندم و بستم به در اتاقک و شست پام، که یعنی که یعنی، ما خوابیم ولی شست ما تو کون شما اگر بخوای بیای یواشکی تو اتاق ما

fuck your mother with vmat2 race trade with israel uno and america

these people are gypsy tribes like gharibs shams and amiris and take my place as an activist with intent vmat2 mass murder cover-up in iran europe and america

مینا احدی و حسن نایب هاشم، اکثریت و حزب کمونیست کارگری، وین پول خون زری و رعنا رو بخورید، اینجا هم گه زیادی و ماله کشی

UNO city you fucking animals and vmat2 killer, dirty bastard animals, evolution nazis, vmat2 killer, how much money? ali, azadeh, shams, gharib, amiri family and you? you fucking child murder race with vienna, you vmat2 killer fucking uno city

it's not lucie rie but it shows something

with 16 jobs potential and 38 projects, i never found work in this shitty monkey country, invaders on sacred ground, animals soiled the ground with children's blood, vmat2 blood, tens of thousands

scheiß österreicher, affenzirkus land, bastarde. hunderte bewerbungen mit hoch potenzial, scheißdreck nazi land mit geheimkameras

vamt2 morde in namen islam, österreich europa. correction request to my secretary, magister amiri, LOL., ich nix deutsch.

back then in 1932 as now we are superior, i was a world art dealer at the age of 25. police monkeys secret service agents and politicians have terrible monkey envy, ali rahimi was 2002 in art knowledge under my balls

deshalb sage ich: zuerst die kinder und frauen von nazis, das richtige wegen NS wiederholung nach 80 jahren nationalsozialismus und millionen kz vmat2 morde

I owe 35,000 euros because, of ruining my shop and business with secret police cameras. since 2005 a torture, and monthly court officials for eviction, everything valuable in furniture and other things. ahrimanic viennese torture for 20 years

manipulation and the antichrist

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Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2022

evidence, elam vmat genocide, alien americans and europeans

the reason why americans and europeans don't leave my mother and sister alone after the death of my aunt is the psychopathy, ahrimanic and anunnaki creation. gene manipulation, gene database, mind controll. Indo-European race and the European race. Iran has been affected by this for 40 years

Americans support all black financial transactions, real estate purchases, with torture apps, all are encouraged and supported, 1990 was different!? theft lotting, and selling video recordings and video cassettes?

LOL, ELAMI, ELAMI, ELAMI. viennese native race you evolutions nazi, bastards

15 millionen lesen diese seite, 15 millionen

cia nsa fbi killed my aunt and have not left us alone since 1998, because of genes and race, vmat2, they control the internet police, interpol and europol. austrofascism and hezbollah terror is not possible without americans

my tits in your ass you monkey evolution nazi, my human vmat2 tits and uterus, ihre titten in arsch von wiener nazi huren weiber: wenn wir keine gesunde uterus haben dann sollte es keiner, vmat2 ist virus

cia killed my aunt under torture, with gypsy iranians, the americans also hide evidence at the time, Her body was placed in the car to simulate a car crash, and today they hide evidence because of my sister, mother and my shop, fuck america and americans, bastard cia nsa fbi. i fuck americans, i fuck you. this action is possible because of you bastard americans

mark zuckberg ist wehrmachtsjude israeli, pro ayatullah und folter und neonazi freund, sebastian kurz freund. fuck america and american bastards, fuck american bastards, the friends of fascism and ayatullahs

vienna police has introduced all viennese districts into torture apps against race and vmat2 to date, and the police run a dictatorship because of the evidence. and blackmailed: whoever gives evidence will be arrested first