Samstag, 5. Februar 2022

i am a dreamer without equipment

austrians have 30,000 gypsy army in west including iranian secret service for genocide and mass murder and financial vmat2 projects. still more in iran since 19th century with farmanfarma family, toudeh aksariat and other agents

KGB Stasi protocols and today vmat2 cyber torture don't work without family and relatives, if they can't be bought then it means: genetic hereditary potential has made everyone in the family sick with cancer

indi and nazis is a truth for how many centuries?, well the father must be a university professor,otherwise this shit will happen, like with cheap Nasser

falcon schitzpherenia

emam zaman for deer emam zaman soldier

my joy today was a jasper purchase at the flea market, 5 euros for a treasure map. old civilization. The only question is what is meant by treasure, knowledge or gold. i have a lot to do in life but i can't shake austrian and iranian monkey stalkers away

80 years after national socialism one has this to say about the 3rd and 4th generation From dumpsters and rat holes: rubbish and scum dirt children.

torture apps vmat2 EU

in austria, aryan garbage becomes a capitalist through organ trafficking, human trafficking, arms trafficking, money laundering. but rubbish doesn't know how to pay taxes for capital, no brains for projects, the government offers human sacrifices for capital interest

for vmat2 hunter, stalker, occult stasi system

aleister crowley evolutions nazis that claim: it is our aryan right vmat2 race with or without genes to exploit, loot and kill must be beheaded. when no laws work and vmat2 lives in an unjust state

in ahrimanic darkforce actions, khidr elias and moses even killed the children, because this aggressive attitude is animalistic. saushiyant and hooshider, mazdak, kave ahangar too, cyrus the great, daraios the great too. these are aggressive animals

bought today, two, pieces. the truest socialism is vmat2 socialism, bohème

the logic that is emphasized in this assassination attempt stasi system is aleister crowley logic

alon, das dritte auge und wiener psychopathie. 2.bezirk wo ich 5 jahre wohnhaft war, das haus wurde markiert. fuck van der bellen und luzifer staat österreich

brecht says hyena i say rubbish container with 2 hanging shitty bags. see what these animals have been doing with mother and daughter in vienna for 20 years

bertold und wiener huren, killer rasse, evolution nazis und affen herkunft

wiener huren und azadeh amiri, von bertold brecht. das stasi finanz project

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als
rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen
entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts
sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die
bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird
dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“

fuck your mother, vmat2 killer

wien hat tradition in vmat2 massenmorde und ist verantwortlich für 30 jährige krieg und renaissance barbarei

40.000 familien erhängt durch k&k armee, wegen pazifismus und vmat2

Between 1916 and 1920, ten million people died in Iran, with the help of the Austro-Hungarian Army. in europe in the first 3 months of the first world war 40,000 families were hanged. 40,000 families hanged by the k&k army. after 40 years of islamic regime, with 15 million dead like 1918 scarcity and embargo policy, vienna says: we are mojtaba khamenei friendly. and vaccination is compulsory

god gene fanaticism, vmat2 torture and espionage, 6 million murders is the alien animal. vienna is still god genes fanaticism and an animal. led by women collective with a garbage container between the legs and two hanging shit bags

there are billions of stones on vienna's soil, from a million god gene society, from prehistory. viennese are monkeys and invaders on ahuar's soil

Freitag, 4. Februar 2022

alexander van der bellen ist mit impfzwang plan massenmörder vmat2 und rassenmörder, vmat2 feindschaft rassenfeindschaft hat wien in den letzten 20 jahren bewiesen

eigentumswohnung sollte so geschrieben werden: eigentums wohnung! trennen, köpfe trennen von tiere. tiere ohne karriere potenzial, aber affen mit gewalt und tötungs potenzial, neanderthal abschaum, evolution nazis

wer heute sagt ich habe arische rechte, rasse zu verkaufen, leben, existenz zu vernichten um in wohlstand, in eigentums wohnung und mit fake standard zu leben ist zu köpfen

my sister's decoration, plants are life, they live on the plate.

i love it, silver plate tajdar almonhar. LOL

everyone who says i use my aryan rights in vienna and earn money with race should be set on fire with petrol and the women should be attacked with acid. we earn condominiums with jews. burn scum animal

بیناموس، صبح تا شب سوسیس کالباس و چلو کبابی نشون بده در اینستاگرام، هی نشون بده هی ساندویج نشون بده، پژمان قلی پور 6 ماه آرزو یک چلو کباب داشت، 6 ما آرزو یک ساندویچ، باباش آخر سر گفت برو حقت رو از دولت بگیر. کوس کش های حرومزاده

you dirty mother fucker animal america and austria, bastard origin and animals, what is your solution to stop mass murders after 40 years, you dirtiest animal white house. fucking animal americans in vienna, useless animals