Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2022

my police files are white, criminal record clean, i'm just in a monkey country with racial madness and vmat2 paranoia. evolutionary animals dictatorship

richter wenn sie trotz beweise sagen: plünderung, diebstahl, geheimkameras ist arisches recht, und trotz beweise amiris shams, und gharibs nicht bestrafen dann schneide ich köpfe ab, eure zuerst. das ist faschismus und vorher hole ich die beweise

because of this story there is illegality in vienna, and human trade: iranian gypsies are original persians and this family are jews from somewhere

double-sided wiener stone, 27 angles 89 photos and dozens editing. one photo 12 editings

heas, raufzacken du, mit bierflaschen gehst raufan, mit bier flaschen, du arschloch du und die römer.

So if that's true spö, greens and leftists scum, Austria has 20% Gauls, that resists and protests against compulsory vaccination. this is the spirit

i said i have 16 jobs and 38 projects, one of them is: the missing warship cook, where is he!?

herr richter woilln's wos voin meth suppen? net des sog'n sie verlieren wegen die supp'n, er hot magie supp'n, sie römer sie, sie bastard


Die Priester dieser Kulte, die Druiden, beherrschten das geistige Leben der Gallier und lehrten sie, an Cathubodua, die Schlachtkrähe, zu glauben sowie an die Matronae (Matronen), die Schicksals- und Fruchtbarkeitsgöttinnen, die meist in Dreigestalt erschienen. Der Totenkult nahm eine herausragende Stellung ein, und die Gallier glaubten an ein Leben nach dem Tod in einer anderen, jenseitigen Welt. Bestattet wurden die Gallier, indem sie von ihren Hohepriestern verbrannt wurden.

staatliches gewaltmonopol umfasst: eigentum von rahim amiri, familie shams, ayatullahs hizbullah und wiener netzwerke ist in seinem geschäft und wohnung. unsere eigentum ist sein privatleben und ware, er will es von uns stehlen

asterisk had not fallen into it as a child, which means: oberlix's mother was legal high and ecstatic during pregnancy and childbirth

believe me the gauls were extraterrestrials crystal meth junkies😂😂😂😂

Do you understand, magic and spell powers is nothing more than science, with chemistry biology and physics mathematics to unlock the neural pathways

elam and galus realship vienna

Gauls and the soup..... viva resistance

برو بمیر گوشو جاکش

This family tree means a beautiful, successful, meaningful life, new producing and inventing, constant movement and joy, that is the philosophy. bring something new, produce something new, reading rene descartes takes a lot of time, to understand it needs roots, deep in the earth

the world should exclude this scum aryan race vienna and tehran from world politics, 80 years after national socialism vienna is more dangerous than before. also as an american in america

Genetic research should normally mean keeping psychopathy away from politics and economy, global economy and human rights's the other way around, see UNO, amnesty and other psychopathy gangs. and corona vaccination

the world should exclude this scum aryan race vienna and tehran from world politics, 80 years after national socialism vienna is more dangerous than before. also as an american in america

iran has to act like europe and america: secret genetic genes and dna test for isolation psychopathy and aryan scum

natural enemies, psychopathic alexander indo-german

indo germanic fascism and freemasonry with rahim amiri from1998, his life and business is ours: i am alexander rahbari and not ali rahbari. alexander, i owe this to freemasonry and vienna, i am alexander and not ali, ali beheaded us, ali killed us

ghaem magham farahani fucked london with luri native neuro linguistic, an ancient political language with no grammar and proper sentence structure but with high intellect

what vienna achieved with ali gharib, a kebab seller: we are getting rich with the old iranian race, ali kebab has bought up to 15 apartments

Aryan sick monkey, why does my life, private life with state authority belong to you? sick indo-aryan and viennese aryan race, why?

balthaser melchior casper, forced vaccination is not because of our genetic origin?

backside, the stalker, untill today

یعنی همه از دم قرو قاطی و با سوقاتی از اونور، اینم نشست هی فکر کرد من با تو چیکار کنم، جهود بشم، آخوند بشم، خاخام بشم، یا کشیش بشم، من خوار مادر تورو چجوری بگام.

native persian and 40 years troubles with psychopathic aryan scum in iran