Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2022

luristan ahwaz abadan and EU germany austria: concentration camp starvation death for iran is a pleasant feeling for us. my paltalk rooms 2002-2014 against scum european

germany austria and iranian fascism stole 20 years of my life with secret cameras and gave it to iranian gypsies, just like the iranian government in the world system: loot and we wash everything white, concentration camp starvation death for iran is a pleasant feeling for us

deutschland halt dich von mir fern, du bastard du unterstützer von austrofaschismus und ayatullah faschismus, du bastard mit merkel, unterstützer von dervish rasse und vmat2 massenmorde iran

austrian psychopathy and iranian: shamshung is high level baby

we are peaceful, happy and life-loving prehistory full human, these, monkeys have been killing us for more than 5000 years and between 1949 and today even more. aggressive without empathy monkeys

in a society that the regime itself says: we have one third psychopaths, the austrian government sends to them with the help of americans and israel illegal image material for entertainment, of an innocent successful family

کونده این رو من که فقط نمیگم خودت میگی، خارکوسده

Iran has to set up this system with genetic and dna tests: pull the Aryan race down, pull the native up, whoever is dissatisfied should move to Europe and Austria, america and live with them. scum nazis austrians

i never talke about somthing without evidence, ask austria why hundreds of iranians including sarhang amir amadi between 1952 and 1956 got gold and silver medals

scum psychopathy tribes in iran, shams, amiri, naderi, pyran and gharibs, also in government apparatus

stolze germanische und indo germanische KZ psychopathie, luristan holocaust. sarhang amirahmadi und wien

good morning.... believing in the water is like energy healing methods, hand energy for cancer treatment or chakra opening, without believing in the matter nothing works

wiener polizei ist scheißdreck psychopatie was vmat2 aus dem orient betrifft, das sind 80 jahre heinrich gross spö forschung, diese psychopathie ist angelernt.

shit and criminals, murderer race came to vienna from iranian provinces and villages and says: why are you from tehran art dealer and art connoisseur, shit with fake study titles and potential for mass crimes

i wanted to buy it today, as a man with 16 jobs and 38 projects, then i thought compulsory pension because of paranoia, depression and schizophrenia doesn't allow it, no money

Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2022

legales business in österreich

حاج آقا ما خارکوسده ها میدونستیم هر کی بیاد طرف ما میکشنش، امام حسن حسین علی نقی و تقی و عباس هم دعوت کردیم ایران، بعد خندمون گرفت، میدونی چرا؟ این رفیق های شما آدم بشو نیستن، هنوز هم همینه! تاریخ باید شفاف تعریف بشه چرا، شما کجا اینها کجا

I'm just offended: why does Austria think it's higher than me? am i a jew or ahura mazdaner with emam ali reference!? I make this stone 2 hours Hollywood movie with 800 hours of work, with the right equipment

مادر جنده ها، ما رفتیم 4 شب صاحب مغازه رو گائیدیم و مغازه رو با 525 یورو کرایه کردیم، شب های بدی نبود واسش، عن ننه های خارکوسده هول شدن، میگه: آقا این 500 تا جنس سنگین وزن داره با این اجاره. میلیاردر میشه، بگید به پلیس بگید به پلیس این چیزی نفروشه

the business and shop in capitalism and democracy is a sanctuary, i will kill you if no one is punished and my money is not returned, it is a sanctuary

"mach di net wichtig i bring di um" ist wienerisch, affen herkunft wienerisch, abschaum herkunft, neben michael häupl, schweine linke, drecksau grüne und abschaum rechte, affen herkunft bastarde. evolution diktatur mit keule. scheißdreck du

I am the first person to claim that Gauls Elamis and Luris Kurds and Native American people were in Vienna, I can prove it with an academic 800 page report with evidence

Die Priester dieser Kulte, die Druiden, beherrschten das geistige Leben der Gallier und lehrten sie, an Cathubodua, die Schlachtkrähe, zu glauben sowie an die Matronae (Matronen), die Schicksals- und Fruchtbarkeitsgöttinnen, die meist in Dreigestalt erschienen. Der Totenkult nahm eine herausragende Stellung ein, und die Gallier glaubten an ein Leben nach dem Tod in einer anderen, jenseitigen Welt. Bestattet wurden die Gallier, indem sie von ihren Hohepriestern verbrannt wurden.

judge if you say despite evidence: looting, theft, secret cameras is Aryan law,and despite evidence you don't punish the amiri family, shams family and gharibs, ayatullahs and hizbullah in vienna then i will cut off heads, yours first. this is fascism, but first I'll get the evidence

my police files are white, criminal record clean, i'm just in a monkey country with racial madness and vmat2 paranoia. evolutionary animals dictatorship

richter wenn sie trotz beweise sagen: plünderung, diebstahl, geheimkameras ist arisches recht, und trotz beweise amiris shams, und gharibs nicht bestrafen dann schneide ich köpfe ab, eure zuerst. das ist faschismus und vorher hole ich die beweise

because of this story there is illegality in vienna, and human trade: iranian gypsies are original persians and this family are jews from somewhere

double-sided wiener stone, 27 angles 89 photos and dozens editing. one photo 12 editings

heas, raufzacken du, mit bierflaschen gehst raufan, mit bier flaschen, du arschloch du und die römer.

So if that's true spö, greens and leftists scum, Austria has 20% Gauls, that resists and protests against compulsory vaccination. this is the spirit

i said i have 16 jobs and 38 projects, one of them is: the missing warship cook, where is he!?

herr richter woilln's wos voin meth suppen? net des sog'n sie verlieren wegen die supp'n, er hot magie supp'n, sie römer sie, sie bastard