Freitag, 11. Februar 2022

کیر تو روح اجداد حزب توده، مادر جنده های کوسکش

bijan, elami god gene. blocked potential

since 1968 a matrix has been built up in iran where no one can think multidimensionally, a matrix with a long-term strategy israel america europe, one was there and he was murdered alone in a cell

from where we came from here we were human, america, how deep? area 52

Ich bin das lebendige Brot, das vom Himmel herabgekommen ist. 2 fische brot und wein. bad camera

this trilogy is a system, paranormal, with verbal and non-verbal manipulation techniques, yesterday as today: everyone just looks on with bewilderment and the nazi aliens do what they want. 3 times 8 strategy and tactical plans. it doesn't work without international networks and america and london

Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2022

ahrimanic trilogy 1920-1944 austria

Das mysteriöse gemälde ist und war lamm schlachtfeld wien, heute mit bruno kreisky abschaum, "ich war jude und heute bin ich atheist", zumindest war er ehrlich und verzichtete auf kostüme

du scheiß östrreicher du terroristen schwein, du terror schwein du scheiß östrreicher

dreckige scheiß östrreicher mit ayatullahs, scheiß östrreicher mit ayatullahs und zigeuner iraner

this one healing stone has a special function: If you rub the stone from the tip of your thumb to the middle of your palm 4 times, then the smoker's cough is gone, and I've been smoking for 30 years

well, you can buy this simple stone on ebay or other sites, flea markets or you can find it on the ground.


adolf was a viennese concept and 1920 to 1944 the ahrimanic trilogy system against vmat2

do you understand: 1998-2006 first part, 2006-2014 second part, and 2014-2022 last part: murder because of attempted theft, gold and looting. viennese judges, police and networks vienna, EU and amerika

The Wolf and the Lamb is a well-known fable of Aesop and is numbered 155 in the Perry Index.[1] There are several variant stories of tyrannical injustice in which a victim is falsely accused and killed despite a reasonable defence

آینه، لول

می‌بینم صورتمو تو آینه،
با لبی خسته می‌پرسم از خودم :
این غریبه کیه ؟ از من چی می‌خواد ؟
اون به من یا من به اون خیره شدم ؟

باورم نمیشه هر چی می بینم ،
چشامو یه لحظه رو هم می ذارم ،
به خودم می‌گم که این صورتکه ،
می‌تونم از صورتم ورش دارم!

می‌کشم دست‌ام‌و روی صورت‌ام،
هر چی باید بدونم دست‌ام می‌گه،
من‌و توی آینه نشون می‌ده،
می‌گه: این تو ای، نه هیچ کس دیگه!

the whole thing that happened in vienna is like 1920 to 1945 an ahrimanic trilogy with satanists in jewish and ayatullah costumes.

theft, viennese collective 2008. public prosecutor vienna, lawyer and viennese judges, police and secret services: 280,000 euros theft is aryan tradition and our rights

no comment

بیگی منو


Phaedrus schreibt zum Schluss: Haec propter illos scripta est homines fabula, qui fictis causis innocentes opprimunt. (Diese Fabel ist wegen der Menschen geschrieben, die aus erfundenen Gründen Unschuldigen Gewalt antun.)[2]

diese scheiß hurenkinder, bastarde inklusive wiener richter sind auf massenmord aus mit ayatullah garantie, seit 40 jahren, hurenkind bastard fleisch und blut hurenkind, abschaum rasse, killer rasse, müll du wiener drecksau

elam und luristan du scheiß österreichische evolution affe, du bastard. sternenkarte

500,000 austrians including judges and police and state officials have ambitious, motivated and mobilized millions against iranian bloodline from elam kurdistan and luristan for repetition, with ayatullah and hezbollah guarantee

herr richter ich schreibe immer falsch, aber magister naderi ist 1900 euro gehalt und ich kann um 80.000 kaufen und um 400.000 verkaufen, wie ist die luft unter meine eier herr richter

mohammad naderi is the nephew of rahim amiri, an apprentice carpenter and porter from babol village, the lowest class of society, today it means: i am from iranian gypsy aristocracy and am allowed to earn money from barbad and rana to enlarge my property

اینم جریان: بیگی منو، جیگرم رو میخوای!!؟

یکسری بدبخت بیچاره اومدن ایران و گفتند ما اشرافیم، مثل همین کون دریده های وین با آخوند ها، ما هم گفتیم باشه چشم. شمشیر رستم تو کونت کمه، شمشیر علی هم روش تو کوس ننت مادر جنده قرمساق

this flow is in persian poetry the memory and knowledge of past, so barbad built a palace with a river for shirin

between 1998 and 2012 rahim amiri earned 1800 to 2200 euros, for 10 years he has been getting 800 euros pension, stealing from me and giving to gypsies has been Iranian politics for 40 years. millions of euros to amiri and shams family by the state of austria