Sonntag, 13. Februar 2022

آقا ما رفتیم بابا کرم گوش کنیم، مثل گاومیش نشستی میخونی، فکر کردی اربابت گندت میکنه هیچی نگی، خودت خودت رو حلق آویز کنی بهتره، باباااااا کرم رادادا دوست دارم رادادا، شیشه بابا رو نشکنی، شیشه بابا رو نشکنی، نمیشکنم و یا میشکنم باباااااا کرم رادادا

marxism never had a chance in europe, there is no breakthrough or people as breakthroughs, only parrots. the fool was: barbad is poison for the proletariat

hier drinnen steckt potenzial, 8 spezial talent programierungen. musik und kunst sind 2 davon, du affe du sau du huansau

wien braucht scheiß gesichter nach 80 jahren nationalsozialismus, das richtige visage: wir zuerstören gesicht karriere und existenz, und töten mit spitalärzte, wien braucht scheiß gesichter, das richtige gesicht

rana is a music producer and i'm not in the newspapers, that's why i put her down, i destroy her career and kill her is europe/austria/vienna's gift to the orient: earn money with european vmat2 citizens and kill her. Viennese secret cameras

one has to mark women that are organized with human trafficking and vmat2 trafficking in vienna and tehran, with acid in their face, no one will be arrested or punished for vmat2 man and woman trafficking

österreichische geheimdienste und richter: es gibt in europa für vmat2 aus dem iran keine menschen und bürgerrechte. wir sind mensch vmat2 ist kein mensch wie 1932

iranian gypsies vmat2 stasi business, stolen children. rahim amiri soroor shams tribes. i will get the evidence and i will kill you. if, if you will not punished in fucking austria.

between 2009 and 2017 rahim amiri paid 90,000 euros for house renovation, 1800 euros salary with 850 euros pension, with judge thieves, police and secret service thieves, politicians thieves from my life and existence, the animals had ashkenzim jews, the animals found ashkenazim negro blood , Ashkenazim Jew

phenomenon, natural formation, indo iranian old race. not indo aryan. hindi vmat2

du hur3nkind wiener ich war arbeitlos, arbeitslos du hurenkind österreicher aebeitlos, du scheißdreck., 280.000 euro diebstahl mit iraner du scheiß richter

ich ficke euch wiener wegen rahim amiri seine familie und andere iraner, und di ayatullahs, du scheiß österreicher, ich fick dich wegen 24 jahre stasi system., wenn ich sterbe dann hunderte andere werde es machen, nonstop fuck

winkel und 500.000 euro projekt

koskesh madarajendeh jakesh heyvoon oberschicht österreicher, oberschicht nazi naneh jendeh wiener burli ich bin es, ich. ich in elaaaaaaam du 300 affe

what austrians whisper in their houses and apartments: we have prosperity jews in iran, prosperity jews with 10,000 square meters of villas, our alis and hussein will make the lives of them bitter, our gypsies, amiris shams and naderis

i piss and shit on indo-germanic and germanic races, if exploitation, theft and plundering is a right in iran and austria, i piss on indo-aryan races

between 2009 and 2017 rahim amiri paid 90,000 euros for house renovation, 1800 euros salary with 850 euros pension, with judge thieves, police and secret service thieves, politicians thieves from my life and existence, the animals had ashkenzim jews, the animals found ashkenazim negro blood , Ashkenazim Jew

huankind wiener das ist ein nazi ritual mit huanweiber

hurenkind österreich, nazi abschaum ich war arbeitslos, nichtwahr? arbeitslos. du hurenkind östrreicher..... diebstahl durch wiener richter polizei und michael häupl, diebe scharlatane tier abschaum wiener. 280.000 euro diebstahl

my cock in the mouth of every european scientist that has called human blood with religion and sects, armenian, jewish, yizedis, ashuris, but not satanic, lucifer bloodline does not exist, although satanism today is religious freedom

ashkenazim neger jude woar ma, ashkenazi neger jude, in wien vor 300.000 jahren

ashkenazim neger jude hat österreicher mit polizei und geheimdienst gefunden ashkenazim neger jud

these people want to stalk me worldwide what i buy, i buy it in vienna for and with my sister, basket lid for 4 euros, 1952

open bookshelf bought in vienna with my sister. nice one, 5 euros

good news....

international law is international law, rogue state austria wants to act with rogue state iran like thieves, charlatans and animals with absurdity: iranian vmat2 business is a right, nobody has reported anything for 24 years or demanded human rights, in iran we are right against old race also in Europe

سیرابی این کیر ماست، گاز بگیر

hey wiener richter, düdürüdududu elam, düdürdududud lora, düdürdududud showa, lora showa elam khuba, du wiener richter, du arische zigeuner

ahura mazdaaaaasssss LOL mother fucker viennese darkforce bastards, ahura mazdaaaaaa😂😂😂😂 dirty assholes evolution

dealers like me are rare

at 26 this business is warmth, not because of money or capital or prosperity, because of taste, patina and energy, dealing with it is actually exchange, conversation, understanding, friendship. dealers like me are rare