Montag, 14. Februar 2022

headline: unknown police officers, judges and secret service agents murdered family during theft, viennese artist defended her collection and property, she was murdered

melchior, balthaser casper, messiah rebirth. tablet photo, 5 minutes ago

i called it art, angle art. photo yesterday night. good djinn

wiener huanweiber sind weniger wert als scheiße, und weinen gerade: wir haben keine rechte, wir haben keine rechte, nach stasi vmat2 show ist vergiften und töten tradition, wir haben keine rechte

nasser you son of the bitch, in 2001 you went with rana to a singing professor, rana was supposed to be an opera singer, at that time veronika white's friend said she should have a surgical operation on her vocal cords. she has talnet but surigal is necessary., inferrior race austria, against master race. abschaum östrreicher

am i alone with my sister genetic prodigies from ealm and luristan!? or rather 2 in hundreds of thousands, without water and food in iran

in iran holocaust died in the last 40 years three times as much as in the holocaust second world war, strategic plan to murder millions like in 1918. for the rest of us, vienna, america, london show examples of what to do

since alexander, rahim amiri has been making his daughter a cook sucker for a mass murder plan in kurdistan, luristan, ahwaz and azerbaijan

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2022

There are thousands of Sassanid artifacts that indicate: vmat2 mass murder. Islam was the only way out, today only an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth, stalker genes mass murder plan

good morning fucking aryan race... the pride of america israel europe and vienna: we have whores and coock suckers for general prosperity., also thousands of networks in iran

du scheißdreck israel du betrüger das waren vmat2 kinder keine juden, wo ist ein kind jude du bastard israeli, betrüger und mittäter, die opfer waren vmat2 semiten

against minorities persecution vmat in eu and america canada and australia only chemical attacks helps, mass murders like second world war will never stop, that's police intelligence military and state terror

Austria must be condemned because of vmat2 trade and race trade, it should give back the money and pay damages for torture, vmat2 murders have to stop you scum

vienna and austria: melchior judengold is more important than israel judengold we will defend it with weapons! time for chemistry? 80 years after national socialism you austria garbage?

in stasifolter ist gewalt wiederstand und befreiungskampf, hide evidence ist mordversuch

shit israel asks: with which education do you want to start which project your sentence structure is wrong, with this education: visual language, mitraism, which you don't understand

cia and nsa communicate nonstop with international bastards, vmat2 business bastards, european race killers and minority persecutors like ayatullah regime, minority hunters, fuck americans as freedom fighters fuck american bastards in all cities , as freedom fighters against terrorism, americans are anti race and vmat2 terrorists, in UNO too. my aunt was killed by anti vmat2 american bastard

photo 31.12.2020.

in stasifolter ist gewalt wiederstand und befreiungskampf

من بچه بودم قبل ازانقلاب بود، این خدا بیامرز گفت:باز این خارکوسده از هندوستان اومد، باز گیرافتادیم، قصاب شدیم تو سردخونه عاجز شدیم، یارو میگه نه تو عالمی، 30 سال گوشت و استخون خورد کردیم باز این اومد میگه خرخودتی تو عالمی، قمارت هم قبول نداریم،

in stasifolter ist gewalt wiederstand und befreiungskampf

bringt alle beweise von amiris heraus das ist stasifolter, das ist stasifolter schlimmer als ghassemloo fall, die beweise von gharibs amiris und andere asse. das ist faschismus und terror. gewalt anwendung ist wiederstand und befreiungskampf

hey cia his cane was big, and mine is small, 16 centimeters catch me if you can

die aussage: "ich arbeite nicht" für diese rasse in wien, bedeutet: ich kann damit nicht fertig werden dass du herrenrasse bist und ich evolution.

ancient technology underground was always the ahrimanic goal, melchior stick, magic stick can find it. like cosmas and damian, or moses and abraham. it only works with our dna and genes.

my grandfather, melchior race...... austrian police found ashkenazim negro race in vienna, vienna secret services found ashkenazim negro vmat2

since 2002 i write and talk about armed defense and revolution and american says: we install secret cameras for vmat2 terrorists you are terrorists against regime. vmat2 is 9/11 terrorist LOL monkey brains american

terrorismus antisemitismus und mordeversuch mit ayatullahs du huankind wiener journalist rassen und vmat2 fanatiker, 1932

2002-2021...Viennese journalism and editorial elite and the managers are bilderberg conference participants alongside spö.in vienna there is a repeat of NS because of VMAT2, no journalist writes about it, that is a plan for mass murder of race and vmat2.