Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022

farahani luris crossed with melchior and balthasar, kurdistan and elam is the deer tribe, for austria full blood jew

as a genetic and racial minority i have 50% rights in vienna like in iran, actually 2nd world war situation

haramkhar bastarde, UNO and amnesty satanists: evolution animals vienna UNO and amnesty: unconstitutional action is a right, vmat2 existence unconstitutional, to drive people to psychosis, suicide and panic christian

das ist djinn barekat, du arschloch haramkhar

metaphysics of life and djinn: i had a universal task to do not the goat, people followed me for good deeds not the goats, i am holy

wenn diese arische diebe und abschaum trotz beweise nicht verurteilt werden, dann ist selbstjustiz ein gesetz. wegen existenz plünderung, rassenhass und rassen mordversuch

کونی پاش بریم ماهیگیری، اگر ریدن نکردنداهییی هی هی

BAREKAT is metaphysics and aryan ayatollahs and europeans want to take it by force, or prevent it and claim it for themselves, empty zombies and animals

khidr ist eine wahrheit und rasse, das tor zu khidr eine spirituelle herausforderung., vmat2

Secret blood tests are carried out in khuzestan, ahvaz and other regions, the result: 80% are old breeds that don't deserve clean water. command europe's america's israel's nazi networks

scum aryan race, vienna teheran are race persecutors, hunter scum aryan race tehran and vienna say minorities have 50% rights. scum aryan race, filthy psychopath. du scheiß arische rasse wien tehran, du scheiß tier arische rasse wien tehran

2008 AMS file, my statement at the employment office: I suspected that as a political activist I was being followed and spied on by psychopaths, I also went to the police, I take actions to see who is following me, films me or wants to kill me. until 2018 in database, still!?

evolution animals vienna UNO and amnesty: unconstitutional action is a right, vmat2 existence unconstitutional, to drive people to psychosis, suicide and panic christian

we the vmat, different origins are the chosen 12 tribe ahura mazda, and israel the chosen 12 tribes of god, right!?

in germany only one church in cologne has 5 billion euros in capital, one church. as a human being i can do a billion euros a year business, for help to third countries,

all 3 world religions should have a gene and dna and bloodline certificate, animals are not allowed to be religious leaders. 600 years of mass murder with churches, mosques, synagogues is enough

Mohammed Hassan Manteghi Borujerdi became a Sunni in Australia, because in Iran there are only Aryan scum that pretend to be Shiite, Safavid waste, emigrants from psychopathy villages Europe, India and Pakistan. heyvans in solidarity with america, israel and europe

fascism anti-semitism, racial murder in the 21st century should receive chemotherapy, thousands of officials and politicians, judges, secret services and police officers, "muslims are the new jews? fuck you animal race

Montag, 14. Februar 2022

the stone finds its way to you and says: vienna and its animals are renaissance barbarism, 30 year war intrigue for racial annihilation, 1st world war, 2nd world war and today with your family and iran, iran intrigue for racial murder

the Viennese taught in iran middle east and africa, asia: you can earn money through iranian native race and vmat2 if they are business people, europe is behind you

Building feng shui has a hard way, tradition, 6 months quest. the stones must come to you. searching means movement, an action. the stones find you while you search. the reaction

wir sind die alte rasse und diese scheiß drecksau österreich und amerikaner töten uns mit diese zigeuner iraner, sehen sie was diese polizei und richter tiere in wien tun: diebstahl plünderung und mord in eine westliche demokratie, mit iranische alte rasse und vmate

cia agents, gang stalker and native iranian killer and vmat2 killer.

javad zarif my cock in your mouth because of black money and reza nasri and ali nasri, cia agents and the cousins of azadeh and arasch amiri, fuck your mother jawad zarif, fuck your mother with your two boys

arash amiri is a computer scientist programmer, cyber terror includes stasi murder programs, betting pots and organized syndykat for secret network terror and silent murders, he has developed several programs for my sister although he has a daughter and wife himself, supported by cia nsa and iranian secret service

bombard this shitty bastard country with chemical weapons, the cause of world war 1 and 2 and today the third against race: vmat2 stasi murder business establishment..... the world does not need genocidal and mass murderer psychopathy

ich scheiße auf hurenkind arische rasse in europa und amerika du angela bastard merkel, bastarde diebe und plünderer tiere, du hure du nazi merkel

ich scheiße auf hurenkind arische rasse in europa und amerika du angela bastard merkel, bastarde diebe und plünderer tiere, du hure du nazi merkel

winer richter sehen in die steine von wiener künstlerin rana farahani geld, und wollen stehlen kommen, wie 2008 mit rahim, 280.000 euro antiquitäten diebstahl

wenn 10.000 junge polizeibeamten in 21. jahrhundert sagen: wir sind nationalsozialisten und iranische, orientalische muslims die neue juden wegen gene und dna dann ist nervengas eine option. massenmordplan an rasse und vmat2 in europa und amerika