Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2022

wiener and ayatullah intrigue: we ruin his business and life, then we report him as a potential terrorist because he wants to take revenge on us, so we turn on 100 million stalkers and consumers in europe america iran turkey

آدمه ها، ولی مثل بوزینه میشینه کنار رود خاموش به ما متلک میندازه: اگر گفتی چی دیدم، منم مرموزم، مثل فروغ هستم! کوسکش بازی تو کولی آباد بعد از انقلاب یاد گرفته

اینجاست میگم: شاشیدم به کوس ننه هرچی آریایی دزد که اومد به ایران، به کوس ننه آرش مازیار و آزاده


کاش بر ساحل رودی خاموش
عطر مرموز گیاهی بودم
چو بر آنجا گذرت می افتاد
به سرا پای تو لب می سودم

do you understand? if israelis want to get married they should first take genetic samples from iranian women, like foroogh farokhzad, compare genetic and dna conditions, and then they can talk about creation as far as children are concerned

the greatest punishment is an evolutionary child from jezebel, isaac, a child from a marriage with jezebel, the father also calls the son isaac, right?

faschismus, antisemitisnus terrorismus meldet mich als terrorist an weil ich meine rechte will

wiener and ayatullah intrigue: we ruin his business and life, then we report him as a potential terrorist because he wants to take revenge on us, so we turn on 100 million stalkers and consumers in europe america iran turkey

this monkey is large parts of europe hence the evolutionary fascism, anti-semitism against creation. blond yellow white or black doesn't matter, evolutionary fascism against human

in europe, iranians are secretly examined in hospitals and laboratories by aryan nazi doctor pigs: who is left from the old days, aryan pigs nazis in vienna berlin paris london and hague. after 40 years of mass murder in iran, europe and america are still looking

scheiß arische rasse deutschland und wien mit nazi romano zigeuner iraner, scheiß bastard arische rasse. 40 jahre iran genozide, europäische arische tiere

connecting two compatible stones with crystal is the energy, water energy and cleansing of black matter. the crystal or mineral stone is the link and coupling

at that time, monkeys drank from the danube like dogs and cats, nothing happened to them. therefore the wonders were about our holy water, the holy water and 800 years of age

aryan pigs america europe iran keep iran in absolute poverty for 20 years and say: luri elamis are jews, sells the goods on the internet, viennese aryan animals and pigs intrigue

Kolbe, darkforce, american ku klux clan, iran solidarity (2006) tehran, denial conference, CIA AND NSA SECTS with nazi iranian

scheiß huankind arische rasse wien, wieviel hast du mit scheiß huankind arische rasse tehran in den letzten 40 jahren getötet, du scheiß arische rasse wien und tehran

خارکوسده قیافش با 47 سالگی میشه مثل خیارشور شیمیایی ریده شده، بعد میگه من نژاد برتر آریایی انقلابی هستم، بله دهه 57 همون انقلاب نو فاشیست بود دهاتی خر

make of all viennese ayatollahs blood test: european aryan ghazvin gypsies thieves and responsible for embargos against iran, like 10 centuries ago in baghdad against iran

international fascism and antisemitism wave has infiltrated the UN and amnesty as human rights activists, for NS repetition without punishment. with holocaust denial regime

goat and falcon is the persian tribal sign in vienna, not jews, we are fullblood jews?, luri kurds and elamis? you bastard aryan fascists in tehran and wien


judge, build life, is a rahim amiri with you, if aryan race put their heads their daughters between our legs, that is for you build existence, swallow our sperm

ist das adam und hava geschichte in elam, du jude, ziegen und hirsche foltern

scheiß österreicher du nennst schöpfung jude, für massenmord, eine alte wehrmachtsjude und wien intrige, du scheiß österreicher, jetzt sind iraner daran als holocaust opfer? seit 40 jahren mit ayatullah freunde, ha? ha? du scheiß östrreicher

Myrrh SMOOKE WONDER. old race and civilization

gene archeology found our bones in iran, dated at 12,000. the same will be found in vienna, dated 300,000, who is jew and armenian bastard evolution nazi, who is jew? our blood? bastard fucking austrians

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2022