Freitag, 18. Februar 2022

Americans say: everything we do against the family is our right, because they had the right to kill Rana's aunt. at 29 and double degree

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Viennese Jews and Darwinists were responsible for 6 million vmat2 deaths between 1920 and 1945 and that is exactly what these people have been doing for 20 years, with me and my family because of race gene and dna

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austria has 400,000 millionaires and the country with salaries from 970 to 50,000 a month and the government says: we have to ruin 3 businesses and lives, these are iranian jews, for even more money. this is the black pyramid hole, blood money

iran belongs to the "new" zionist world order: everyone who gets involved in politics with vmat2 will be destroyed. this is all because of corruption, ahrimanic capitalism and system.

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I know 3467 girls who stood at the train station with posters: refugees welcome. all 3467 became killers because of michael häupl's national socialist stasi money distribution. as far as rana, zari, mother and daughter and myself are concerned. killer because of stasi nazi money

خلاصه، حاج آقا ۴۷ نه. ه. ه. ه. ه

علی دایی امشب قرمه سبزی نوشخوار نکن، تولد منه مامانم اینها واسه من درست میکنن مرتیکه. تو رو چه به این حرف ها

gypsies import from 16th century to today politics. austria europe the big dream. raise gypsies and destroy persians. vienna/london politics for 40 years