Freitag, 18. Februar 2022

10 reiche oberechicht kinder monatlich töten beendet NS, rassismus, vmat2 massenmord und minderheiten verfolgung in wien europa

i'm 47, i got citizenship in 1992, and i've been living in vienna since 1986. cost point for austrian state between 1989 and 2009 zero CENT. I cost this state 0 cents until 2009. I reported being unemployed because of the destruction of my existence and the non-stop persecution of minorities in Europe

fotzeeeeeeeee mit nazi tenöreeee, fotzeeeeee du geschäftsfrau du

what is a 70,000 camera in your hands and in my hands, network monkeys. adventure travel. inferior stalker scum, vmat2 killer animals europe, iran america, turkey israel

do hint gonz hint haßt des: ey del agar asheghi, ey del agar asheghiiiii asheghe.... LOL

heas heas, nazi "Tenöre" urtyp nazi oida, heas heas ur geschöpf host a shahab suhrawardi studiert, balkhi scheißt eich oan ober ober suhrawardi hot licht codes, urrr oida ur, licht codes, host des studiert? oder nur balkhi du ur geschöpf du ur esel österreicher

right now, viennese chatrooms:

heas heas herr bolizeibeamter,, kennans des net aufhoilten, den sait'n koann ma nimmer oa schauen, na ist des net unchristlich, san ma net alle mensch!? heas beamter des is net guat hoiltn's die sait'n auf, i wü nix voin a stain der stain a nix von mi, i brauch ka energe, i, i, i geh in kirch'n woan i energie wüüll, hoilt'ns die sait'n auf, jesus maria josef er beschuldigt uns wie a taif'l, na pfui taif'l  des ist a taif'l wir hobns nicht gemocht

black stone and 3000 photos. only one photo of them is the right one for science

fuck you bastard network monkey, evolution. this size is 2 billions years old

billion asians have penis size between 10 and 16 centimeters and fuck europe with economy and potential, science, and the only thing the aryan race has to say in europe and america networks is: we have big dick. you have 15 and 16

today is my birthday, an hour ago 500 viennese police officers received 6 million euros from hezbollah and ayatullahs for hiding evidence, arrest and poisoning. traceless poisons.because ayatullahs and hizbullahs are also darwin's monkeys with no particularities and potential, without genes and dna from ancient times

what is a 70,000 camera in your hands and in my hands, network monkeys. adventure travel. inferior stalker scum, vmat2 killer animals europe, iran america, turkey israel

whore and bastardo in italian networks, sing for your birthday, not mine. scum inferior existence with gypsy ali and marjan. that's my gate, i'm still in the crystal ball, but soon

Americans say: everything we do against the family is our right, because they had the right to kill Rana's aunt. at 29 and double degree

in gabon, elamis were using a technology that today's man will only be able to reach after 500 years. kill us all and say hello to area 51, "aryan race" is inventive. under my hands it will be 20 years not 500 years. my killed aunt in america, nuclear medicine

Viennese Jews and Darwinists were responsible for 6 million vmat2 deaths between 1920 and 1945 and that is exactly what these people have been doing for 20 years, with me and my family because of race gene and dna

Were these the Jews too? or saoshyant my bro, fight against israel

ich bin als muslim geboren und wien hat zigeuner iraner beigebracht: sagt jude zu barbad wir haben blut und labor tests, zu zigeuner iraner, barbad ist nicht alte ahura mazdanische rasse, sondern jude

10 reiche oberechicht kinder monatlich töten beendet NS, rassismus, vmat2 massenmord und minderheiten verfolgung in wien europa

nice deer and his stones

ahrimanism these are not the dirtiest stones you have seen, from scale 1 to 10 these stones are scale 6. i have categorized all stones, i can still take new photos every day for 5 years

diese hure ist eine oberschicht nazi mit zwei kinder, 10 kinder monatlich töten beendet NS, rassismus, vmat2 massenmord und minderheiten verfolgung in wien europa

nationalsozialismus ist ahrimanismus gegen vmat2, und keine juden antisemitismus. 20 jahre folter wien. mit geheimkameras und stasi agent azadeh amiri

luzifer staat und alte huren und bastarde über 70, kein sex kein spaß? dann junge leute foltern wenn es der staat erlaubt. nasser und veronika, schwanz und futt kapput, alles kapput

Pentagramm pyramide, warum bist du jude wenn das alles sheytan ist was du machst, was soll das? luzifer system, wehrmachtsjuden und adolfs furien

ihr seid keine juden, sondern: ahrimanische darkforce, und häuser und immobilien kaufen durch und mit vmat2 und menschenhandel eine alte ritual

austria has 400,000 millionaires and the country with salaries from 970 to 50,000 a month and the government says: we have to ruin 3 businesses and lives, these are iranian jews, for even more money. this is the black pyramid hole, blood money

iran belongs to the "new" zionist world order: everyone who gets involved in politics with vmat2 will be destroyed. this is all because of corruption, ahrimanic capitalism and system.

40 years iran, faezeh rafsanjani her father and mojtaba and ali khamenei against god genes

آقا ما هی عربده میکشیدیم جنگ و دفاع مسلحانه، این حشمت هی میگفت: هر کی سر قبر خمینی میخواد بره بمب گذاری کنه ایران راهش ندین، ما هم میموندیم چی بگیم، خارکوسده جنگ ما چه ربطی به بمب گذاری سر قبر اون داره، بعد تازه فهمیدم چی میگه، یعنی بخشش، ببخشید و فراموش کنید، ما رو هم ببخشید

برو کوسکش مادر جنده، حریف من تو پلتالک تو نمیشدی 20 سال، حرومزاده با محسن درزی، کوسکش خائن رژیمی دیوث