Samstag, 19. Februar 2022

i am the right and a necessity, i am platonic right, confronted with evolution fascism, and atheistic antisemitism

Theurgy, from the Greek theourgia means literally something like "actuating the divine" and refers to actions that induce or bring about the presence of a divine or supernatural being, whether in an artifact or a person

i am the right and a necessity, i am platonic right, confronted with evolution fascism, and atheistic antisemitism

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

"stones artifacts" phenomenon

Theurgy, from the Greek theourgia means literally something like "actuating the divine" and refers to actions that induce or bring about the presence of a divine or supernatural being, whether in an artifact or a person. It was a practice closely related to magic - not least in its ritual use of material things, sacrifices, and verbal formulas to effect the believer's fellowship with the god, demon or departed spirit. It is distinguished from ordinary magical practices less by its techniques than by its aim, which was religious (union with the divine) rather than secular. use of the term theourgia as well as of the related theourgos, referring to a practioner of the art - arose in the second century CE in Hellenistic circles closely associated with the birth of Neoplatonism. The practice was commended and followed, in the third and later centuries, by certain Neolatonist philosophers and their disciples.[27]

It is important to note that the great theurgists of antiquity were highly educated men and women of impeccable reputation, totally different from the sellers of curses and spells.[28]

this is austrofascism, since 1920, anti vmat2 and old race movement global. vienna syndicate

I was also not identified in Athens and Kefalonia in 2016, many thought a fat Greek caretaker was walking around with a gypsy woman

why did stalin believe in wolf's messing powers ötzi!? and you Mussolini clowns.

In the centuries after Homer a number of individuals with supernatural powers emerged who cannot be labeled or classified precisely. They belong partly to the history of Greek philosophy and science, partly to the realm of Greek religion, but they are also magoi, or miracle-workers.

Perhaps the three most famous Greek magoi, between Homer and the Hellenistic period, when magic became an applied science, were Orpheus, Pythagoras, and Empedocles. All three are strikingly similar, but each clearly has an identity of his own. Pythagoras and Empedocles lived in fifth century BCE Orpheus was a more mythical figure, but Orphism, the religious movement named after him was very real and influential.

Orpheus and Pythagoras are associated with important philosophical and religious groups or schools in the history of Greek culture, while Empedocles remains more of a solitary phenomenon, though he did have disciple. All three individuals are known to have expressed their ideas in poetry and prose, and at some point many of these compositions were probably written down by their followers, but few of these writings are extant. What we have are fragments or substitutions by later authors. The similarities among these three figures suggest that in Greek civilization existed a type of miracle-worker who was also an original thinker and a great teacher, someone who offered a philosophical theory to explain the universe and the human soul-macrocosm and microcosm-and who may also have been a poet.

Orpheus is first mentioned in the sixth century by the poet Ibycus of Phegium, who speaks of "Orpheus of famous name." For Pindar, he is "the player on phorminx, father of melodious songs." [3] Aeschylus described him as he who "haled all things by the rapture of his voice." [4] In a vase painting he is depicted on board a boat, lyre in hand; and he is expressly named on a sixth-century metope of the Treasury of the Sicyonians at Delphi. Beginning in the sixth century the iconography of Orpheus becomes continually richer: vase paintings show him playing the lyre and surrounded by birds or wild animals or else by Thracian disciples. He is torn to pieces by maenads, or he is in Hades with other divinities. From the fifth century, too, are the first references to his descent to the underworld to bring back his wife, Eurydice.[5] He fails in this because he looks back too soon or because the infernal powers opposed his undertaking.[6] Legend makes him live in Thrace "a generation before Homer," but on fifth-century ceramics he is always represented in Greek costume. It is in Thrace that he dies. His head, thrown into the Hebron, floated to Lesbos, singing. Piously recovered, it served as an oracle. [7]

These ancient boots scolded Persians and Elam as magicians because of frankincense and myrrh, among others. The real thing was that these demons hated when someone read them, their plans, and schemes and mass murder plans

plato and persians, magic history

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

heas, spö mich'l du vmat2 mörder, shaga ramba, shaga ramba zumba

zumba haga ramba geheimdienstler mit hizbulah und ayatullahs

these monkeys have been installing cameras nonstop for 20 years for what i do privately, i will show you today: haga, sama shumba, gama shama rumba, emam ali, emam ali, eye of ali samba hula gula ramba shamba rumba damba. bastard ötzi

The link and contact, the feeling to the other side is genetic but also metaphysical, as EU citizens you will be fucked, you understand!? whoever stays on the russian side wants security.

Freitag, 18. Februar 2022

wiener intrige bis heute, warum!? 3. und 4. generation ist schlimmer

with the stasi financial system, these children and the states, the networks are driving lynching: kill the vmat2 victims, otherwise you'll lose money and house

10 reiche oberechicht kinder monatlich töten beendet NS, rassismus, vmat2 massenmord und minderheiten verfolgung in wien europa

i'm 47, i got citizenship in 1992, and i've been living in vienna since 1986. cost point for austrian state between 1989 and 2009 zero CENT. I cost this state 0 cents until 2009. I reported being unemployed because of the destruction of my existence and the non-stop persecution of minorities in Europe

fotzeeeeeeeee mit nazi tenöreeee, fotzeeeeee du geschäftsfrau du

what is a 70,000 camera in your hands and in my hands, network monkeys. adventure travel. inferior stalker scum, vmat2 killer animals europe, iran america, turkey israel

do hint gonz hint haßt des: ey del agar asheghi, ey del agar asheghiiiii asheghe.... LOL

heas heas, nazi "Tenöre" urtyp nazi oida, heas heas ur geschöpf host a shahab suhrawardi studiert, balkhi scheißt eich oan ober ober suhrawardi hot licht codes, urrr oida ur, licht codes, host des studiert? oder nur balkhi du ur geschöpf du ur esel österreicher

right now, viennese chatrooms:

heas heas herr bolizeibeamter,, kennans des net aufhoilten, den sait'n koann ma nimmer oa schauen, na ist des net unchristlich, san ma net alle mensch!? heas beamter des is net guat hoiltn's die sait'n auf, i wü nix voin a stain der stain a nix von mi, i brauch ka energe, i, i, i geh in kirch'n woan i energie wüüll, hoilt'ns die sait'n auf, jesus maria josef er beschuldigt uns wie a taif'l, na pfui taif'l  des ist a taif'l wir hobns nicht gemocht

black stone and 3000 photos. only one photo of them is the right one for science

fuck you bastard network monkey, evolution. this size is 2 billions years old

billion asians have penis size between 10 and 16 centimeters and fuck europe with economy and potential, science, and the only thing the aryan race has to say in europe and america networks is: we have big dick. you have 15 and 16

today is my birthday, an hour ago 500 viennese police officers received 6 million euros from hezbollah and ayatullahs for hiding evidence, arrest and poisoning. traceless poisons.because ayatullahs and hizbullahs are also darwin's monkeys with no particularities and potential, without genes and dna from ancient times

what is a 70,000 camera in your hands and in my hands, network monkeys. adventure travel. inferior stalker scum, vmat2 killer animals europe, iran america, turkey israel

whore and bastardo in italian networks, sing for your birthday, not mine. scum inferior existence with gypsy ali and marjan. that's my gate, i'm still in the crystal ball, but soon

Americans say: everything we do against the family is our right, because they had the right to kill Rana's aunt. at 29 and double degree

in gabon, elamis were using a technology that today's man will only be able to reach after 500 years. kill us all and say hello to area 51, "aryan race" is inventive. under my hands it will be 20 years not 500 years. my killed aunt in america, nuclear medicine

Viennese Jews and Darwinists were responsible for 6 million vmat2 deaths between 1920 and 1945 and that is exactly what these people have been doing for 20 years, with me and my family because of race gene and dna