Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022

مادر جنده ها نشون بدم!؟ ما دود رو میخوریم با جن و دیو میدیم بیرون

this family secretly wants to kill me with UNO city staff, with the glorification: he smokes, he got sick because of smoking.

in 2018 the police had mahmoud, nasser, mansour, ghassem farahani and the karimis in their database as terrorists, the evidence was hidden for attempted murder and lynching

تخم میمون اهریمنی حرومزاده به من نگو تخم سیاه حرومزاده، خارکوسده، ببند، ببند، ببند کوسکش، مادر قحبه

Austria earns money with race trade in the EU, and says:we kill everyone that digs up stasi money. from vmat2 race. we are human and vmat2 race animals, that's what the viennese jews say too

heas ötzi wir waren und sind: größenwahnsinnig, naja, die wiener weiber auch heute., salza wasserfall österreich

"rahm" means mercy and pity, those sentenced to death only have one chance, the victim's family should show mercy and pity. it is a crime in iran today, the families are persecuted and made sick.from the amiris and gharibs tribes, RAHM IS HUMAN... .. they want to kill me for money, without mercy and pity with zion nazis and austro animal fascism

deep prophetic yellow stone, tablet camera. 16 professions, 38 projects, 24 systemworks, no money to buy special camera. aryan race needed money, because aryans are master race

in vienna there are hundreds of laws about citizenship rights, private rights, fundamental rights, see what the ayatullahs are doing with vienna: torture because of race genes and dna

For more than 60 years the world has been experiencing anti-Semitism, in Arabic-speaking countries, who can help? nobody. all a show, all antisemitism against lebanon and palestine lybia. All in solidarity with Jews from the Wehrmacht, Saudi Arabia, dubai, kuwait and others, all because of torture of the old race (karbala), in Iran also with Jews from the Wehrmacht, gypsies, in ayatolahs Shiite costumes

hayati hayati, karbala? be hazrate abbas hayati

meeeeeehhhhhh, luristan, ahwaz neeeeee

you have to imagine that with the second world war: this inferior race stole from our country the electromagnetic coil when they left austria, is it on kefalonia and greek islands!? our country our technology, give back my reel, our, my

national socialism was: oriental jews are persian tribes, they were in europe and we were apes and evolution

I should die so that these "Aryan Iranians" build a luxury life with 1200 to 2400 salaries?, the whole family ten million euros stasi nazi money luxury life!?

what vienna had established in europe and america, with the upper class, 20 years ago: we found special genes, he is the master race, we are evolution. mass crimes and death threats to anyone who wants to work for him.

The Buddhist montage declares his enlightenment under the cosmic Sacred Tree of Illumination.

Samstag, 19. Februar 2022

heas michi, wonach suchte arschloch adolf in tibet!?, ha?, ho?, ha?

i love his stones in vienna, nice gate and connection

endless story, of pure descent and guardians, in search of golden egg

I should die so that these "Aryan Iranians" build a luxury life with 1200 to 2400 salaries?, the whole family 10 million luxury life?

Haaretz also says black magicians are not Jews, what the hell is with Israel and anti-Semitism club. ahrimanism and satanic stasi finance with jesus tribe and vmat2 is not judaism, dealing with judas is not god's faith. satanism is not judaism even in traditional jewish costumes

heas rabi, wie long mochst des mit ali? i moan des ist scho ur long heas, heas, mit ayatullahs A no und hizbullah, rabi warum mochst des mit ali seit 20 joharn?, heas, des ist scho langweilig so long sho mit mi und mama, damals a no, heas

well, tablet camera and set

everything in this apartment is property of viennese artist rana farahani, austrian state is being blackmailed by iran and neo nazi networks america and europe for looting. Nazi theft will be punishable by death. Economically, Rana was in a position to buy decorations and appropriate collections, I haven't since 2009

heas rotfaschist und grünling, bohème bourgeoisie verkauft ka mensch und rasse net, der moacht sain essen sölber

Theurgy, from the Greek theourgia means literally something like "actuating the divine" and refers to actions that induce or bring about the presence of a divine or supernatural being, whether in an artifact or a person

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

spö leute sind atheisten schweine, övp nazi christen schweine, fpö satanisten sadisten, und grüne und linke das stasi geschäft mit winke winke: refugee welcome for our income, everyday 10 euros bio shwarma kebab ham ham, 2 biers 8 euros? we need income

fish, falcon, deer and sheep tribes vienna

austro and wehrmachtsjude anti vmat2 fascism, and invaders in austria, roman, bajuwars, zion nazis alliance vienna until today

When magic is mentioned in Roman laws, it is always discussed in a negative context. A consensus was established early which viewed harmful acts (and only harmful acts) of magic as criminal. The Laws of the Twelve Tablets (451-450 BCE) expressly forbid anyone from enticing his neighbors' crops into his fields by magic. Furthermore, the maleficient arts were often considered to be identical with death by poisoning and punishable with equal severity. An actual trial for alleged violation of these laws was held before Spurius Albinus in 157 BCE.[63] Cornelius Hispallus expelled the Chaldaen astrologers from Rome in 139 BCE - ostensibly on the grounds that they were magicians.[64] In 33 BCE astrologers and magicians are explicitly mentioned as having been driven from Rome. Twenty years later, Augustus ordered all books on the occult subject to be burned. In 16 CE magicians and astrologers were expelled from Italy, which was reinstated by edicts from other Emperors in 69 CE and 89 CE. Later, Constantine issued a ruling to cover all charges of magic. In it he distinguished between helpful charms, not punishable, and antagonistic spells.[65]