Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022

heas bruno kreisky atheismus depperter, du bist a wurst'l a genetischer, glaub ma des, du atheismus du sozialist du trottel du scheißdreck rassenwahn, huankind vmat2 wahn

arische steine, 3000 photos. LOL, mother fucker rassenwahn

what michael häupl does in vienna is himmler's inheritance, ancestor research and financial support, indo-germanic race vienna, vmat2 looting and social financial distribution system. aryan iranians shouldn't have a hard life with a salary of 1800 euros

the iranian gypsies have taken an oath: we will kill everyone, the master race will be annihilated, no native iranians will remain, 20 years with viennese gypsies iranians proves it, vienna with scum

sick psychopath animal austrians support hezbollah and ayatollahs from gypsy villages because: vmat2 country doesn't deserve democracy, prosperity and freedom. Vienna has been proving it for 20 years with anti human stasi system against mother and daughter

study arabic persian and oriental mythology and you will know what it means. reading books takes time

The color photo is raw, not processed, only made with light and tablet camera

ich war und bin aktivist und habe 16 berufe, ich habe 38 projekte, affe, nazi affe, evolution wollte 2 stunden charlie hebdo fall. nazi, affe, blond, blaue augen, kann auch studieren aber affe, abschaum sorte

there are no two hours, just one: i am from vienna's fireplace, you are a monkey from our zoo, wega and cobra

diese iraner und die familien sind mordversuch und terrorismus mit neonazis und andere, und cobra/wega trainieren: wie beenden wir ein kampf nach 2 stunden mit vmat2 LOL

dirty animal existence:we lie about 20 years stasi ritual until we die, aryan is human and doesn't go to jail because of vmat2 animal

the tablet camera can't shoot any sharper, but you can see the saucepan

vienna tax office you will experience your blue miracle in new rom

recipes, chemistry are something that the old world knew, not because of taste and good smell but because of ahrimanic darkforce and secret poisoning for ending the stasi business, with jesus it was 18 times, as da vinci says


a woman is claiming in chatrooms: cilantro, cilantro is a necessity, otherwise you can't eat it. ehhmm: i'll drink green tea with karmadon right away, it's forbidden. because i took little turmeric powder so i can drink green tea, coriander makes me more schizophrenic, worse than turmeric with green tea

done, new recipe, the chemical compound is ok

the only thing: i roast the mushrooms in lemon slices and apples with olive oil

i believe in the three, but with mushrooms, an egg, curry turmeric, ginger, hot pepper, potatoes and some meat, parsley and onions and garlic it becomes something sacred. my new idea and invention today

آقا ما یک آتشکده برای دود درست میکردیم، با چهارتا نگهبان، با ما میشدن شورای نگهبان، سر جن و پری ومصلحت نظام، ببین چی شده، کی چی شده، نظام کی شده

viennese secret services are staffed by thousands of civil servants with a salary of 1300 to 2400 euros, and from position under my testicles they say: we are the master race and have freedom of action

amnesty und UNO sind an massenermord und folter vmat2 und alte rasse beteiligt, alle mitarbeiter sind in 1920er syndikat mit israelis. auch europäer mit alte gene leiden unter rassenwahn.

I owe 30,000 euros because of Viennese secret services and police politicians judges and Stasi camera action and the country earns tens of millions. Amnesty International and the UN are not aware of torture, also because of sex life

مادر جنده ها نشون بدم!؟ ما دود رو میخوریم با جن و دیو میدیم بیرون

this family secretly wants to kill me with UNO city staff, with the glorification: he smokes, he got sick because of smoking.

in 2018 the police had mahmoud, nasser, mansour, ghassem farahani and the karimis in their database as terrorists, the evidence was hidden for attempted murder and lynching

تخم میمون اهریمنی حرومزاده به من نگو تخم سیاه حرومزاده، خارکوسده، ببند، ببند، ببند کوسکش، مادر قحبه

Austria earns money with race trade in the EU, and says:we kill everyone that digs up stasi money. from vmat2 race. we are human and vmat2 race animals, that's what the viennese jews say too

heas ötzi wir waren und sind: größenwahnsinnig, naja, die wiener weiber auch heute., salza wasserfall österreich

"rahm" means mercy and pity, those sentenced to death only have one chance, the victim's family should show mercy and pity. it is a crime in iran today, the families are persecuted and made sick.from the amiris and gharibs tribes, RAHM IS HUMAN... .. they want to kill me for money, without mercy and pity with zion nazis and austro animal fascism

deep prophetic yellow stone, tablet camera. 16 professions, 38 projects, 24 systemworks, no money to buy special camera. aryan race needed money, because aryans are master race