Montag, 21. Februar 2022

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with vienna like in 1992 balkan war, uno has ambitious and seduced all gypsy iranian tribes and other tribes, teymoor lang tribes, yazid and omar tribes, indo european tribes in genocide and vmat2 murder and native murder, with the fact: only money is MOHABBAT, LOVE, AND LUCK

wir sind das leben, ahrimanische bastardrasse vernichtung und tod, UNO und amnesty mitarbeiter

there are hundreds of violations of human rights in austria and eu,

international ahrimanic bastard breed sits in the building as UNO staff for big brother show and vmat2 mass murder

babylon tower, big brother

occult science were former spö övp and fpö academics, heinrich gross for example, with 800 children, and today with cyber terror and secret poisoning with UNO and amnesty

huankind rassenwahn, huankind austro fascists, antisemit, anti vmat2. dirty fucking atheist nazis wien, bastard killer.

In general, Plutarch accepts a certain amount of what we would call "popular superstition," but he is anxious to select only what is compatible with his own philosophical doctrine, and what he selects he purifies and gives, as far as possible a rational explanation. He does not discuss ritual magic in any detail and he seems to reject astrology.

A later Platonist, Apuleius of Madaura (born c. 125 CE), gives us a substantial amount of information on contemporary beliefs in occult science. We have the speech he delivered in his own defense against the charge of magic, circa 160 CE, and from this Apologia (another title is De Magia) we learn how easy it was, at that time, for a philosopher to be accused of magiocal practices. Yet Apuleius may not have been completely above suspicion. In his novel, Metamorphoses (also known as The Golden Ass), a piece of fiction which seems to have autobiographical elements, the ehro, Lucius, dabbles in magic as a young man, gets into trouble, is rescued by the goddess Isis, and then finds true knowledge and happiness in her mysteries.[61]

chap, du rassenwahn, antisemit und neanderthaler bastardrasse, scheiß darwins affe, massenmörder, anti vmat2 tiere

Viennese judges, fpö, övp, spö: we prepared ali gharib and hussein gharib to kidnap rana farahani for red torture room, with some africans

rana farahani is a citizen, apparently europe and ayatullahs, americans and vienna want to kill the girl because of uterus, gene dna and ethnic origin with iranian gypsies. hide evidence and the silence is because of that: UNO and amnesty international women murderer

mathamtics, master race, kings and magicians melcbior balthaser casper

Pliny devotes the beginning of Book 30 to the magi andrefers to them here and there especially in Books 28 and 29.[56] To him they are basically sorcerers, but they might also be priests of a foreign religion, such as the Druids of the Celts in Britain and Gaul. He even includes Moses in a list of famous magi. According to Pliny, the art of the magi touches three areas: medicinareligio and artes mathematicae (30.1), "healing power," "ritual," and "astrology." Pliny's religio is not the same as our religion, sometimes he uses it in the sense of "superstition," sometimes in the sense of "expression of religious belief or custom".[57]

Viennese judges, fpö, övp, spö: we prepared ali gharib and hussein gharib to kidnap rana farahani for red torture room, with some africans

huannkind tiere österreicher, antisemitische bastardrasse, abschaum drecksau blut und fleisch. ich bin herrenrasse herkunft du abschaum darwins affe

Pliny devotes the beginning of Book 30 to the magi andrefers to them here and there especially in Books 28 and 29.[56] To him they are basically sorcerers, but they might also be priests of a foreign religion, such as the Druids of the Celts in Britain and Gaul. He even includes Moses in a list of famous magi. According to Pliny, the art of the magi touches three areas: medicinareligio and artes mathematicae (30.1), "healing power," "ritual," and "astrology." Pliny's religio is not the same as our religion, sometimes he uses it in the sense of "superstition," sometimes in the sense of "expression of religious belief or custom".[57]

Viennese judges, fpö, övp, spö: we prepared ali gharib and hussein gharib to kidnap rana farahani for red torture room, with some africans

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2022

my mother and sister and i have been living in vienna since 1986 and have been citizens since 1992, until today without police files, criminal records and convictions, what is happening in vienna is like iran for 40 years, anti-semitic murders with a hate campaign, with viennese judges, doctors and secret service, because of our ethnic origin vienna and god genes

hinweis lesen: zwei stämme: galier und kelten, wir waren alle in wien 12 stämme

heas alexander nationalist trottel, herr richter:

Pliny devotes the beginning of Book 30 to the magi andrefers to them here and there especially in Books 28 and 29.[56] To him they are basically sorcerers, but they might also be priests of a foreign religion, such as the Druids of the Celts in Britain and Gaul. He even includes Moses in a list of famous magi. According to Pliny, the art of the magi touches three areas: medicinareligio and artes mathematicae (30.1), "healing power," "ritual," and "astrology." Pliny's religio is not the same as our religion, sometimes he uses it in the sense of "superstition," sometimes in the sense of "expression of religious belief or custom".[57]

the stone bought by my sister is only an energy carrier and not a gemstone, health stone. persian king and his falcon

aufpassen burli und huri

american movies have eased a pain, for fascism among proletariat: we are human when we are organized with networks. teamwork, stroke plan and strategies, tactics. reading is difficult, watching movies is easy.

heas bruno kreisky atheismus depperter, du bist a wurst'l a genetischer, glaub ma des, du atheismus du sozialist du trottel du scheißdreck rassenwahn, huankind vmat2 wahn

arische steine, 3000 photos. LOL, mother fucker rassenwahn

what michael häupl does in vienna is himmler's inheritance, ancestor research and financial support, indo-germanic race vienna, vmat2 looting and social financial distribution system. aryan iranians shouldn't have a hard life with a salary of 1800 euros

the iranian gypsies have taken an oath: we will kill everyone, the master race will be annihilated, no native iranians will remain, 20 years with viennese gypsies iranians proves it, vienna with scum

sick psychopath animal austrians support hezbollah and ayatollahs from gypsy villages because: vmat2 country doesn't deserve democracy, prosperity and freedom. Vienna has been proving it for 20 years with anti human stasi system against mother and daughter

study arabic persian and oriental mythology and you will know what it means. reading books takes time

The color photo is raw, not processed, only made with light and tablet camera

ich war und bin aktivist und habe 16 berufe, ich habe 38 projekte, affe, nazi affe, evolution wollte 2 stunden charlie hebdo fall. nazi, affe, blond, blaue augen, kann auch studieren aber affe, abschaum sorte

there are no two hours, just one: i am from vienna's fireplace, you are a monkey from our zoo, wega and cobra

diese iraner und die familien sind mordversuch und terrorismus mit neonazis und andere, und cobra/wega trainieren: wie beenden wir ein kampf nach 2 stunden mit vmat2 LOL