Montag, 21. Februar 2022

you son of the bitch häupl you with Iranian Aryan garbage you himmler asshole, you himmler asshole michael häupl you with Aryan garbage from Iran., you himmler bastard häupl

ötzi du kannst keine steine haben, das sind gekaufte steine eigentümerin rana farahani, und ich jemand mit 38 projekten und16 berufen, und du unter meine eier, sebastian kurz ein killer, minderwertig und abschaum herkunft mit seine eltern. 12. bezirk arschloch kind, 60 m2 wohnung, wir 3 geschäfte 150 m2 wohnung. 2002

3 kings were mathematicians and magicians and we are deer, antelopes, goats and sheeps

oberschicht nazis und tiere: wir sind bereit für rassenhandel und diese geschäfts strategien zu sterben. na also

2006 was a poison attack on my person. I was in AKH for 7 days, the treatment was only pain medication, the doctors spoke after magnet resonance of a hidden virus, also in 2012 and 2018. Until 2006, upper class and police, secret services and politicians earned money from my shop. when i didn't die they dragged the proletariat and refugees into the stasi financial system from 2008 onwards. for ultimate torture

diese hurenkind tiere mit zion nazis, ayatullahs und zionisten verstehen nur eine sprache: auge um auge zahn um zahn, nervengas

gaskammer und chemikalien sind tradition in wien, gegen rasse, nervengas beendet rassenwahn und faschismus für immer. an eure eigene leute. rassen stasi plan business du huankind huansau abschaum österreicher

i always leave a gram of tobacco aside, with time and date and shop. at the slightest anomaly, i'll kill you with wife and child, bastard austrians and others

i'm 47, i got citizenship in 1992, and i've been living in vienna since 1986. cost point for austrian state between 1989 and 2009 zero CENT. I cost this state 0 cents until 2009.

richter ich hole mir die beweise und werde euch hirichten wegen faschismus, plünderung, diebstahl, ausbeutung, rassenwahn und morversuch mit islamische republik iran

since 1998 america has given permission for terror to austria and ayatullahs, police and secret services because iran has evidence that cia killed my aunt 1990!? because of genes dna, and god genes!?

das ist terrorismus und antisemitismus und die polizei sagt zu mir ahuramazda jude, ich bring euch um wenn niemand verhaftet und bestraft wird, trotz bewesie

keimling und ziege

do you know who i am? I'm someone that during an experimental brain surgery should stand next to the surgeon and give orders what he should do, and then a young intern should blow my cock for three hours for a successful new discovery

stranger, photo 2022

i wasn't in iran for 37 years so in that sense i don't have any relatives, there was never any emotional contact. i am a stranger, i didn't see the nasser family and his brothers from 2008 either. hezbollah ahmadinejad and the austrian state provided everyone with the stasi murder money. for occult races assassination

5 years hide evidence of the police was: live in wealth and prosperity with stasi murder money until we find more political vmat2 iranians, in europe america and turkey

the austrian state says: we are anti-semites together with the islamic government of iran, and if you wish we have been active in iran for 40 years with torture and genocide

elam artifact and....

no comment

with vienna like in 1992 balkan war, uno has ambitious and seduced all gypsy iranian tribes and other tribes, teymoor lang tribes, yazid and omar tribes, indo european tribes in genocide and vmat2 murder and native murder, with the fact: only money is MOHABBAT, LOVE, AND LUCK

wir sind das leben, ahrimanische bastardrasse vernichtung und tod, UNO und amnesty mitarbeiter

there are hundreds of violations of human rights in austria and eu,

international ahrimanic bastard breed sits in the building as UNO staff for big brother show and vmat2 mass murder

babylon tower, big brother

occult science were former spö övp and fpö academics, heinrich gross for example, with 800 children, and today with cyber terror and secret poisoning with UNO and amnesty

huankind rassenwahn, huankind austro fascists, antisemit, anti vmat2. dirty fucking atheist nazis wien, bastard killer.

In general, Plutarch accepts a certain amount of what we would call "popular superstition," but he is anxious to select only what is compatible with his own philosophical doctrine, and what he selects he purifies and gives, as far as possible a rational explanation. He does not discuss ritual magic in any detail and he seems to reject astrology.

A later Platonist, Apuleius of Madaura (born c. 125 CE), gives us a substantial amount of information on contemporary beliefs in occult science. We have the speech he delivered in his own defense against the charge of magic, circa 160 CE, and from this Apologia (another title is De Magia) we learn how easy it was, at that time, for a philosopher to be accused of magiocal practices. Yet Apuleius may not have been completely above suspicion. In his novel, Metamorphoses (also known as The Golden Ass), a piece of fiction which seems to have autobiographical elements, the ehro, Lucius, dabbles in magic as a young man, gets into trouble, is rescued by the goddess Isis, and then finds true knowledge and happiness in her mysteries.[61]

chap, du rassenwahn, antisemit und neanderthaler bastardrasse, scheiß darwins affe, massenmörder, anti vmat2 tiere

Viennese judges, fpö, övp, spö: we prepared ali gharib and hussein gharib to kidnap rana farahani for red torture room, with some africans

rana farahani is a citizen, apparently europe and ayatullahs, americans and vienna want to kill the girl because of uterus, gene dna and ethnic origin with iranian gypsies. hide evidence and the silence is because of that: UNO and amnesty international women murderer

mathamtics, master race, kings and magicians melcbior balthaser casper

Pliny devotes the beginning of Book 30 to the magi andrefers to them here and there especially in Books 28 and 29.[56] To him they are basically sorcerers, but they might also be priests of a foreign religion, such as the Druids of the Celts in Britain and Gaul. He even includes Moses in a list of famous magi. According to Pliny, the art of the magi touches three areas: medicinareligio and artes mathematicae (30.1), "healing power," "ritual," and "astrology." Pliny's religio is not the same as our religion, sometimes he uses it in the sense of "superstition," sometimes in the sense of "expression of religious belief or custom".[57]