Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022

the other reality in middle east and conflicts between iran israel syria and other countries is: alexanders jendeh divuneha, on both sides, jendeh divuneh conflicts to kill us and our children. the pimps are religious scholars in qum and jerusalem and the vatican. Jendeh Divuneh is protected by all 3 major religions

Viennese secret services are civil servants with salaries up to 2400 euros in a capitalist system with WKO/dealer protection. stasi money and races sale stasi revenue is fascism in EU. the citizen has the right to armed struggle if judges and state protect the interests of NS. Ruining of profession existence shop is NS REPEAT

vmat versteht vmat, tief

Accusing heretics and paganism was an ahrimanic intrigue in the church, as it is today. earn money outside the law and call yourself christian with mother and daughter torture. Mainly because of the holy grail and water, old races were called heretics and pagan. there was only jesus, his tribes are heretics because of water

the dirtiest enemies of native iranian are first america, then israel then dirty blonde european parliament

hide evidence is fucking Whitehouse, UNO cia nsa fbi, interpol europol. because gene, dna, race god gene. with ayatullahs

vmt2, 500,000 bc, fucking alien animals america EU. dirty bastard darwinian dictatorship

Franz Scherer (1933-2014) war katholischer Geistlicher, gleichzeitig hochbegabter Künstler und jahrelanger Sammler und Kenner hervorragender Kunstwerke.

Montag, 21. Februar 2022

before the ice age sheep

will everyone be sent to pension? in america too? earn 500 million through rorture apps, the new oil fields with vmat2 workers, and send them to pension with 900 euros!? because of paranoia and schizophrenia?

whore of babylon: isolation and separating society from god genes, controlled genes politics, Eugenia, is Armageddon, the forced sterilization: hell

kolbe, uterus, messiah. 3 kings

heas i bin a hirsch und der kiwara mocht aus mi a zebra mit schwarze streifen, lügen kampagne international ist das feuer du arschloch


this story in ashraf iraq, was also a goat deer trade, cia agents, iranians and members of mujahedin organization say: this breed is useless for future iran, like musa khiabani. there are 365 cia agents in shora melli moghavemat and mujahedin. my paltalk discussion 6 months, anti mujahedin

2002 to 2017 is a different story, but if nobody is punished because of 2017 to today, the lost 5 years, I kill police officers, because of fascism and racism and attempted murder. i get the evidence, if antisemitism and genocide plan will not be punished i will kill police officers

two stone set, holy water and ahriman

since the 16th century, gypsies have been competitors with their children, why can your children and ours not. like gharib family and children iq 65/80. why can your children do it without a degree, we can't do it despite a degree, your construction workers are more educated than our academics

viennese monkeys ruined rana's music career like the hezbollah and ayatullahs in 1980, primitive bastard assholes

in iran and worldwide there is MK ultra program, controlled children, what did muhammed reza pahlavi say? I will not let myself be suppressed by Zionists and blue eyes. his wife built homes for the children, musical and other homes for talented children. gypsy revolution began: talent in music, painting, and science is forbidden

خارکوسده ایرانی مادر کونی جنده ننه با آخوند، ما جهود شما میمون، میمون، جون تو، من جهود تو میمون، بیا بریم ژن تست آریایی ایرانی عن، میمون عن، کوسده مادر: "ما پول بلد نیستیم در بیاریم"، جنده عن، میمون عن

arian trash in iran learned it from aryan trash in vienna: our native race are jews, luristan ahwas kurdistan, abadan, tehran, jews. Laboratory reports and hospital doctors confirm it

you son of the bitch häupl you with Iranian Aryan garbage you himmler asshole, you himmler asshole michael häupl you with Aryan garbage from Iran., you himmler bastard häupl

ötzi du kannst keine steine haben, das sind gekaufte steine eigentümerin rana farahani, und ich jemand mit 38 projekten und16 berufen, und du unter meine eier, sebastian kurz ein killer, minderwertig und abschaum herkunft mit seine eltern. 12. bezirk arschloch kind, 60 m2 wohnung, wir 3 geschäfte 150 m2 wohnung. 2002

3 kings were mathematicians and magicians and we are deer, antelopes, goats and sheeps

oberschicht nazis und tiere: wir sind bereit für rassenhandel und diese geschäfts strategien zu sterben. na also

2006 was a poison attack on my person. I was in AKH for 7 days, the treatment was only pain medication, the doctors spoke after magnet resonance of a hidden virus, also in 2012 and 2018. Until 2006, upper class and police, secret services and politicians earned money from my shop. when i didn't die they dragged the proletariat and refugees into the stasi financial system from 2008 onwards. for ultimate torture

diese hurenkind tiere mit zion nazis, ayatullahs und zionisten verstehen nur eine sprache: auge um auge zahn um zahn, nervengas

gaskammer und chemikalien sind tradition in wien, gegen rasse, nervengas beendet rassenwahn und faschismus für immer. an eure eigene leute. rassen stasi plan business du huankind huansau abschaum österreicher

i always leave a gram of tobacco aside, with time and date and shop. at the slightest anomaly, i'll kill you with wife and child, bastard austrians and others