Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2022

evolution woman is a paranormal vagina, it fits 26 centimeters in, hey we are creations and not animals

Viennese women say: the life of a man is worth a penis size of 18 centimeters or more, under 18 is inferior, we also studied wilhelm reich and sex life, we are not the fascists what he means, we just think 15 centimeters is inferior

mina ahadi, aksariat party, toudeh party, hekmatists are third front agents and fascists, freedom fighters want to kill mina and austria says: iranian regime wants to kill mina, an austrian citizen

nasrin, ranas and zaris execution in vienna is UNO

austrofascism is trying to cause conflict between tribes and races in iran, cause a deep conflict, with the help of germany europe and america, i piss on inferior evolution origin. I piss on it

jendeh divune, fotzeeeeee du hur du abschaum, was sagt brecht fotzeeee?

austrofascism is trying to cause conflict between tribes and races in iran, cause a deep conflict, with the help of germany europe and america, i piss on inferior evolution origin. I piss on it

sun vitamin shower in the morning

صبح بخیر، کونی آریایی بگو آخ، این میشه 160 سالش، این جهود خارکوسده

the longing of alexander was long or eternal life, as in luristan and elam

stolen elami artifact in alexander's tomb: i am ary you are not ary, daraios i am ary, you ari, european psychopathy

original stone bosnia, eternal life, holy water

juden sagten auch baabi zu ari, unsere väter

because of secret cameras and stasi capital i have been under domestic arrest for 5 years, all social contacts, family, relatives, and everyone i knew are gone. because i am arian gene, ari people in iran, ari gott gene., elami artifacts. bosnian pyramids ari

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022

scheiß österreich du bastard huankind mit iranische romano rasse, du bastard abschaum kind

we are ari gene and vmat2 gene from old times confronted with brainless fascists from caves . the spaceships are buried deep. elam rock art

if it goes on like vienna, then europe leaves only one option possible, kill gypsy tribes so that they never work again for fascism and anti-semitism austria america, israel and europe

because of this bloodline, no regional and international officials have been working or will work, for 20 years and today, this bloodline is forbidden in iran and europe america, israel, only international lawyers work, and that costs from 100,000 euros. until then, vienna says: we have the right against negro jews, nobody reports anything

ari people in bosnian pyramids, antismitism!? the reason in israel europe and america!?

جووووونم،، کونی آریایی به من نگو جهود، کونی بگو آریایی

i am ari gene, ari tribe elam, i am arian not aryan, therfore, my grandfather said always to me bari-oltaala, because of arian god gene😇😇😇😇😇

because of this bloodline, no regional and international officials have been working or will work, for 20 years and today, this bloodline is forbidden in iran and europe america, israel, only international lawyers work, and that costs from 100,000 euros. until then, vienna says: we have the right against negro jews, nobody reports anything

anti djinn and satanism race, with holy water potential and hands

ahrimanischer kiwara und geheimdienstler: heas scherer du host a hauf'n ärger am hoils, host a glück dass gesturb'n bist du oarsch, i find dain grab und i hau di zam, i sing a liad für di am grob a ahrimanischer du oarschloch, du wast wer er ist du oarsch, wo hobts wos zam gehobt mit fakhaharanini!? ihr oarschlöcher

old race sperm, master race jesus christ, saushiyant, hoshider, mazdak, mazdosht, moses. clown israel

bastard meat and blood, black money vmat2 trade

it annoys me, i only buy single pieces for my sister's apartment, today i thought: ordering a cut glass plate for 300 euros was small change in 2005.
today i have to think why i can't afford it with 30,000 in debt, because scum and bastard race wanted to get rich through secret cameras? bastard meat and blood!?

wiener polizei sagt seit15 jahren: wir haben neger juden blut, sogar afghanen sind berechtigt durch stasi system geld zu verdienen, wir haben neger juden blut, wiener ärzte und akademiker sind mit uns einig, das sind melchior judenkinder


 بیناموس، این بوتاکس نیست ها، پوست عمل شده کشیده هم نیست، امر فرمودند کشیده بزنید، جنازه شهیدان گمشده و مفقود شهر را بیرون بکشید، استخوان تحویل مردم بدهید تا کشیده و جوان بمانید. ها؟ ها، من ریدم به اون جنگ ایران و عراق که کپی اصل مطلب رو تحویل مردم دادید

ahmadinejad: we have many followers in lower parts of tehran, don't forget that.well, zari and tara was from shabaz jonubi, tirdogholloo, you anti-semite mass murder, genocide with CIA NSA america israel and europe, you with animal austrians and viennese

1932, vmat2 massacre. Zionists create hate by installing secret cameras in vmat2 houses, collecting consumers, laundering money, buying 4 properties, and then killing the victim. to behead israeli children is to argue: a tooth for a tooth an eye for an eye, we'll take your life too