Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2022

in austria pedophiles, rapists, murderers, thieves and all criminals have data protection, as a human right and because of lynching danger, we don't because of ethnic origin and god genes

in austria pedophiles, rapists, murderers, thieves and all criminals have data protection, as a human right and because of lynching danger, we don't because of ethnic origin and god genes

in austria pedophiles, rapists, murderers, thieves and all criminals have data protection, as a human right and because of lynching danger, we don't because of ethnic origin and god genes

fucking uno and amnesty are racial torture, vmat2 torture, with austrian state secret cameras and attemped lynching murder

österreichische polizei geheimdienst und politik sind mit zigeuenr hizbullah und ayatulkahs in nonstop rassenfolter durch wanzen und geheimkameras, nonstop geheimkamera folter bis heute

nasrin shouts from iran: don't kill, uno amnesty international and vienna say: we even kill in vienna with cyber terror and lynching, rana farahani and zahra khonjmanesh....

in this darth vader matrix are the native iranians that show you what we are and were and what these zion nazis and europrans are. black magician colborateur jews that still call themselves jews today

Aus der Zeit der Umayyaden-Herrschaft wird berichtet, dass sie für Morde, Brandstiftung und Raubüberfälle sowie die Blockade von Handelswegen verantwortlich waren, um gegen höhere Lebensmittelpreise zu protestieren.

we have gypsies hezbollah in vienna with police and secret service fascism against mother and daughter and son, gypsies ayatullahs and hezbollah

because of this bloodline, no regional and international officials have been working or will work, for 20 years and today, this bloodline is forbidden in iran and europe america, israel,

nasrin shouts from iran: don't kill, uno amnesty international and vienna say: we even kill in vienna with cyber terror and lynching, rana farahani and zahra khonjmanesh....

viennese women started with penis size in vienna and today the animal says: god genes and luri elami race is unnecessary

life in europe is classified and rated with sex life, are you satisfied with his penis or not, but actually the whole thing is satanic feminism and fascism, left and right positions, human rights activism: 15 and 14 deserve no human rights

evolution woman is a paranormal vagina, it fits 26 centimeters in, hey we are creations and not animals

Viennese women say: the life of a man is worth a penis size of 18 centimeters or more, under 18 is inferior, we also studied wilhelm reich and sex life, we are not the fascists what he means, we just think 15 centimeters is inferior

mina ahadi, aksariat party, toudeh party, hekmatists are third front agents and fascists, freedom fighters want to kill mina and austria says: iranian regime wants to kill mina, an austrian citizen

nasrin, ranas and zaris execution in vienna is UNO

austrofascism is trying to cause conflict between tribes and races in iran, cause a deep conflict, with the help of germany europe and america, i piss on inferior evolution origin. I piss on it

jendeh divune, fotzeeeeee du hur du abschaum, was sagt brecht fotzeeee?

austrofascism is trying to cause conflict between tribes and races in iran, cause a deep conflict, with the help of germany europe and america, i piss on inferior evolution origin. I piss on it

sun vitamin shower in the morning

صبح بخیر، کونی آریایی بگو آخ، این میشه 160 سالش، این جهود خارکوسده

the longing of alexander was long or eternal life, as in luristan and elam

stolen elami artifact in alexander's tomb: i am ary you are not ary, daraios i am ary, you ari, european psychopathy

original stone bosnia, eternal life, holy water

juden sagten auch baabi zu ari, unsere väter

because of secret cameras and stasi capital i have been under domestic arrest for 5 years, all social contacts, family, relatives, and everyone i knew are gone. because i am arian gene, ari people in iran, ari gott gene., elami artifacts. bosnian pyramids ari