Sonntag, 27. Februar 2022

I had started a business after nasser farahani robbed my mother's business in 2002 with all the assets. he was also convicted. because of bankruptcy status and secret camera campaign in Vienna. today he has been working since 2010 with viennese judges, police and ahmadinejad terrorism

i had dozens of antique paintings in my shop, the viennese police and secret service and judges:the goods belong to the Aryan race, anyone who wants to buy should buy from us, we have agents, we will never allow him to sell at the right price

raw tablet photo stone, photographing and editing the wall in Rouffignac Cave is more complicated than editing an italian painting

everyone sees fascism in vienna, turkey, europe, america, iran, asia, the sick viennese will kill me for money, the judges, police, politicians will kill me for money, the country is to be fined with damages of 350 million euros

my editing, tablet 2019, old good gene and bad gene intrique and my head. Rouffignac Cave

Do you understand, the amiris were placed under positive iranian genes from 1998, so the revolutionary stasi action was possible as far as genes dna race and vmat2 are concerned, nobody talks to us about it.

I often heard hasta siempre el comandante, and looked at the corpse on the clip, and I thought to myself: if he's not in area 51 i eat a broom, mother fucker, finding revolution is 730 kids, heinrich gross kids for experiments

revolution. 3 stones 567 combinations 1240 photos and scenes

chi chi chi

Police, state, secret services, politicians, judges have taken away my security as a citizen with an Austrian passport.where no one works and where the stasi camera system for physical and mental torture is kept forever. to take away my right to children, family, wife/girlfriend and work

plato translation: we call ourselves deer, cows, sheep, goats, antelope, horses and camels, and call you monkeys and animals

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. 
*******These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity******

I am suffering from schizophrenia and paranoia, which is absurd: I hear 120 voices a day and I find the evidence for the statements of the voices on the internet and in books, we are confronted with Aryan animals and murderers.

the viennese are sick, but someone like ali and azadeh are chemistry for this sick society, utopia and ecstasy, the ultimate happiness, namely because: the illness is transformed into normality and law: we are normal and the victims are sick

international judges and prosecutors are more dangerous than nato as far as race is concerned. in the event that data is missing. from terrorism fascism antisemitism black finance business of fascism antisemitism and iranian terrorism

it doesn't matter where i come from, i've been an austrian citizen since 1992 and an eu citizen since the beginning 21st century. THIS IS TREASON

uuuuuuuuuund geh scheiß'n spö bastard

schwarze neid willi und geheimdienst kobold fritzi mit eigentumhaus und Kaffee

Aristotle is convinced that the planets and the fixed stars influence life on earth and that the fixed stars influence life on earth and he too believed in the existence of daemons

Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.

demon attack, left hand damage, black magic ritual

plato, plato, plato

fick dich michi mit nazi netzwerken

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

In the centuries after Homer a number of individuals with supernatural powers emerged who cannot be labeled or classified precisely. They belong partly to the history of Greek philosophy and science, partly to the realm of Greek religion, but they are also magoi, or miracle-workers.

Perhaps the three most famous Greek magoi, between Homer and the Hellenistic period, when magic became an applied science, were Orpheus, Pythagoras, and Empedocles. All three are strikingly similar, but each clearly has an identity of his own. Pythagoras and Empedocles lived in fifth century BCE Orpheus was a more mythical figure, but Orphism, the religious movement named after him was very real and influential.

uuuuuuuund fick dich nazi geheimdienstler mit spö övp. Mein feuer und rauch, uuuuuuuuund geh scheiß'n scheiß wiener atheismus und anti semitismus, anti vmat2 arschloch tier

molossian and goose women tribe, against gott gene, satanism feminism

tablet photo raw. 3 green ones, darforce aliens against happiness, MAGIC

I still have readers and listeners and imitators like yesterday

this case of the iranian embassy, islamic government of iran, america and the EU is worse than the ghassemloo case, because both governments work with doubles, and my relatives that i haven't seen for 36 years, a father that i haven't seen for 20 years and Uncles for 12 years, get money from the Stasi murderpot for confirming the fake material

i love our jews "semsari" kiri police, police kiri

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