Mittwoch, 9. März 2022

germanic and indo-germanic race want to end the stasi torture system with ecstasy, the looting of vmat2. and then the mega ecstasy orgasm, brain wimp: he kills 15 people. 20 years imprisonment and we keep the Jewish gold

my sister is happy with this ceramic today: jinn and pari next to the full asshole.... what does he shit!?

i wonder why nobody buys these hippopotamus since 3 days? around 6 euros with 5000 visitors a day. because I'm the scammer!? the thief? i should buy it? for my sister

These salad cutlery lay there for 7 weeks, nobody wanted salad cutlery made of horn and wood, my sister said buy it

these figures were in carla's showcase for 18 days, no one was interested, my sister said: buy it for me

my sister and i bought 3 egyptian souvenirs for the display case from carla today, with manual invoice, do you want to have it? mrs. judge with viennese police? .. only i think a wooden stone is a souvenir 18th century

feinde iran, seit jiroft kultur. in berlin 1943 und wien. paki ali und hindi rahim, ahmadinejad gang

adolf hitler spoke of negative genes gypsies and jews, vienna cheated like it does today and put it this way: hindi and wehrmachtjews are the good guys. vmat2 and positive genes the bad ones. til today. to date anti vmat2 vienna

120.000 menschen sind seit1979 nicht genug, die morde fangen in europa und amerika erst an, mit juden und ahmadinejad zigeuner

every viennese who bought real estate through racial fanaticism and anti-semitism and is in the black financial system must be killed, everyone, if the money will not be taken back, and offenders will not be punished

islamic republic of iran wants to kill people outside of iran and viennese politicians judges police prosecutors say: we are in solidarity together, in solidarity throughout europe

this is austrian government i deal with animals: mobile phone owners have data protection, the amount of data and internet is data protection. This terror stasi system is worse than children's porn ring mafia, that's attempted lynching. what does data protection mean?

every viennese who bought real estate through racial fanaticism and anti-semitism and is in the black financial system must be killed, everyone, if the money will not be taken back, and offenders will not be punished

all authorities and civil servants officials, politicians, scum austrians hide their racial fanaticism behind iranian regime people and ahmadinejad/javad zarif: we are good friends, political activism against our friends is to be punished

Dienstag, 8. März 2022

police secret services, SPÖ have been organizing chatrooms for racism and mauthausen psychopathy for 20 years, for race murderers iran, austria, europe, america, israel

the logistics and storage of us were carpets and antiques, austrian government teaches people data storage and logistics with private life and secret pornography of "jews"

NPD, AFD, FPÖ, NAZIS UND FASCHISTEN IN EUROPA, ALLE SOLIDARISCH MIT ISRAEL, NS wiederholung mit iranische, ur-rasse, native rasse

diese geschäfte wurden ruiniert und rassimus, faschismus, terrorismus, antisemitismus zahlte schwarz 15 häuser und wohnungen zu iranische amiri zigeuner, 15 häuser um millionen euro

vmat2 has high potential and we have tasks and projects to do.therefore to this day non-stop cameras of the monkeys, Viennese monkeys

Japanese Wood and Stone Wabi Sabi Sculpture

rom was austro fascism and zion nazi, wehrmachtsjude intrique, look at vienna today, my sister and mother

tablet photo raw, myrrh and franklin incense. the prophet has a buzzard and falcons as protectors

this is a very old story with wehrmachtjews and austrians, before cambyses: we extract the gold from the existence of vmat2 and pick it for ourselves, our gold not his gold, our genes. he stole god's genes, he got it as a gift, it was an unjust accident

the judges are not offended when they are killed, they are offended when the black stasi finanz race trade money is found in their homes. because it is conviction, history, tradition, power, religion, service, honor. vmat2 gold is their life's work.

judge, i'm not the last mohican, there are millions, you'll see what happens

why has there been racism, anti-semitism, fascism for 600 years when native people are naive, primitive and uneducated, 100 million murders in america, australia, africa, asia and the middle east? or why mauthausen?

ahmadi nejad and gang, until today

racism has an origin, as does the question: why are you different? so primitive, from orient, and we are so modern, you so naive

2006 had racism affirmation and tailwind for ruining my business and NS repeat

Shit Austria is with its Wehrmacht Jews Ahmadinejad supporters of anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism mainly concerns god genes and god genes race