Donnerstag, 10. März 2022

At that time I built up my business with 0 euros capital without a loan, WKO should have supported me with loans, who got a loan was rahim amiri: 1800 accountant salary, a loan of 380,000 euros for a house, and an Iranian ali, kebab seller, 100,000 euros credit, so that an ali becomes melange ali from kebab ali. fuck your mother evolution nazi, fuck your mother cheap animals

hey affe vmat2 und schamanismus, affe, österreicher, drecksau, abschaum herkunft, du affe, du kanibalist du kapital du fascho du affe

capital fascists, animals have been working with gypsy rahim and spö since 1998, to this day i am being persecuted by capital fascists and animals

wer kameras instaliert um vmat2 zu ruinieren, (champagne sozialisten) hat nie gelesen

i worked in my mother's shop from 1996, from 2002 this was my goal. this goal is possible everywhere, just not in vienna because of jew blood and secret tests by military and state hospitals, who is jew who is not!? are you jewish? who is vmat2? if so, then we don't even allow any business in honduras

kiwara, wo ist das schwarz göld wos die lait im internet illegal verdient hatten!? pistol gschicht oder wos? a nähmaschin g'schicht soills werden!?

die wiener haben wieder heimlich juden gefunden, dna und blut jude aus tehran, lurie-lami, armenisch und jüdisch

For 20 years, the Austrian state has caused my mother to owe 180,000 euros as torture with secret cameras and 35,000 euros for me. i'll get the evidence and kill werner faymann first if racial madness and racial torture, genocide and stalking is a right, i'll kill you if no one will be punished

I was at the place where I bought today, I said apart from your fingerprints I need photo proof of purchase, I'm 90 percent sure it's a 19th century duplicate, 10 percent chance it's older. i will do it tomorrow. clear thing,there are egyptian things in austria that are more than a hundred years old, imported from the 16th century

there are rich children who smoke up to one gram of crystal meth a day, they still remain monkeys, the hate against vmat2 is animalistic

I don't have a better camera, but you can see something

I found a bottle today for 1 euro, well collected pebbles, I call them lotus and buddha, one is cut.

indo indo, humana sindo, indo indo hizbullahi hehahi,, shekam mariaheee, shekanahi indo indo, faezeh rafsanjani, abe kire ma hameja khahani, durbin makhfeee kerdandaheeeee

the iranians have been confronted with ayatullah's superstitions, djins and paris for 40 years. This is how a political activist and world art dealer does it: the occult owl is your friend, the black egg is its universal egg and the demon and djinn are your terrorists. known origin

Mittwoch, 9. März 2022

18 years, not a single iranian in vienna was able to discuss for 5 minutes about iran in world system, economy, finance and culture/politics. i have 25,000 discussion hours in paltalk, thousands of rooms as admin and hundreds of users daily

This attempted murder and lynching is historical and political. it is ritual-related in iran and in europe

du huankind spö nazi, mit ali khamenei, du bastard fleisch und blut spö, du atheist schwein und vmat2 mörder. bruno kreisk's und heinrich gross atheisten schweine und vmat2 mörder. spö tiere

hurenkinder mit iranische zigeuner in 21. jahrhundert, hurenkinder bastard evolution affen österreicher. huansau scheißdreck österreicher, abschaum tier herkunft

vienna's heros, against elam and luristen origin in europa

since 1932 vienna and berlin have been working together with indians and gypsies, indians and pakestani, sarhang amir ahmadi and luristan holocaust is an example, and the proof is the honorary medal which spö and övp had awarded to iranians

ali khamenei and austria iran: ahvaz khuzestan bandar abbas kurdistan gilan, tehran, azerbaijan has many vmat2 jews, water and food scarcity does the rest. in europe and america we have 800,000 vmat2 jews

There are souvenirs and artefacts in Austria for over a hundred years or longer, also from the 19th and 20th centuries. my sister is correct, austria is corrupt

with mojtaba khamenei, vienna destroyed humanity, empathy and human rights. even because of apolitical mother and daughter. withstasi million business

capital fascists: we are the right people, we would kill ourselves after or during this action, vmat2 has no self respect. Do you respect yourself with your secret cameras? you worthless evolution meat!? you ahrimanic construction, fascist capitalist!?

last post, "Maybe i don't know"

I'll think about it until Monday if I should eat it. Good night

i have a new friend, he grew with the stone, natural formation from within

nice natural one

random, vmat2 characters

nice goat and jezebel

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...