Montag, 14. März 2022

hide evidence, terror und stasi system ist mord, mord du drecksau östrreich

america europe and israel have been working together very elegantly with ayatullahs and gypsies since 1969, with the reasoning: you are european gypsies like azadeh rahim and ali ghazivin. vienna has been an example for 18 years. black money and friendship and race persecution and attempted murder

hide evidence, terror und stasi system ist mord, mord du drecksau östrreich

left hand satanist against left hand luri elami. ahrimans gene manipulation and crossing...

entire viennese police apparatus, including office staff and supervisors: we refuse to work for vmat2 jews, elami negro jews, melchior jews

vmat2 has a metaphysics life marked with 6 and 7, angel signs. as early as ancient Persia, in ELAM, 4000 or 6000 B.C. the stasi system of lucifer state is: catch grid, spider web for six and seven, everywhere even in UN amnesty and international court key figures. black 6 and 7 against white 6 and 7. this artist was also a viennese phenomenon koskesh and hunter to fool me

Austria is a country where you are trapped as a child, if you have like juden 1932 vmat2 and god genes.the state has enough whores and agents pimps fathers, like zadeh amiri since 1998 and the family

آقا امروز رفتیم یک دنبک خریدیم، دیدیم درچهارچوبه قانون اساسی کوسخل بازی جادوگریست، یعنی همون لب تر میکنم خشتک سرمیکنم، گفتم بریم تو ویلو واجرا و رپ خونی زشت واسه آخوند، ما بلدیم ولی محسن نامجو پامجو نیستیم با آخوند شوخی داشه باشیم، آره، اونورش هم که میبنی دیگه، میگه ای رسول رستاخیز دست حق بهترین سلاح توست

i have people in case the police and police kids, hizbullah ayatullahs storm the apartment for illegal nazi theft and looting. a key and 1 weapon arsenal for declaration of war against nazi animals. someone said that to me on the street. I get the key and location immediately.

FPÖ mit hc strache: diese arische zigeunerrasse in wien sind menschen, barbad farahani und seine familie juden und nichts wert

Sonntag, 13. März 2022

among 120,000 murdered, 20,000 were artists and geniuses. vmat2 elami gene

iranische abschaum stämme verdienen zigeunerisch geld, mit schlüssel diebstahl und unerlaubtes eintreten, wiener polizei: iranische zigeuner sind die höhere rasse unsere zigeuner niedere. der grund ist: juden massenmord in iran, mit gharib und amiri und shams zigeuner clans

due to ethnic origin, race, dna, genes and vmat2 says the lucifer state and its middle class and upper class: that is not a right if these jews own something, that is our country. flea market is full of foreigners and traders.the psychopathic bastards can't stand the master race

the cut with light and angle is mathematics and instinct. vmat2 art. 300 photos and editing possible

holly water protect you mother fucker luzifer state. vmat2 artist hand

My sister's mug is a reminder of how I treated antiques with respect from 1998 onwards.and invested dozens of hours for details. everything destroyed by nazi monkeys, police parties and secret services with ayatullahs and hezbollah. 2019-2022.

i have people in case the police and police kids storm the apartment for illegal nazi theft and looting. a key and 1 weapon arsenal for declaration of war against nazi animals. someone said that to me on the street. I get the key and location immediately.

race trade, illegal income, illegal private life business, non-stop cameras, 800 hours of secret criminal recordings were not pursued by the police, but were offered internationally as commercial goods, because doctors and nurses said: this family has jewish blood, austrian citizens with jewish blood

Get out all black deals with race, vmat2/god gene trade, otherwise I'll do millions of euros in black deals, with 100,000,000 euros in capital

after 40 years we are 25%, 25%. there are only gypsies, paki and hindi faces and european gypsies faces. no birth control, eugenia, or nationalism. only 25 percent

there are rare models and dna and race what this girl writes: we know you bastards, iranian, european, austrian american, turkish gang and mafia bastards, capital dogs

ask dutch parliament about 10 million euro packet help for fedayin party. black stasi cyber terror money

there are no more leftists in europe america iran, only armed mafia gangs that with the help of cia, nsa, mossad and MI6 have become thieves and gang stalker projects. the iranian fedaiyn aksariat aghaliat, peykar, toudeh and 42 other parties are all capital whores, dogs and bastards in international solidarity against god genes or vmat2. ask dutch parliament about 10million euro packet help for fedayin. or to toudeh and others. where do these people have to do with politics or activism

I always get a white hair in my nose because Austria stinks. today i said: as the mark of honor continue to grow

8 million country with its rich fascists, exploiters and monkeys (got rich through looting and theft): who kills, killer race is fully human, who does not is an animal

armed struggle in ghassemloo apartment was looting theft and exploitation by austrian state and police, secret services, with the excuse: the kurd was armenian jew, so we don't answer since that time

doodool paranoia and fear

ihr seid tierfleisch was will das 8 millionen land von 8 milliarden welt!?