Mittwoch, 16. März 2022

gypsy zionism iran

در منابع دیگری آمده‌است که کولی‌ها در عهد ولید بن عبدالملک، خلیفه اموی به ایران و بین‌النهرین آمدند. این کولی‌ها از حوالی رود سند سفلی، به طرف فرات یا دجله آمدند و به محض این که مستقر شدند، به دزدی و راهزنی و قتل پرداختند و راه بصره و بغداد را بستند و قیمت خواربار، بالا رفت و مردم در فشار قرار گرفتند. خلفا ناچار بودند پیوسته سربازانی را برای سرکوبی آن‌ها بفرستند. سرداران مأمون از این مردم شکست خوردند و معتصم، سرلشکری عرب به نام عجیف را که مورد اعتمادش بود مأمور سرکوبی کولی‌ها کرد و بالاخره در سال ۲۲۰ ه‍.ق توانست راه‌های ارتباطی آن‌ها را ببندد و آن‌ها را وادار به تسلیم کند. مردم بغداد که از این پیروزی بسیار شاد شده بودند، با دیدن کولی‌ها که وادارشان کرده بودند با لباس‌های مخصوص خود در قایق‌هایی بنشینند و ساز بزنند و آواز بخوانند، شاهد انتقال آن‌ها به خانقین و سپس به مرزهای سوریه بودند. کولی‌ها هر جا رفتند گاومیش‌هایشان را هم بردند و می‌توان گفت که تکثیر گاومیش در خاور نزدیک و اروپا به دست کولی‌ها بوده‌است.[

gypsy zionism iran

40 years of ayatollah regime eugenics and gene politics: we need to know who is plundering what, tehran bazaar is gypsy network zionism

800 gramm against darkforce attac, whore of babylon. 26 sets for crystal art photos

turquoise and coral meaning: the answer is in austria, underground, the root and philosophyand mythology

judges are only 4000 euros salary civil servants, there are students like haystacks. worth less than politicians, corruption and stasi business with ethnic groups and race is a state crime, ayatullahs crime. it must be punished, be it 2000 judges. i am rare genes and race with 38 projects and 16 jobs. i am master race

austria sorts refugees genetically, bad genes, good genes and vmat2. because the country does not need mercy, empathy and humanity for race struggle and final solution, only animals

mohsen karimi has been supported by the police since 2008 because of amiri's criminal race trade

45% of the Iranian refugees are former criminals from Iran, these 45% get asylum after 9 months to 18 months, like my cousin Mohsen Karimi (4 years imprisonment for drug trafficking), and the rest between 2 and 4 years. I've been observing everything since the year 2000. Many don't get asylum after 7 years, the judges only give negative answers.

Dienstag, 15. März 2022

old satanism in vienna austria europe america and israel iran, the root of evil dwells in areas that believe: no one can reach them or visit them LOL

old satanism in vienna austria europe america and israel iran, the root of evil dwells in areas that believe: no one can reach them or visit them LOL

i am a european citizen, i live in a democracy and constitutional state, when judges, police and politicians say despite evidence: we are fascists! then I register fascism and kill you, life is not a piece of paper your life is already the vmat2 life is not

mother fucker asshole nazis: why can he, and does he want to dance like 25 at 47 with a 20 year old girl. inferior race and bastards

i am a european citizen, i live in a democracy and constitutional state, when judges, police and politicians say despite evidence: we are fascists! then I register fascism and kill you, life is not a piece of paper your life is already the vmat2 life is not

walking stick, deer antlers. the philosophy behind it goes as far as prehistory. to this day a walking stick for progress

Do you understand, building these buildings means salary and work, only salary and work cannot afford these apartments, and then zionists and fascists idea: cyberterror, finances loans, finds vmat2 families for robbery, murder and plunder. buy our cheap apartments, with 800,000 euros apartment you are human, vmat2 race not human, only potential

towards home i looked at a building, with the conclusion: our boys and girls, our tribes in europe should not work for apes. europe is our old homeland, our, we are old civilization. was brecht europe? what did the boycott in vienna show!?

Today I bought this Wächtersbacher ceramics, 1839. it made me immediately depressed, it reminded me of Brecht's poems: life in big cities, I sang Leonard Cohen softly for 2 hours, and leafed through Brecht's poem book imaginary.

i've never seen veronika white, i've never had contact with her, but she used me and my siter as advertising posters for her company: i have two jewish children in a spider's web

since 2002 the viennese police and politicians have been installing secret cameras in our shop and apartment and intimate areas with the intention: we are human he is not human., fuck your mother scum evolution and origin

without a death sentence and the electric chair, man, the original, has no chance. see vienna: we need luxury, today through iranian racial annihilation, deliberately called jew for murder business

tiere, killer rasse, abschaum tiere und meuchelmörder

die huren in wien sind wilde meuchelmörder, meuchelmörder tiere, wiener huren, antisemiten und faschisten tiere, tier herkunft mit zwei müllsäcke und ein ratenloch

killer rasse ist minderwertige rasse, abschaum herkunft und gene manipuliert, große teile wiener bevölkerung, abschaum evolution SPÖ, FPÖ, LINKE, GRÜNE, ÖVP

elami god gene, und natural formation stone. Dr. faust. faust.

inferrior austrian neanderthaer race

This woman had 6 million euros in real estate in 2010, she married this dog and traitor to make another 6 million euros Stasi business, for 5 inferior children, Austrian race and 3 grandchildren, inferior race, we brought another 6 million