Mittwoch, 16. März 2022

austrian government says openly as in 1938: we as a race have the right to plunder, isolate and kill other races. with 400,000 millionaires and salaries between 970 and 50,000

Viennese historians have nerves, they are still researching the role of vienna and habsburg in the 30 years war, how was it back then!?, not a brick was touched in vienna.

mother fucker, kill bastard viennese for freedom in the world, kill viennese mother fucker

kiwara, wegen scheiß zigeuner iraner werd i di zeigen wos a jud perser ist du huansau

com to me on saturday baby, nazi dirt pig policeman, i have the black money evidence from you, judengold. europe 21st century. come to me, judengold in the 21st century you austrian animal descent

Three: The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

In Austria there are anti-torture laws with dozens of human rights organizations. There are anti-torture laws in Europe and European human rights conventions, non-stop cameras are torture and attempted murder, therefore: animal origin takes revenge on human origin

austrian government says openly as in 1938: we as a race have the right to plunder, isolate and kill other races. with 400,000 millionaires and salaries between 970 and 50,000

for 2500 years the indo-european race and these fake jews have been fucking our mothers and sisters, alexander the bastard had both, for kidnapping daraios the great family.

this whore and state agent says for the city of vienna i haven't done anything until animals kill me

alle wiener richter sind austrofaschismus, rassen wahnsinnig wie Dr.lenz und fischer. wiener richter sind heinrich gross fans, und judengold liebhaner, judegold sammler, ausbeuter und looter

this woman started illegal hate campaign from 2002, stasi system, psychological and physical terror with international fascism and anti-semitism, the main goal: jews gold and murder

i think the meaning of v 4 is 1954

these judges and police officers from the proletariat have no brains like in 1932, we have a higher education than you, higher position, you get a salary of 1200 to 4000 euros, 14 times a month. we are well trained, i have 38 projects and 16 jobs

i went for a walk today and just kept hearing war, i remember my sister's artwork and the v 4 signature. I thought the unknown artist was a Nostradamus, or what does V4 mean!? definitely a one-off

iranian fight for freedom has only one option, terror against europe, austria and israel, 40 years of genocide, because of bloodline is enough, genocide with gypsy syndicate collective europe america iran

i left this woman in 2017, since then no contact, not even by phone, she is still working for satanism, anti-semitism, fascism, ayatullah's hezbollah and israel. with your whores collective. since 1998 until today supported by cia nsa, iranian secret service, and austrian state. bugs and secret cameras are still used because of vmat2 genes, next to secret cameras. because of race and vmat2 genes

in iran herrscht gypsy zionismus und rassimus, mit hilfe wien und israel. amiris und gharibs sind ein beispiel: verdient geld mit plünderung, in wien in östrreich

ناصر من ریدم به کوس ننت، زن ایرانی وین، باند تبهکار سرور شمس و عاطفه امیری پشم کوس زری هم نبودن، پشم کوس زری، کوس مادر خارکوسده لجن

حاجی کیر جازمن خیلی مهم بود چقدرکلفته، آره!؟ کاتیوشا 16 سانت هم خوب کاتیوشاست دیگه، حالا از جنایت 24 سانت یکم کمتره

gypsy zionism iran

در منابع دیگری آمده‌است که کولی‌ها در عهد ولید بن عبدالملک، خلیفه اموی به ایران و بین‌النهرین آمدند. این کولی‌ها از حوالی رود سند سفلی، به طرف فرات یا دجله آمدند و به محض این که مستقر شدند، به دزدی و راهزنی و قتل پرداختند و راه بصره و بغداد را بستند و قیمت خواربار، بالا رفت و مردم در فشار قرار گرفتند. خلفا ناچار بودند پیوسته سربازانی را برای سرکوبی آن‌ها بفرستند. سرداران مأمون از این مردم شکست خوردند و معتصم، سرلشکری عرب به نام عجیف را که مورد اعتمادش بود مأمور سرکوبی کولی‌ها کرد و بالاخره در سال ۲۲۰ ه‍.ق توانست راه‌های ارتباطی آن‌ها را ببندد و آن‌ها را وادار به تسلیم کند. مردم بغداد که از این پیروزی بسیار شاد شده بودند، با دیدن کولی‌ها که وادارشان کرده بودند با لباس‌های مخصوص خود در قایق‌هایی بنشینند و ساز بزنند و آواز بخوانند، شاهد انتقال آن‌ها به خانقین و سپس به مرزهای سوریه بودند. کولی‌ها هر جا رفتند گاومیش‌هایشان را هم بردند و می‌توان گفت که تکثیر گاومیش در خاور نزدیک و اروپا به دست کولی‌ها بوده‌است.[

gypsy zionism iran

40 years of ayatollah regime eugenics and gene politics: we need to know who is plundering what, tehran bazaar is gypsy network zionism

800 gramm against darkforce attac, whore of babylon. 26 sets for crystal art photos

turquoise and coral meaning: the answer is in austria, underground, the root and philosophyand mythology

judges are only 4000 euros salary civil servants, there are students like haystacks. worth less than politicians, corruption and stasi business with ethnic groups and race is a state crime, ayatullahs crime. it must be punished, be it 2000 judges. i am rare genes and race with 38 projects and 16 jobs. i am master race

austria sorts refugees genetically, bad genes, good genes and vmat2. because the country does not need mercy, empathy and humanity for race struggle and final solution, only animals

mohsen karimi has been supported by the police since 2008 because of amiri's criminal race trade

45% of the Iranian refugees are former criminals from Iran, these 45% get asylum after 9 months to 18 months, like my cousin Mohsen Karimi (4 years imprisonment for drug trafficking), and the rest between 2 and 4 years. I've been observing everything since the year 2000. Many don't get asylum after 7 years, the judges only give negative answers.