Donnerstag, 17. März 2022

rakhsh has forgotten the way to the sun, the relationship is always there. it's only the stasi actors that make you forget

this honor was luristan and elam. berlin vienna london also knew his sister foroogh farokhzad. the terror murder case fereydoon farokhzad is still open today because hussein ali and rahim are friends, old friends. because he and his sister are "natural enemies like 1932"

foroogh farokhzad

Mein Herz ist bedrückt
Mein Herz ist bedrückt,
ich trete auf den Balkon
und meine Finger streichen über die
gespannte Haut der Nacht.
Die Lampen der Beziehung sind erloschen.
Die Lampen der Beziehung sind erloschen.
Niemand wird mich der Sonne vorstellen
Niemand wird mich
zu dem Gastmählern der Spatzen mitnehmen.
Behalte den Flug im Gedächtnis
der Vogel ist sterblich

östrreich sollte nonstop getötet werden, 80 jahre nach nationalsozialismus ist es der einzige ausweg, gibt das rassenfolter und mord auf, huanweiber und mädchen, lasst unsere rasse in ruhe du tier herkunft, du abschaum herkunft

since 1979 vienna has been in business with ayatollahs in racial torture for millions of people

since 2002 vienna: everyone is allowed to earn money with his goods and his shop, he is persian dna jews and we have 4000 gypsy iranians in vienna as support. we earn money with his knowledge and know-how. we the nobody's

hai, hai, hai, heshim sim kha the angle is very important

do you understand: the chain murders in iran was a sign: we have developed further as an evolution and you have developed backwards! how? our 110-160 iq intellectuals have been murdered for 40 years and the palaces have been exchanged with iq 90 gypsies. that's the whole magic........... cyrus race, the great master race......

this fanaticism and racism is state, it is the government. and because of race, because of genes, because of dna, because of origin. dozens of millions of euros have been paid internationally for the silence, the money from the Stasi consumer pot. dozens of millions of euros have been paid for hatred, racial fanaticism and paranoia. fuck the girls animals first then the women animals vienna

آدم با 38 پروژه بره سراغ 7 جدش و جریان های عتیقه جادوگری، یعنی یه لیدا مشایخی تو شهرش زندگی میکنه که خیلی خارکوسدست، این سرور دهاتی کولی جریمه داره، رو حساب ما زندگی ساختن جریمه سنگین داره

natural formation, antique myrrh, our enemies., häupl, spö övp leftists, greens bastards. atheist scum and animals

original persian native race also lit incense and myrrh for new year's ritual. with the signal for enemies: we are human, you are scum. you also ritually killed this child of ours, you scum

چاکرم، سالی یک روزه

since 1980 islamic republic of iran has been handing out death sentences, when the vmat2 native race encounters the gypsy regime politically critical. Gypsies have no intellect, only native races, the country has been ruled by Gypsies for 40 years, without intellectuals

austrian secret services and spö övp, michael häupl: slightest attack in my direction because of death sentence from iran and i kill 500 underage austrian bastards

it's too late, mobilize against austria, they will kill you every day and in the next 20 years they will exterminate the native race, native race

the austrian regime and iran: the arian people have the right to earn money from the jews race without investing a cent, who should be burned like animals? scum race or creation!?

80.000.000 sollten diese 8 millionen ficken, spö, övp, fpö, grüne und alle linke. das sind evolutions tiere und wir das original, weg mit tiere, 2 weltkriege und ukraine ist genug, weg mit austro tiere

Vienna plundered 8 billion euros from mohammed reza pahlavi, and says: sell secret jews families in iran, that's a way out of poverty and the financial crisis

1979, austro-fascism came to iran, khomeini was only an indian and servant because of genocide. since 1979, 8 billion euros of national capital have been frozen in austrian banks, the iranian embassy talks about 4 billion.frozen because of "human rights violations in iran"

من کیرم تو کوس ننه هرچی هندی پاکستانی کولی اجنبی با آخوند و چوس الله و سپاه، مادر کونده های خارکوسده نژاد فروش، دلال های انسان کوسکش مادرها

kitschy gypsy life iran, and school in luristan for native children. no one has 2000 euros for a school facility

iranian gypsies, romano race, indoaryan race amiris, naderis, shams, gharibs and others are getting rich by murdering the jews, ali and mojtaba khamenei ahmadinejad say in solidarity with vienna and berlin: native iranians are jews

in tehran, babol gypsies become millionaires, rich tehran children, through genocide. in vienna, rahim amiri, the clan and naderis become millionaires through theft, burglary, theft of keys and pimping

psychopathic vienna and european gypsy iranian: we found jews for torture, nobody knows that luri elami crossing is more jew than israel

fucking turks und arabs, fuck the children of israelis in europe and america because of palestine and libanon, dirty liars and animals, what the fuck is this, you fake muslim you animal origin

victim of ali gharib, azadeh amiri, hussein gharib, rahim amiri soroor shams: torture business for international antisemitism, fucking european and american networks, with UNO and amnesty international, the dervish is jude, jude