Sonntag, 20. März 2022

truest statistics mother fucker cia and nsa

in prehistory our laws of nature were different, we had variety, going up in the air or vertical, horizontal had a meaning

wer unter folter terror, faschismus, mordversuch schimpft, nehmlich den täter als tier und abschaum herkunft, drecksau, huansau tier rasse evolution und scheißdreck rasse, handelt aus leid, notwehr und hilfslosigkeit

austrofascism should eat my shit by the spoonful and my piss as juice in order to get acquainted with my 38 projects. they prefer to swallow glock bullets

being a doctor and medic no matter in which branch doesn't mean not being a nazi, in hospitals there are thousands in collectives like the judges and police officers, they are secretly looking for heir genes dna and vmat2 to throw into the circle of wolves for psychological stasi murder games . these are the children of nazi doctors2. and 3rd generation. Jews concentration camp games in social system

this is the daughter in washington, tara khonjmanesh. she was killed by bastard austrians and germans in america, bastard meat in UNO cia nsa fbi and homland security, after double degree. today the stalker of rana farahani

my grandmother after visiting mecca, vienna says jew, muslim or not, jew, we have laboratory reports

do you understand: the amiris and shams are worthless shit and they earned money like worthless shit, that's what the aryan race in vienna proves: we are shit compared to you. 1200 to 4000 euros salaries

the world intrigue from the 15th century: naming old bloodline and civilization with religion, not for protection, but for mass murder. what does race and origin have to do with religion!? there is only old race and new man

Also sprach zarathusta und a wiener bekam gusta, gema gema wü hob'n so vü schuster, heas bei dera sand komisch die muster. 6 millionen

logical Sci-fi scene in smoke. tablet camera

elam/luristan and darkforce animals djinns

tablet photo raw, myrrh and franklin incense. resilience!

SPÖ Heinrich Gross wrote in his research between 1938 and 1945 about: oriental resilience and physical defenses. why!? because 80% of the jews, half jews and quarter jews, were immigrants in 1920 from the orient

Also sprach zarathustra, ältere juden

im Februar 1932 überreichte Hitler Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche in Weimar einen Rosenstrauß. Nietzsches Schwester revanchierte sich später, indem sie Hitler Nietzsches Spazierstock schenkte. Nietzsche wurde jedoch weder in öffentlichen noch in privaten Reden Hitlers erwähnt, der Nationalsozialismus beschränkte sich in dieser Hinsicht auf symbolische Gesten.

1934 wurde Nietzsches Also sprach Zarathustra im Grabgewölbe des Tannenberg-Denkmals neben Alfred Rosenbergs Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts und Hitlers Mein Kampf niedergelegt.

minderwertige abschaum herkunft du bastard östrreicher du affe

viennese leftists and green animals with SPÖ michael animal häupl 2002: in kefalonia they were on mountains, in vienna there is only kahlenberg, with several victories

Organisiertes Stalking / Netzwerk-Stalking ist eine Form des Terrorismus, der gegen eine Person eingesetzt wird, um in böswilliger Absicht die Lebensqualität einer Person erheblich zu verringern, sie psychisch zu destabilisieren, zu isolieren, ihr körperlich zu schädigen und finanziell zu ruinieren um sie letztendlich in den Selbstmord zu treiben.
Dies geschieht mit umfangreichen Lügenkampagnen, Gerüchten, falschen Ermittlungen, Einschüchterungen, offenen oder verdeckten Drohungen, Vandalismus, Diebstählen, Sabotage, Folter, Demütigung, emotionalem Terror und allgemeiner Belästigung.
Es ist eine Zusammenkunft von Polizeibeamten und anderen Regierungsmitarbeitern, die einem Organisator folgen und an einer systematischen Terrorisierung eines Individuums teilnehmen.
In vielen Fällen geht das Stalking einher mit permanenter Strahlenfolter.

Samstag, 19. März 2022

why is the regime killing tens of thousands, and why is vienna doing this action with an innocent family? with america, israel europe, UNO, and amnesty!? and you worry about war and ukraine?, bastard asshole

12 branches and tribes ahura mazda, god genes and health power, magic power., elam rock art and luristan atrefacts

stupid assholes to this day, we are the original you are fake, bastard rich children and networks

magic race, 3 persian kings race

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. 
*******These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity******

you understand, an austrian has to practice the violin for 20 years to reach perfection, i only one year when i start, and become a world hit with new techniques. this is the evolution and creation problem

wiener polizei elite und geheimdienste wollen die wohnung stürmen, uns töten wie diebe und plünderer tiere 1938, wegen einfache steine, Kunstgegenstände für ali khamenei, wie tiere und abschaum, wie drecksau tiere

austrians are trash heads, killers., and the ukrainian refugees mafia, 80,000 network mafia or more. These trashheads have always been vmat2 killers, and always will be. only from 1945: secret world intrigue and murderer.

the austrians and nazi iranians are in abnormal and dirty 1932 anti-semitism and the international court and lawyers say: 20 years has not been in europe, the databases are clean, where are the evidence

haven't had sex for five years because every woman is afraid of being filmed by the police and the state, that's torture, physical torture with secret cameras. vatican read this you without empathy animal with synagogues and mosques

haven't had sex for five years because every woman is afraid of being filmed by the police and the state, that's torture, physical torture with secret cameras. vatican read this you without empathy animal with synagogues and mosques

والا امام علی 300 تا کیر ساک زن داشت همه هم از نژاد دختر آخوند، هنوز هم علی خامنه میگه حلال است، کوسکش ما نژادش هستیم بیشرف برای ما دختر های شما حرام است!؟ شوخی باسید؟ آقا سید؟ پول هم میدادیم تازه. بیناموس ها، آقا شما با این اتریشی آلمانی ها خاله دختر و خاله پسر هستید، گائیدید مارو، کیرم تو ژرمان و ایندو ژرمان

I haven't had sex for five years because every woman is afraid of being filmed by the police and the state, that's torture, physical torture with secret cameras. vatican read this you without empathy animal with synagogues and mosques

what hitler meant by the 3rd Reich, and today vienna and berlin are trying: everything should become evolutionistically paranormal. even churches, mosques and synagogues and temples. raw tablet photo, viennese stone sculpture