Sonntag, 20. März 2022

good morning. today is 21.03.2022

i live in europe not in iran, but killing people because of their ethnicity, genetics, race, dna, and politics is a tradition. in iran there are courts, in europe clandestine networks, basement fascism and unofficial death sentences from doctors, judges, secret services, politicians, social workers, upper class, nurses and civil servants,

the americans are more dangerous and mother fuckers than the iranian and austrian governments. other thieves with "yes we can fuck the world" politics slogan. vmat2 world

the stone collection of my sisters are vmat2 stones, phenomena, prophet stones and have become very important in iran, 40 years of looting wasn't enough and today iranian embassy, emam ali mosque and iranian government are forcing the police to loot the stones. blackmail because of 20 years camera stasi murder system

کلاه نمدی ن. ه. نه. نه. نه

خلاصه حاجی آقا، عرفان و منطق نه ن ه ن ه ن ه، انرژی ن. ه. ن. ه. ن. ه

viennese police and intelligence service "as in ghassemloo case": if the police want to enter the apartment illegally then i have the right to kill thieves

حزب کونی من 20 ساله حال گیرم، مادر جنده ها، کدومتون از پس من 15 سال تو پالتالک بر اومد، حزب وسازمان جنده کونی، بیا ترجمه، میگه چی؟ تو کونی یا من کونی!؟ اوا، فسیل، خارکوسده، کیرم تو کدوم کون رفته به توچه، بیا تحلیل مادر سگ

آقا هرچی کوسده مادر لجن، هرچی آشغال پهن ایرانی وین زندگی میکنه، ازجمله فعالین حقوق بشر، ندا دادند به بیدادگاه، به دادگاه انقلاب وین: باربد را بکشید، پول الف خرس نیست، ما کاسب بودیم با این نژاد. به کوس ننه حزب توده، سازمان اکثریت، حزب کمونیست کارگری و حزب دمکرات کردستان، جبهه ملی

courts of justice in vienna have become revolutionary courts like iran in 1980 with gypsy iranians. kill with lies and hide evidence with toudeh and aksariat and other indo-european race

120.000 menschen wurden ermordet, minderheiten werden sogar heute noch, bis nach wien, berlin, Paris und amerika verfolgt, und scheiß drecksau arschloch kind wiener richter, minderwertige östrreicher sagt: wir sind mit unsere ayatullah freunde uns einig, diese familie und alle anderen in den letzten 40 jahren waren keine menschen

azadeh amiri und familie amiri/shams/naderi und iranische zigeuner sind arische rasse, ich bin jude und deshaob wird niemand verurteilt, ja. folter und mordversuch du arische rasse, folter, minderheiten verfolgung und mordversuch du arische rasse, du arische rasse

i seh ka adler, des ist a wappler, i seh ka ente er ist a trottel sagt peter wende, revolution ist keine wende, weil wir sehen nie eine ente, ente ist wende, wer zahlt dann unsere rente

diese huankinder sind krank, huankind bastard fleisch ist mit iraner krank, abschaum fleisch ist krank, wir sehen nichts, wir sehen nichts, wir sehen nichts, abschaum hure und affe ist krank. niemand kopiert deine seiten, es gibt keine andere portale. huansau drecksau ötzi ist krank wegen vmat2. abschaum fleisch und blut, evolution ist krank

was östrreich nicht verstehen will, diese fickerei wien ahmadinejad und juden ist seit 2002, ahmadinejad und wiener antisemitismus mit amiris, wiener oberschicht ist bastard fleisch, bastard tier fleisch, huankinder bastarde, neanderthaler abschaum rasse

hi prehistoy dad, the new dad is crazy, because of heinrich gross chimicals

i will fuck your mother with mossad until you say: your fathers were the fuckers of our mothers in prehistory, that's why we are intelligent

truest statistics mother fucker cia and nsa

in prehistory our laws of nature were different, we had variety, going up in the air or vertical, horizontal had a meaning

wer unter folter terror, faschismus, mordversuch schimpft, nehmlich den täter als tier und abschaum herkunft, drecksau, huansau tier rasse evolution und scheißdreck rasse, handelt aus leid, notwehr und hilfslosigkeit

austrofascism should eat my shit by the spoonful and my piss as juice in order to get acquainted with my 38 projects. they prefer to swallow glock bullets

being a doctor and medic no matter in which branch doesn't mean not being a nazi, in hospitals there are thousands in collectives like the judges and police officers, they are secretly looking for heir genes dna and vmat2 to throw into the circle of wolves for psychological stasi murder games . these are the children of nazi doctors2. and 3rd generation. Jews concentration camp games in social system

this is the daughter in washington, tara khonjmanesh. she was killed by bastard austrians and germans in america, bastard meat in UNO cia nsa fbi and homland security, after double degree. today the stalker of rana farahani

my grandmother after visiting mecca, vienna says jew, muslim or not, jew, we have laboratory reports

do you understand: the amiris and shams are worthless shit and they earned money like worthless shit, that's what the aryan race in vienna proves: we are shit compared to you. 1200 to 4000 euros salaries

the world intrigue from the 15th century: naming old bloodline and civilization with religion, not for protection, but for mass murder. what does race and origin have to do with religion!? there is only old race and new man

Also sprach zarathusta und a wiener bekam gusta, gema gema wü hob'n so vü schuster, heas bei dera sand komisch die muster. 6 millionen