Donnerstag, 24. März 2022

ghazvin zigeuner dörfer wurden von Sir. robert aufgebaut, geburtsort von ali und hussein gharib. home invasions in 21. jahrhundert in wien ist die alte freundschaft und bekanntschaft

european network nazi terrorism, vmat2 mass murder plan should understand, in war vmat2 is more ingenious, also in retaliation

vmat2 murders are planned after financial actions, with society and networks: stasi black money real estate purchases, luxury life motivates and ambitious for vmat2 family murders, and it is called democracy and the rule of law

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i just remembered and these two pages of jose y gasset. the fact that he appeals to talent is an example of the impertinence of european psychopathy

in the 1960s, the children from a school for the highly gifted were taken to a forest, the children were never seen again. highly gifted in europe. 38 projects, 16 professions, 24 system constellations. the answer lies in forests, 15 to 30 meters below ground


i saved this piece from the landfill, for leftists and greens and spö scum it's garbage, the space in their illegal apartments and houses full of ikea furniture. for me: a piece of bertold brecht depression and a poem

3 Austrian passports, and green leftists, the right-wing parties and others, UNO, amnesty international and zara: we only have god genes family, worth nothing, the environment is more important, we are environmentalists

i write for a joke every day: an ötzi walks by and says: we have so many folk costumes and the buttons are nicer, that's worth nothing

the tragic thing is: the phenomenon jinn and pari are 2 people who nest as citizens in a city, one works a lot and the other talks a lot, the paranormality and the behavior of society has been the same for 5000 years, lynching. paranormal lynching and hatred

i got a love today, my sister is great. an ancient ring against djinn and pari, a shield. I didn't care vintage or antique, silver or no silver, it's a love and protection, the patina is perfect

Grüne anti vmat2 und Gott Gene Nazis, Rassenmörder kollektive in EU

I am god Gene from iran, VMAT2. austrians, Green Party, leftists, FPÖ, SPÖ,ÖVP ARE GOD GENE KILLERS

Grüne anti vmat2 und Gott Gene Nazis, Rassenmörder kollektive in EU

Mittwoch, 23. März 2022

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i have 38 projects for me and my family, 24 systematic work for my prosperity and 16 professions as a creation

The Main Ambition 1920 and the Mass Murder Plan, Area 51: why does vmat2 only do business and not work. we have to make progress, work sets you free, after 1945 there was rapid technological development, even a trip to the moon.

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my tablet editing 2019, hyronimus bosch, the light over the light, gene and dna

tablet editing, the light over the light and whore of babylon next to the light

i have 38 projects for me and my family, 24 systematic work for my prosperity and 16 professions as a creation

viennese psychopathy and stalking: the house where azadeh amiri lived was marked in 2012, with alon and the eye, how many alon are there among 15 million jews? genetic alon, and how many in iran!? 20 million? under 15 million 10%!?

i love natural formation wood, haji is still with me, 3 months of development

europ knows vmat2, and the metaphysics of vmat2 life. international multi action stalking because of: metaphysics and starting a family

das sind europäische ahrimanische tiere, heute noch in wien mit ahrimanische finanzwirtschaft: vmat2 ausbeutung und tötung, abschaum gaskammer rasse 3.generation und tiere, abschaum stasinazi ahrimanische tiere gegen vmat2