Montag, 28. März 2022

vienna establishes with all its human rights organizations and activists: vmat2 deserves no human rights and no civil rights

this is racial torture with cia and nsa dirty mother fucker asshole white house

nur müll und abschaum sammelt geld für rassenfolter, nur müll und abschaum nach 1945 nach 80 jahren, nur abschaum rasse und müll, affenrasse und tierische rasse. vmat2 gold, judengold, du abschaum herkunft du drecksau huansau herkunft, evolution bastard huankind

Uno and amnesty animals: kill us we are ready to die for vmat2 judengold, judengold, vmat2 gold. dirty mother fucker scum and garbage race, garbage race in UNO city and amnesty, garbage origin evolution

in UNO and Amnesty in international courts sit europe's animals, europe's garbage and animals, scum origin, animals. dirty shit, dirty shit europe and europe's animals, dirty shit in UNO

international judges and prosecutors and UNOare using hide evidence, in iranian vmat2 business, torture business behind secret cameras, consumers

fpö ist neben spö ahmadinejad und juden antisemitismus, ich werde beweise holen wegen rana farahani. holocaust konferenz 2006!!!

هرچی دروغ و رسوایی در دین و آئین است زیر سر این دوتا موش مردست. جون تو، رفتیم اسلام رو اوردیم، باز با بیل از قرن 1500 میلادی پریدن وسط. مادر قحبه های دینی سیاسی دهاتی، ولمون نمیکنن، زرتشتی قرمز هستیم میگیم مخلص اسلام، دردشون اینجاست که چرا هنوز ما میگیم یا علی

i almost wanted to buy this on saturday, on credit, then i said: that's anti-semitic from jacub krelli, i don't need it, alhamdulilah i'm a muslim iranian, not an adam and my siter even not eve with love to djinns

anti vmat2 movement leftists and greens. animals

since 1986 no police files, criminal records and court files, only nazis, atheists pigs and anti vmat2 movement leftists and greens. animals

with michael häupl and israel america, islamic republic iran, austro-fascism has returned with the claim that we have the right to concentration camps, with reforms, social benefits

wiener ist abschaum und drecksau amerikaner sagt: töt ma alle, geh ma geh ma kz hama, hurenkind östrreicher abschaum herkunft

was my aunt pregnant you bastard race in america, scum origin, mother fucker with ali ali terrorist, mother fucker bastard american with ali ali gypsy terrorist

Rambo in Afghanistan was an episode where I thought to myself: this bow and arrow is boring, my bow and arrow would be a spaceship enterprise idea with simple things. so fuck you and your mother cia and nsa, a, a a a stying alive a. a. a. a., staying alive, staying alive... haaaaa hahah, haaa staying alive

vienna is europe europe is vienna with this message: we fuck your mothers and sisters, your families if you show talent potential and nobel laureate potential. these animals also live in america. my killed aunt washington 1989-1999

na geh, ehrli woar, du neanderthaler stück

we live in a world where worthless blood is made valuable and precious blood worthless for exploitation

arische rasse: Über 80% aller Österreicher sind mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben auf Medikamente aus Blutplasma angewiesen.

hey atheists pigs wiener scum animals:jesus combined his blood with: spices, fruit, vegetables and chemicals, opium and verjuce and healed the sick and blind, that only worked with his blood, the liberated patriarchs from hades hell were not enthusiastic about it either

dozens of thousands of animals are infected with hiv in vienna, we have one blood, and someone said: my blood is the salvation of mankind. that means you can produce medicines "who drinks his blood"

for 10 years i have had myself examined 12 times, because of physical torture vienna spread internationally: he is sick with hiv, hepatitis and suffers from venereal disease. For 5 years Vienna was worse than before. because of vmat2 starting a family

austrian state: we have been killing inside iran vmat2 for 40 years and today nobody cares if we kill iranians outside iran with gypsies, we have nice clean statistics with cia and nsa

if iranian terrorism gets too close to me then there will be clubs, knives and steel nails, the austrian state is on lynching mode, whoever dies is their own fault.I'm disabled and of unsound mind, scared to death and paranoia sick

see: vmat2 is standing and vmat1 is lying LOL

Alcohol consumption and fear is genetic, creation. also in iran, there is a difference who drinks

ali and hussein gharib drink a bottle of vodka together when the night is long, also in iran. mojtaba and ali khamenei larijanis and zarif, iranian embassy say these people are our people, from ghazvin gypsy village. who is executed and tortured with whips in iran?