Mittwoch, 30. März 2022

2019 you pehen, you nobody. tablet editing. 500.000 euro equipment!?

the persian word pehen is used for nobodies, inferior people.Vienna tried to achieve that with nasser Farahani, with a million euros from the Stasi. pehen is Nasser veronika and austrian bastard nazi lucifer state. we are produktive you pehen

sibylle is gene dna, race, old zivilisation human

today with my family, thef, looting, attamped murder, nonstop cameras, humiliation, isolation lynching

SIBYLLE ARTIFACTS ELAM........ rana farahani is in mortal danger because of MICHAEL HÄUPL SPÖ, UNO, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL.... fucking iranians and iranian regime, innocent and apolitical only because of anti-semitism, racism vmat2 and fascism

we were in vienna, therefore genocide on greek islands, and today vienna establishes international lynching. with my VMAT2 sister and mother. rana also sees a lot

So between Sybille and Elams Libelle, there was close contact at the time, with love and thanks with all the cups in the cupboard. today Sybille is an esotericist anti-vaccination but only reading glasses. just a pair of glasses, nothing else

dreckige bastard müll österreich, vmat2 folterer und killer., bastard müll östrreich

heas huansau michi woan i des zu leben erweck, doaunn bi i raif, ur raif, doann fick di und dain oarsch g'sichter hawaras, doan is oills egal

shitty government, no matter which coalition wants to destroy us all, with monkey clowns like Kurz HC häupl Faymann Chap or other blonde bastard monkeys

ja ja, die libelle.......... meine arbeit, meine, meine editing meine nix deine

Das Krafttier Libelle verbindet uns mit der Geistesenergie und den Tiefen der Seele. Wenn uns Selbsttäuschung schwächt, stärkt die Magie der Libellen die Entscheidungskraft für Veränderungen. Schamanische Krafttiere sind geistige Geschöpfe in Tiergestalt, die sich ihren Menschen selbst erwählen. Die Berater, Führer und Beschützer aus der Anderswelt besitzen starke Kräfte. Wenn du dein persönliches Seelentier entdecken möchtest, bietet sich z.B. ein Krafttier Orakel an. In schamanischen und nordamerikanischen Kulturkreisen ist der Glaube an Tier-Schutzgeister und Kraftorte fester Bestandteil des Heilungssystems. Die Wurzeln des Schamanismus reichen in die Zeit vor 40.000 Jahren zurück. Schamanen reisen in die jenseitigen Ober- und Unterwelten, um dort die Tiergeister zu treffen. In ihrer Weisheit als geistige Lehrer sensibilisieren Seelentiere die Wahrnehmung und fördern die Selbsterkenntnis. Das Krafttier Libelle ist ein Geschöpf voller Liebreiz, das an Elfen und Feen erinnert. Die wunderschönen Insekten in irisierenden Farben sind fabelhafte Flieger, die blitzschnell ihre Richtung ändern können. In der Krafttier Libelle Bedeutung schenken die Licht- und Wasserwesen transformierende Klarheit durch ihre holistische Perspektive - Libellen sind zu einem 360-Grad-Blick fähig.

diese huren und ihre kinder sind traditionelle vmat2 mörder, kulturell, traditionell, rituelle killer, vmat2 mörder. diese abschaum rasse mit richter kollektive

i just walked past a murderess, a viennese animal, calls herself a woman, with a garbage container between her legs and 2 hanging garbage bags. Whore and scum race, mid 60s, I just said pig, pig, the same whore as Sebastian Kurz's mother

beautiful easter catholic church, studying for masturbating? in your class and level in vienna? or for.....

Dienstag, 29. März 2022

police has testicles and i bought 3 easter eggs yesterday, the wolf and the sheep, i have to buy good camera, i am ruined because of vmat2

100 meters away from me an Iranian has 800 grams of cocaine stones, good quality, the customers are ORF and hospitals, 2 kilometers away from me another Iranian has 2 kilos of crystal meth stones, he has more customers, there is a bin of opium in Vienna, and the judges, politicians and police secret services, want to storm the apartment because of the natural formation stones

israel and vatican, only on my hands does the truth come out. without lying and hiding

book of moses, the true genesis, gold plating, the truth, original, not manipulated by ahrimanic darkforce. i will find it in vienna

dirty judges, nazi judges, evolution monkey, vmat2 stones. scene: red dragon dynasti and ahrimanic monkey creation

after 18 years of work in iran and 15 years in vienna, the austrian state and parliament, police and judges, secret services used all possible methods and 1932 models of torture against my mother and sister. because of vmat2

the editing is worth nothing it is from vmat2. animal state and government austria dirty bastard breed austrians, politicians and members of parliament., bastard blond neanderthaler Kurz, scum origin, neonazi animal kurz and häupl

science says there are bad genes and good genes, positive and negative, responsible for character. hannibal genes, killer genes, mass murderer genes, sadism genes, pedophile genes, psychopathy and torturer genes. I say to all shit genes. ahrimanic creation, whoever tortures and laughs and feels joy is shit genes, shit race tribe and origin. vienna 1938, leftists greens tribe and race and vmat2

ژن کیری ژن عن، ننه جنده ایرانی وین، کوس مادر بمیر مادر کونی

Viennese and Europeans are genetic scum psychopathy, what do you want from a mother and daughter without a police record, criminal record and court record, you animal, you fucking shit flesh and blood

austrian government, with sebastian Kurz and häupl, and UNO vienna are breeding iranian killers with financial advantage, in the middle of europe

ژن کیری، عن، ژن عن

مادر جنده،کیر اروپایی رو با دو دست میگیری میزاری تو دهن زنت، دخترت، مادرت با آخوند، بعد میگی چرا امام علی رو آوردید ایران، واسه اینکه تو کوسکشی، خانوم بیاری مادرسگ، بی وجود چندش، بیشرف خار مادر کونی، ننه سگ ایرانی وین، کوس مادر جنده

who did imam ali behead? bastard race austria, esterhazy, häupl secret service agent vienna and police. sasanite artifact and family crest esterhazi, bastard origin scum blonde animals

evidence: vmat2 is killed every day in iran, not just with executions but with chemicals and bacteria. vienna and europe america, israel, turkey say we are proud fascists and vmat2 killers, actually since 1449 with gypsies

this is erdogans, ayatollah's islam, this is israel's judaism and vatican christianity: we have to damage databases with americans, take over international databases and delete everything: we don't lie we hadn't done anything. Fuck all three religions if you are human with these methods

good photo good photo, black wehrmachtsjews black magic israel and great persia, good photo, good photo by an Austrian, blond and Aryan

suwad abi with quran against zarathustra, Mr. suwad, zarathustra bad one you good one he? ha? hu? come on suwad abi, ahirman was who? zarathustra was....!? 🤔 i am zarathustra race abii, zarathustra race old abi, creation suwad abi